Let us be able to take out spvp gear to pve
there are no stats on spvp items if you missed it only runes, sigils (which are +- the same as in pve) and amulet/jewel (which provides much more stats then pve items)
it means you cant take them out of spvp…
and some skins are much harder to get in pve then in spvp and vice versa, it wouldnt be fair to take it from one to other…
I don’t get that notion of “fair”. I spend hours playing the same game as PvE players. Moreover, PvP level up is low (for the non-hardcore gamers) and I find that extremely annoying that I can get only new armor tier every 10 levels…
Not that I care as I don’t do PvE but I can understand why PvP players doing PvE are fustrated.
(edited by Lailendil.1540)
It would be nice to be able to transfer skins.
I play to pvp, but it’d be nice to be able to show off my sexy pvp skins while doing random dungeons with friends on occasion.
And this idea would be even better if there were any pvp skins. :P
let us be able to take out certain things from spvp to pve, wvw. Like runes, skins, or accesories. I’ve noticed that there are certain stats in spvp armor that are not in pve armors. I’d like to be able to take, if not runes or skins, but those certain stats as well (i.e power, precision, vitality).
If we need to use glory to purchase it I wouldn’t mind at all since I don’t really use it anyways.
sure but they can only be used cosmetically or with transmute
and speaking of they need a better system that lets you change the appearance of your gear
I do only pvp. Its frustrating that no mater how much you play pvp, you got nothing in pve. Like exp, or money, or anything. heh… anyway, why i don’t do pve?
Simple. Why i play MMO? because i like player killing. Real players and not NPC.
And the thing that there no duels in pve and no battle ground on pve maps. just disapoints me. And I’m not motivated to play a single player game in a multiplayer game. And still don’t get why we can’t have mounts or flying mounts if we want them :/.
and why we cant have duels in pve and open battle grounds in pve. and PK.
This is what made the history on mmo.
Its ok to change into something better, but don’t forget what you are. A mmo and no a singlerplayer game, with a option of multyplayer fights against each other. This reminds me of COD, with swords and bows.
And my perssonal opinion not that is not ok for me, is that there is to much relay on others.
I don’t regret buying this game, is just that is not what i expected in certain ways.
And ps.
Rangers are overpowered!!!! machine gun is less deadly then a rangers short bow, traps swords and dagger.
This is just not normal that he shoots fast as light and even go invissible. and is even capable of fighting mele.
SPvP is about testing your skills, not grinding enough cosmetic gear so you can flash it in PvE to show off your kitten. Tons of people played Counterstrike and other games religiously without any ability to customize their characters. They did it for the fun of the individual matches, not for some persistent advancement system.
I’m not saying those games and Guild Wars 2 PvP is the same thing, but you should treat it with a similar essence. You’re not playing sPvP so you can look cooler or expect any benefits in PvE, but because you’re having fun competitively playing the individual matches.
But if it makes you feel better, playing sPvP gives you a chance of getting some crappy 10 slot bags that you can use in PvE.