"Let the meta develop first"

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I see ANet mentioning this and thus the fanbois agree, but as I, and many others have stated before. How do you let a high-end meta develop when premades are facing pugs in tournaments for 90+% of the matches?

For example last night I was messing around with ranger, 2nd day playing one in pvp. Ran into a team queuing as 4, we won that tourney. Joined up with them and queued for I think 5 or 6 more tourneys. We won every tourney except one where we faced a full guild premade (AC) who beat us 500-300 or something in the 2nd round. First off we shouldn’t have faced them until the finals, second, how do you develop a game plan to counter them when chances are we won’t see them or any other high end team again the rest of the night?

I could run any random 5 classes and be on voice chat and win 90% of tournaments so how do you develop meta? Oh this setup allows us to win 500-50 vs 500-100, lets tweak it.

They seriously need to add some form of match making FIRST before anything else.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


It’s been said they are working on that. I can’t imagine that isn’t far from their actual priority.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


You make a valid point. The meta would develop a lot faster if people were playing teams around their skill level. But there are still some bug fixes that need to happen first. There is supposed to be a blog out soon (hopefully today since its Friday) that might give us a timeline or idea of what’s going to be happening with spvp.

One thing I dont agree with js how you said you should have played AC in the last round. There is no way of knowing that. Matchmaking or ranks wouldn’t change that. You can’t know the rankings of other teams or how your seated in the tourney. The higher rank teams dont always win. I once got stomped by Super Squad (probably impostors) in the first round. Just luck of the draw.

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I meant if there were rankings they could seed each tournament, so if the two highest rated premades do not meet until the finals. If us and AC were the only 2 premades out of those 8 teams there should be a system to seed us accordingly.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


If you’re winning against all other teams and suddenly gets stomped by a guild team, that means you faced noob teams, which is mostlikely in a game that is lkess than one month old. It takes half a year to develop a metagame. And this meta may be a polymorphic metagame if balancers don’t exercise firmness and easily give in to whines etc. You winning against noob teams and getting stomped by a guild team is not related to metagame really but an indication of the discrepancy of skill level.

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


I think its funny that all of us players have clearly already created a meta, and anet developers still dont see any. If they’d play their game in pvp for longer than their coffee break they’d see one already.

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


If you’re winning against all other teams and suddenly gets stomped by a guild team, that means you faced noob teams, which is mostlikely in a game that is lkess than one month old. It takes half a year to develop a metagame. And this meta may be a polymorphic metagame if balancers don’t exercise firmness and easily give in to whines etc. You winning against noob teams and getting stomped by a guild team is not related to metagame really but an indication of the discrepancy of skill level.

grats on missing the entire point. The whole point is without match making we face noob teams 90% of the time. If we faced guild teams in the 2nd and 3rd round of every tournament we would be able to fine tune a specific game plan with specific class roles.

TLDR: Why bother trying to develop specific roles/game plans when you can only reliably test in 1 out of every 50 games.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

(edited by Sprawl.3891)

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


You didn’t get the point either. Even there’s a matchmaking existing if the player pool is gonna be the same then you changed nothing. This is a new game and most of the players are still getting used to it or just trying stuffs or maybe they take time to mature. There are fast learners and slow learners. Add to the pool the talented ones which most likely is the guild that you faced. Development of the meta takes time and it warrants that all efficient possible builds are fielded and are tried and tested. Now, only ther flavors are being played and there are still lots of build combinations that are not yet made.

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


But there’s no way to know if you and AC were the highest rated teams in that tourney. You are just assuming that all other teams were pugs and you met AC in the second round. Maybe after AC beat you, they played Team Paradigm in the third round. (I know TP is EU and its not going to happen, but it was just an example.)

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: okplayer.8510


most premades are pretty bad. you can win with a pug

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


You didn’t get the point either. Even there’s a matchmaking existing if the player pool is gonna be the same then you changed nothing. This is a new game and most of the players are still getting used to it or just trying stuffs or maybe they take time to mature. There are fast learners and slow learners. Add to the pool the talented ones which most likely is the guild that you faced. Development of the meta takes time and it warrants that all efficient possible builds are fielded and are tried and tested. Now, only ther flavors are being played and there are still lots of build combinations that are not yet made.

right but you cant try and test builds if you are facing pugs 90% of your matches.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


But there’s no way to know if you and AC were the highest rated teams in that tourney. You are just assuming that all other teams were pugs and you met AC in the second round. Maybe after AC beat you, they played Team Paradigm in the third round. (I know TP is EU and its not going to happen, but it was just an example.)

Of course there is no way to know that was just an example and reason for seeding.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Xahz.8406


this meta may be a polymorphic metagame


"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Bnol.8732


You didn’t get the point either. Even there’s a matchmaking existing if the player pool is gonna be the same then you changed nothing. This is a new game and most of the players are still getting used to it or just trying stuffs or maybe they take time to mature. There are fast learners and slow learners. Add to the pool the talented ones which most likely is the guild that you faced. Development of the meta takes time and it warrants that all efficient possible builds are fielded and are tried and tested. Now, only ther flavors are being played and there are still lots of build combinations that are not yet made.

Except for the fact that you will face higher skilled teams more often because of a matchmaking/ranking system.

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


The tourney system provides you an estimate that the team you’ll be facing in the last round is as skilled as you since they also beat 2 teams just like you. But if you indeed want to face skilled teams, wait for community or guild sponsored tourneys in customized tourney srrvers/private servers where the best of the best will surely be invited. And I believe that this is arriving to follow.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)