bunker guard will live again, well, someday
Lets be nicer to Anet guys :D
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
As customers, I’d say we have a right to be frustrated. We bought the game, some of us still pay for things, because we enjoy the game and like to support them, but they have proven to be pretty negligent at times… For instance, since release Moa, simply because it is a “transform” kills all minion pets. Or minions COMPLETELY stop attacking and stand around. Then on the other hand, they take a (broken) spec such as turrets, and with AMPLE warning, completely destroy it, rather than allocating proper resources to improve its design instead. Balance patches went from every few months to every 6 months (granted now they’re focusing primarily on HoT).
Then, after a lot of legitimate reasons to be frustrated, having employees say that their problem is that you write things in a “negative light” and act snarky. You’re kitten right I put something in a negative light when you refuse to do your jobs for very obvious and game breaking issues…
Point being, frustration is natural and frankly, pretty well earned. The game is nearly 3 years old. At this point they shouldn’t have basic skills that are literally completely broken and unresponsive.
I was nice for the first 2 years, I’ve done more than a fair share of write ups and tried reaching out. Anymore, its just annoying to try to get them to recognize that there’s a legit issue without them literally laughing about real problems that have existed in the game for ages.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Yea, I see where you are coming from, I have also played this game for about three years and disappointments have occurred, however, we can still give criticism in a positive light! Devs are always looking for problems that they can fix, but too many problems make them shut down and ignore. Too many problems to deal with at the moment, this new expansion will solve the issue. If us players could just let them know about the most important and"game breaking" problems. (Not crying that someone’s op needs to be nerfed because you couldn’t 1v1 it on point with your glassy kitten one-shot build) The game would have a much more friendly environment. Eventually if all you give out is hate, then all you will receive is hate. The community needs more positive people and less THIS GAME WILL NEVER BE ESPORTS CAUSE ANET SHOVES insert weirdly obscure sexual object here UP MY kitten EVERY UPDATE. Guys just be more light hearted about items or events and the world will be a better place.
-Much love <3
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
Timston I feel sorry for you.
Former Warrior in Guild Wars 2
Former Sith Warrior in SWTOR
Such a pointless and delusional thread.
You guys are prime examples of what is wrong with this community
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
The community of an MMO reflects the ongoing efforts of the people making the game. If you look at FFXIV’s forums and Reddit you’ll find overflowing positivity with a little trolling and QQ.
In GW2…
Hate to say it but I’m starting to think I wasted my money when I got this. The combat system is fun, but what does it matter if the community is so bitter and it takes these developers you want people to be nicer to so long to release content that is heavily bugged upon its release.
Since I’ve joined there has been no action taken on the invisible player bug, floating turrets, and going through the reported bug list is pretty shocking. That’s a lack of effort or manpower on Arenanet’s side, which is not crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s.
The PvE in this game is not impressive at all, the WvW scene is a festering QQfest, and PvP seems like it’s on its way to esports but with so much negativity and drama in its competitive tier that they manage to keep their community small despite their hopes for growth.
GW2 seems like its just a clever cash grab disguised as innovation and achievement, when it’s really just lost potential.
Sorry folks for the negativity, but I think I’m going to keep myself in FFXIV where there’s so much more going on, a much more friendly community, a more competent development team, a better business model, more content, a better story, and a bunch of other reasons.
Former Warrior in Guild Wars 2
Former Sith Warrior in SWTOR
Sunshine, people only go to discuss something if it is not according to their ideology, or alternatively, people will only be here if they have a reason to complain…
If the game was perfect for everyone, no one needed to complain, no?
There are things wrong within PvP and balance, so people complain about it… While I agree that the tone could be different more than often, you also got to remember that there are a plethora of issues since launch that are unadressed, or such obvious bugs (hello midair immob) that it ruins the gameplay completely – and all of these are left without any notes to the community, leaving them frustrated and feeling ignored…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
You guys are prime examples of what is wrong with this community
For sure you don’ t play pvp. You play only pve. Becouse if you played pvp..you would realise how not balanced is this game..look at ranger status in pvp for example.
People who spent money on this game have all the reasons to complain. Of course Always with polite manners.
Moreover for me..you are a prime example of what is wrong with this community
This is a double edged sword issue.
There are some instances that ANET needs some slack given and there are some issues to where they deserve the flaming they are getting. For developers, if you are not obtaining criticism you or your Player Management Team is not doing their job correctly.
If you are not obtaining criticism as a developer, one of three things is going on.
1) You are God and have finally unlocked the secret to eternal happiness
2) Players are bored of your content and don’t care about your work to comment
3) The PR staff is not doing their job by shining light on the negative issues.
More time then not, it’s number 2 with number 3 sprinkled in
Fort Aspenwood
are you guys trying to catch a wild Dev in pvp forums?
You should get a better bait , with more gems and e-sports
This is a double edged sword issue.
There are some instances that ANET needs some slack given and there are some issues to where they deserve the flaming they are getting. For developers, if you are not obtaining criticism you or your Player Management Team is not doing their job correctly.
If you are not obtaining criticism as a developer, one of three things is going on.
1) You are God and have finally unlocked the secret to eternal happiness
2) Players are bored of your content and don’t care about your work to comment
3) The PR staff is not doing their job by shining light on the negative issues.More time then not, it’s number 2 with number 3 sprinkled in
+1 I agree
I agree with OP.
I think we all need to thank anet for the great december 10th patch. Removing solo queue was amazing, and I absolutely LOVE the new feature of queuing for 10 minutes only in the heart of the mists and not being able to go to pve, hotjoin, dueling, wvw. I love that, with my busy real life I am excited to play a game which has me locked to my pc sat in a boring area for 10 minutes at a time.
So +1 to OP. Anet are the best. Also those new maps they have been churning out are amazing. I am massively enjoying the new temple of the silent storm map. The last made competitive map, which was released 3 years ago. The speed of updates is fantastic. And the balance patches are really good. I loved the last balance patch on april 15th 2014. I really enjoy getting passive procced by fire/air combos and losing 10k of my health to an auto attack.
Really this game is great. Their updates have really improved the game.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
This is a double edged sword issue.
There are some instances that ANET needs some slack given and there are some issues to where they deserve the flaming they are getting. For developers, if you are not obtaining criticism you or your Player Management Team is not doing their job correctly.
If you are not obtaining criticism as a developer, one of three things is going on.
1) You are God and have finally unlocked the secret to eternal happiness
2) Players are bored of your content and don’t care about your work to comment
3) The PR staff is not doing their job by shining light on the negative issues.More time then not, it’s number 2 with number 3 sprinkled in
In my opinon, more often than not, there is criticism but in a disperse and “not constructive” way. We can take an example on both cases:
- “Not Constructive”.
I’m not denying the existence of really good writen, critique post. We have one example on the “Food For Thought For ArenaNet” on a good criticism post (the OP was excelent, even though I didn’t agree fully with him, he brought the subject in a well-mannered way, enjoyable to read).
Most posts are not completely destructive, with bad criticism, of course. But they lack something, something that the post said earlier had: both a possible solution on the problem, a direction the player want the change to go and that “spark” that lights a discussion, that brings up every players opinion in a single post.
That post is a good example of constructive criticism and a much more easier way for ANet to approach the problem, with a lot of discussion, opinions and “solutions” there.
- Dispersion.
Basically, tons of posts are made relative to the same issue, scattering all the opinions, contributions, et cetera between different posts, making a lot confusing both for the player who wants to share his concerns and for the ANet Developer.
An easy example would be the “Celestial issue”. There has been a lot of posts about it (in this case it’s less important, as this “issue” has been around for quite a while), some with more discussion, others barely noticeable.
But, because of this dispersion and a lack of a “general” post about it (maybe even ArenaNet could do an official post about it), it makes that all the different concerns about that “issue” are scattered. Some people agree that the amulet is strong, while others think it’s some profession traits, as others think it’s sigil’s fault, but then mightstacking becomes the main issue for others, et cetera.
[I know the Celestial “issue” is not the best example, but it ilustrates quite well what I try to say.]
So yeah, in my opinion there should be more centralized discussions (concentred in one or maybe two posts) where all players try to share their concerns about the matter in the most constructive way possible, because it makes Devs job much easier with a more focused objective.
This is how I see it.
P.S.: I’m not denying the fact number 3 on Wolfey’s post. ArenaNet needs to balance more, gather more direct feedback, ask for it. Things like that I guess. I know it’s partly fault of ANet too.
I agree with OP.
I think we all need to thank anet for the great december 10th patch. Removing solo queue was amazing, and I absolutely LOVE the new feature of queuing for 10 minutes only in the heart of the mists and not being able to go to pve, hotjoin, dueling, wvw. I love that, with my busy real life I am excited to play a game which has me locked to my pc sat in a boring area for 10 minutes at a time.
So +1 to OP. Anet are the best. Also those new maps they have been churning out are amazing. I am massively enjoying the new temple of the silent storm map. The last made competitive map, which was released 3 years ago. The speed of updates is fantastic. And the balance patches are really good. I loved the last balance patch on april 15th 2014. I really enjoy getting passive procced by fire/air combos and losing 10k of my health to an auto attack.
Really this game is great. Their updates have really improved the game.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
*Let’s be nicer to people.
Fixed it for you. But don’t get your hopes up either :/
Every pvp community I’ve seen has far too many toxic elements within in. This is what drives so many away from pvp that would otherwise do it. It can even be your first time in a new pvp style ‘game mode’ on one of the first days of it during a festival, and you’ll have messages calling you noob and asking how you got to 80, etc. You could literally be a newbie player and you’ll be harassed just because they are bored or think you should be #1 on the ladder or get off their team (like you would have even wanted to be on their team). It gets far worse than that. Compared to most of what goes on, that above is extremely mild.
Yes people should be a bit friendlier, yes Anet devs included. They will not listen to your suggestions nor the problems you’ve found if you are harassing or abusing them or others. They will ignore your point completely. There is a big difference between constructive criticism which is helpful and toxic abuse..
But hey, you could even have everyone be friendly and generally work together and have fun, and a toxic ‘group’ could come into your community, try to take it over/destroy it, and attempt to ostracize people. Oh sorry, I digressed a little.
You guys are prime examples of what is wrong with this community
For sure you don’ t play pvp. You play only pve. Becouse if you played pvp..you would realise how not balanced is this game..look at ranger status in pvp for example.
People who spent money on this game have all the reasons to complain. Of course Always with polite manners.Moreover for me..you are a prime example of what is wrong with this community
I only play pvp, and though balance is not perfect, the devs seem to listen to what is said on the forums. I think Timston’s point was about the devs’ don’t commenting on the forums much because of all the hate they receive. Some recent changes (Skyhammer, the turret nerf, and most importantly the trait revamp) proved that the devs read the forums and take our suggestions into account, and yet they don’t comment, probably because of the hostility we manifest towards them.
Oh, and about balance: we’re WAY better off now with our boring shout bows and medi guards than with a lot of past metas. Should I remember you of Dhummfire necros, hambow warriors, spirit rangers, HB warriors, SB quickness rangers and all that stuff? If you want to be useful on your ranger, keep your LB in your inventory and play condi, or get as good as Eurantien.
Guys, I know this post sounds stupid and flippin hippie-dippie love and all that, but, we need to treat our developers better. When they don’t give us feedback, its because of the hostile flaming thrown at them. When they don’t nerf builds, its because everyone gives bull reasons and not many logical facts in a polite manner. Just be nicer to Anet and good things will return to you.
-Have a nice day.
I agree with this.
Many of the posts talking about bug/issues/problems that need to be addresses are usually along the lines of “Get you kitten together ANET! You guys suck!” There are few posts that accurately describe the problem, and offer viable solutions.
If it was me, I would see the former types of posts, and promptly ignore. I wouldn’t respond, I might look into the matter, but I wouldn’t invest any more time or effort than absolutely needed. Because why would I want to make sure a group of people that have voiced their absolute disgust and hatred with me and my work were happy?
If there was input of the latter, where it was good feedback, well put, and not an angry rant insulting me and my intelligence, I would be more inclined to actually work on getting said issue fixed.
“But thats their job!”
Yeah, but having been in customer service for a very long time, those customers who may be unhappy, but are polite and respectful get more of my attention than those who come up and start yelling and demanding things. Those people are barely worth my time. I’ll help them, but I’ll do it in the least efficient way possible, and do the absolute minimum.
It’s ok to be frustrated. It’s not ok to rant and rave and tell someone that they suck at their jobs and should be fired. There is a difference.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I can assure you on the class forums bugs have been nicely and calmly handled for a very very long time. Certain things after literally YEAR definitely becomes a “okay, seriously, still?” situation. This isn’t an indie game, nor is it their first and some of the serious game breaking bugs and polish issues still in the game after 3 years and ample amounts of feedback should be called out… I’m not sure what world you live in, but quality is important, and plugging your ears because your customers are meanie heads does absolutely nothing for you.
People wouldn’t be as frustrated if they admitted more often when something is an issue they’re looking into, better feedback and above all MORE ACTUAL FIXES. We see more tooltip updated than anything. I have thread with rev responses from over a year ago saying “we’ll look into it” and still nothing, and we can’t even get an update. That’s not how you run a business or handle customer’s legit complaints. Defending devs for lack of progression also doesn’t help anyone. They are professionals and don’t need fans to hold their hands. Some responsibility should be taken seriously.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
1 year + of celestial amulet
no in game automated tournaments
no mmr leaderboard
why be nice?
Because being nice and giving them constructive criticism is better than being super kitten about it. You can tell someone what’s wrong without the hate and the names. Our goal is to make this game better not have useless arguments about why this game will never be good. That’s why.
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
Not sure you understand the concept of escelation of frustration.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I’ll be nicer to anet when they stop ignoring necromancer problems.
Not sure you understand the concept of escelation of frustration.
You need to work on your anger issues. I am frustrated by certain things in this game (mainly the leaderboards at the moment), but I won’t lose my cool nor my politeness over it, and I suggest you don’t either.
Not sure you understand the concept of escelation of frustration.
You need to work on your anger issues. I am frustrated by certain things in this game (mainly the leaderboards at the moment), but I won’t lose my cool nor my politeness over it, and I suggest you don’t either.
I’m typically not a rage head, I’m speaking in masses here. But I will call something unprofessional and lazy if I feel it fits, and it certainly has applied in several cases here. I’m not particularly “mad”, but its incredibly facepalm-worthy when people get paid to upkeep a AAA MMORPG and leave things like minions literally standing around doing nothing for -YEARS-. Let it sink in… People are not fixing game-breaking bugs, some that are very obvious, for -YEARS-.
Sometimes you have to let people be held accountable. They’re getting paid for doing their job, after all. Not holding people (in any job) accountable for their lacking areas is a recipe for disaster or negligence. You don’t become successful by “oh, well, we have fans and they’ll wait for us to maybe get around to stuff one day, probably…”
I’m just saying… Years.
Then you know, joking about it. “We deleted Necromancers”. I could chuckle at that, but the sad truth behind it is they have been neglectful toward a portion of their player-base, and that’s not really something to be proud of as a company.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Sorry but ArenaNet don’t deserve any sort of praise. I honestly don’t know what they do all day but all I see is a group of untalented individuals who have no passion for GW2. I could be wrong about this, but I don’t believe I am.
It truly went wrong when you removed SoloQ & TeamQ – What were you thinking? Honestly.
- Collero & “Top EU Players” who can’t be bothered to post anymore which I fully understand.
…and what a waste of time it all was.
Then you know, joking about it. “We deleted Necromancers”. I could chuckle at that, but the sad truth behind it is they have been neglectful toward a portion of their player-base, and that’s not really something to be proud of as a company.
That maybe a dumb question, but why do necromancers whine all the time about their profession being broken? I see a lot of them in ranked and unranked games, and terrormancer is one of the best 1v1 build in the game. Arguably, power necro is a pretty stupid build, but you’re not forced to play it. Sure, it’s not as meta as a warrior, but you don’t see as many complains coming from rangers and mesmers, despite them being out of the meta as well.
I’d hope that the community reps that relay information to the Devs or the Devs themselves would he able to discern useful threads/suggestions
Then you know, joking about it. “We deleted Necromancers”. I could chuckle at that, but the sad truth behind it is they have been neglectful toward a portion of their player-base, and that’s not really something to be proud of as a company.
That maybe a dumb question, but why do necromancers whine all the time about their profession being broken? I see a lot of them in ranked and unranked games, and terrormancer is one of the best 1v1 build in the game. Arguably, power necro is a pretty stupid build, but you’re not forced to play it. Sure, it’s not as meta as a warrior, but you don’t see as many complains coming from rangers and mesmers, despite them being out of the meta as well.
Check our section and read the complaints instead of seeing them I don’t feel like rewriting 2.5 years of complaints. Don’t bring 1v1 in a team balanced game that was the first error of your response, you can shutdown power necro easy at start and guarantee a win. This is not just about meta or PvP. On topic everyone has their limit of peaceful behavior the same for devs for lacking.
The Dhuumfire thread
Then you know, joking about it. “We deleted Necromancers”. I could chuckle at that, but the sad truth behind it is they have been neglectful toward a portion of their player-base, and that’s not really something to be proud of as a company.
That maybe a dumb question, but why do necromancers whine all the time about their profession being broken? I see a lot of them in ranked and unranked games, and terrormancer is one of the best 1v1 build in the game. Arguably, power necro is a pretty stupid build, but you’re not forced to play it. Sure, it’s not as meta as a warrior, but you don’t see as many complains coming from rangers and mesmers, despite them being out of the meta as well.
^ That, is a common occurrence across the game (pvp,wvw,pve) with all minions. That alone has been a very long-lasting bug that should be highly criticized in a high quality MMO company.
Beyond those bugs, damage isn’t the problem (never really has been, even when we got Dhuumfire for whatever reason). There is a very deeply rooted design issue with Death shroud. For instance, Blood magic is all about healing and siphoning, yet Death shroud negates all healing, which means they also are hard to support beyond the fact that their core mechanic works against an entire trait tree of theirs. On top of that, they’re all about attrition yet have some of the worst sustain in the game, 0 effective mobility (swiftness is hardly “mobility” on a scale of swiftness to teleportation) and yet can’t really stop people from fleeing. They’re incredibly susceptible to CC and easily focused down because they have no multiple-enemy scaling defenses (such as evade frames, blocks and protections which negates a portion or all from all enemies, Death shroud is a finite amount).
What you described as “great at 1v1” is when they already snowballed enough life force. Starting at 0% life force, most classes can take advantage of you fast enough before you’re a problem, yet our defense actually scales TOO good 1v1, and terrible for team play (on top of being hard to support with healing, mind you).
The best I could say is, you’d have to be a necromancer to really understand why it sucks. It has horrible design flaws beyond “balance” that should be obvious to any decent game designer. This coupled with the fact that most devs sound like they have 0 idea of how necromancer works tends to really hurt any future hope.
Quotes such as “Necromancers essentially have two life bars” and “[mesmers don’t want to be hit] where as other classes, such as necromancer WANT to be hit because they have a high health pool.” just goes to show the major disconnect between the developers and the class and its players. These are things brand new players would say about a necromancer.
That’s a quick rundown of some of the frustrations. All of which have been an issue since day 1 and in many cases have gotten (literally) worse over time.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I think I’m done asking ANet nicely to fix stuff. It’s not really worth my or anyone’s time. Can’t even count how many times there have been people asking nicely to remove mid air immob bug, to remove profession dailies, stealth bugs, spawn bugs…these things are in game for months and months and all ANet says is ’’we’ll look into it’’. However, it’s not worth to rage on forums either.
What you described as “great at 1v1” is when they already snowballed enough life force. Starting at 0% life force, most classes can take advantage of you fast enough before you’re a problem, yet our defense actually scales TOO good 1v1, and terrible for team play (on top of being hard to support with healing, mind you).
Don’t you get some life force after respawn with the new trait system? I agree with you that not being able to heal a necro in DS is terrible, but it’s still a design choice that Anet made. I think that’s a bad one, but I don’t feel like they OWE me to fix it. I think Diversion not being an AoE is a terrible design choice (it looks and feels like an AoE), but I got over it.
Check our section and read the complaints instead of seeing them I don’t feel like rewriting 2.5 years of complaints. Don’t bring 1v1 in a team balanced game that was the first error of your response, you can shutdown power necro easy at start and guarantee a win. This is not just about meta or PvP. On topic everyone has their limit of peaceful behavior the same for devs for lacking.
I read that. Now I’m on my way to create my 5th necromancer. I hope it doesn’t end in the trash can with the other 4 but I can’t help it: I hate slow professions.
What you described as “great at 1v1” is when they already snowballed enough life force. Starting at 0% life force, most classes can take advantage of you fast enough before you’re a problem, yet our defense actually scales TOO good 1v1, and terrible for team play (on top of being hard to support with healing, mind you).
Don’t you get some life force after respawn with the new trait system? I agree with you that not being able to heal a necro in DS is terrible, but it’s still a design choice that Anet made. I think that’s a bad one, but I don’t feel like they OWE me to fix it. I think Diversion not being an AoE is a terrible design choice (it looks and feels like an AoE), but I got over it.
Theres a difference between a spell being AOE and an entire trait line working against the core of the class though. While it is their choice, its possible to make legitimately bad design choices and it shouldn’t be shrugged off, it doesn’t make it “okay” because it’s their choice.
And as far as I KNOW I haven’t seen any initial LF gaining mechanisms. I feel like I’d remember it if I saw it. Doesn’t really change the fact that we actually scale too strongly for 1v1 (given we have some starting LF) and not enough in team fights. While yes, much of this IS a design choice (except bad AI), I still feel its possible to call it out as “bad” and expect some sort of adjustments.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
The developers develop what they told them by their bosses, not what they want to develop nor what we want them to develop.
Remember that they are employees.
The developers develop what they told them by their bosses, not what they want to develop nor what we want them to develop.
Remember that they are employees.
That’s only partially true. They hire people for their competencies. A “boss” in a company is not an army knife (entirely). There is a bit of leniency involved within boundaries given to the →Balance team<-, who are in charge of making decisions for balance and designing.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
The overwhelming bias on the part of the devs towards certain classes, and their attitude towards others are frustrating at best. You can actually see their disdain and lack of interest when discussing some classes, which reflects poorly on their level of professionalism, and rebounds back at them by creating a hostile community. They see their logic, and fail to see some blatant and obvious flaws in some classes.
While some classes keep getting better, others are left in the dust. Its gross, and it makes the game play stale in this game. The same 4 classes have been major components all all pve, pvp, and wvw since the game started, while other classes, at BEST, can do one of those relatively decent, but suck at the rest.
Focus on esports? LOL. They essentially have the same 4-5 classes over and over and over and over again on the same 4 maps over and over and over again. My god, i want to shoot myself in the face sometimes that is so boring. I can’t see why they would want to improve the classes that are least represented in aspects of gameplay, but instead they have maintained the status quo, which is a bias towards certain classes that have and will always be mainstream, while we keep up hope that they will see the benefit of addressing some issues. I mean 2.5 years to fix a necros downed skills and interaction with traits, to joke about needing to nerf it now?
No respect for that, especially coupled with their attitude.
As customers, I’d say we have a right to be frustrated. We bought the game, some of us still pay for things, because we enjoy the game and like to support them, but they have proven to be pretty negligent at times… For instance, since release Moa, simply because it is a “transform” kills all minion pets. Or minions COMPLETELY stop attacking and stand around. Then on the other hand, they take a (broken) spec such as turrets, and with AMPLE warning, completely destroy it, rather than allocating proper resources to improve its design instead. Balance patches went from every few months to every 6 months (granted now they’re focusing primarily on HoT).
Then, after a lot of legitimate reasons to be frustrated, having employees say that their problem is that you write things in a “negative light” and act snarky. You’re kitten right I put something in a negative light when you refuse to do your jobs for very obvious and game breaking issues…
Point being, frustration is natural and frankly, pretty well earned. The game is nearly 3 years old. At this point they shouldn’t have basic skills that are literally completely broken and unresponsive.
I was nice for the first 2 years, I’ve done more than a fair share of write ups and tried reaching out. Anymore, its just annoying to try to get them to recognize that there’s a legit issue without them literally laughing about real problems that have existed in the game for ages.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
+1 baby. That’s exactly what were aiming for here. Yes I know it won’t happen, but, it could be better than it is right now. That’s for sure.
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
Treat others as you want to be treated.
+1 baby. That’s exactly what were aiming for here. Yes I know it won’t happen, but, it could be better than it is right now. That’s for sure.
That’s a two way road.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
I treat people like they treat me
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Treat others as you want to be treated.
In all honesty, that’s probably how it is at the moment.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
+1 baby. That’s exactly what were aiming for here. Yes I know it won’t happen, but, it could be better than it is right now. That’s for sure.
That’s a two way road.
Even so, you shouldn’t judge someone for something unless you know their true intentions. Criticism is fine, but throwing around insults because you’re having a bad day isn’t the way to go.
Try putting yourself in their shoes, how would you act if you saw “rage” thread?
Btw, to make it clear. I’m not directly talking to the one I’m quoting in this post.
I’ll be nicer to anet when they stop ignoring necromancer problems.
^ This.
And this – http://www.tentonhammer.com/feature/guild-wars-2-are-necromancers-really-so-bad
Sadly Anet seems to be busy making underwear and golden pigs for the gemstore instead.
3 wvw kills
I’ll be nicer to anet when they stop ignoring necromancer problems.
^ This.
And this – http://www.tentonhammer.com/feature/guild-wars-2-are-necromancers-really-so-bad
Sadly Anet seems to be busy making underwear and golden pigs for the gemstore instead.
You kidding? Their budget can’t even afford SFX fire/lava on Bal skins.
Their “Add 1% profit earnings to bugs/patches/gemstore/pvecontent/Justin’s leaderboard algorithms” needs to be increased to 2%.
The extra 1% needs to go to Justin’s leaderboard algorithms.
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
I can see all sides of this argument. What I will say is that constructive criticism is always encouraged.
However just recently in the past few days I have seen downright angry posts saying the Devs are unskilled and don’t know what they are doing. I don’t think those sorts of generalizations are fair at all.
Truth is we don’t know half of what goes on behind the scenes. Something good on pen and paper can go awry upon implementation. Often times, its us the players that find those loopholes and change things to what was not intended.
I am not saying its all our fault or there’s but I really think that when writing criticisms we should step back and make it constructive and not personal.
While there are many things I am not 100% agreeing on, I will say I have played all aspects of GW2, I love PvP here and that it is a solid game. This expansion and rework is much needed and now is the time to give the most useful constructive Criticism.
I can see all sides of this argument. What I will say is that constructive criticism is always encouraged.
However just recently in the past few days I have seen downright angry posts saying the Devs are unskilled and don’t know what they are doing. I don’t think those sorts of generalizations are fair at all.
Truth is we don’t know half of what goes on behind the scenes. Something good on pen and paper can go awry upon implementation. Often times, its us the players that find those loopholes and change things to what was not intended.
I am not saying its all our fault or there’s but I really think that when writing criticisms we should step back and make it constructive and not personal.
While there are many things I am not 100% agreeing on, I will say I have played all aspects of GW2, I love PvP here and that it is a solid game. This expansion and rework is much needed and now is the time to give the most useful constructive Criticism.
+1 the thing about it is a lot of people on the forums are true fans who are passionate and sometimes things get heated I can understand that POV even though I don’t agree we should have some form of self control and a lot of the veteran forum users have figured this out. And I can’t say I never felt that way I’ve had my rage moments too. Now on the other hand if the passion is gone then say GN to GW lol so it has to be a healthy balance of the two. Now there is another group who just wants to attack and talk kitten just because they think it gives them some sort of power they don’t get IRL I just try and ignore those users.