Lets talk about beasts
This also needs strategy, if you steal, don’t be seen, wait for max damage, disable the enemys if possible from hitting
Also if you attack first, keep an eye for enemys, try to kill them before they steal, decide if you use your strongest move against your enemy or the beast.
This sounds like a lot of strategy…. more strategy as just ‘who hit’s it most get’s it’
And let’s think this to the end, this would mean, the enemy runs to you killing the beast, now they try to kill you while the beast attacks you as well, them they wait until the beast heals itself, otherwise you would get the points, now they attack and you run to them trying the same – repeat and repeat… sounds boring
It would be allright if not for the small problem of kills done with conditions. In such a case, when both sides had a condition on, the points would go to the side whose condition tick actually did the kill. Which is completely random (because the order in which conditions tick, from the player’s side is completely random, it cannot be influenced in any way).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If it wasn’t for this I would never have a use for True Shot.
Sooo…. The beast final hit irritates a lot of people……. It shouldnt be “Final hit for points” But more of a percent based of dps….. More or Less it would make teams have to strategist more. The final hit is all around pretty wonkie.. Thats from Dota… percent based would change how the map is played..
No this system works quite well it it were Ike that high spike dmg ppl like an ele or a dh probably dh more than anything would be awarded the kill. The point of the game is to hold points and kill players it’s up to a players discretion to get the points and hold the points or if going after the best killing any threats first instead of going crazy hoping for the last hit.
should be the amount of damage done not final hit.
Wow, seriously? Have people been spoiled by the carebear PvE so much that they can’t abide kill stealing in PvP?
should be the amount of damage done not final hit.
Lets take out strategy out of PvP too. HOT builds and weapons are looking very similar to one another so why dont we just have all classes look the same as well.
No but seriously the beasts steals or set ups are a huge part of play. For instance you shouldnt go for beast at a random time. It puts you and your team at a disadvantage and for me its a really big tell on whether or not your team mates know what to do rotation wise in PvP.
So for instance my guild team tends to do a 1-1-3 split most of the time. The other teamed countered by sending 2 back to there home so we got the split we wanted. Our person capped home and went to mid where we then won a 2 vs 2 at mid. Our sustain guys were all at far doing what they were supposed too so we ran to our beasts killed it and ran back to mid.
They eventually lost far but we had a 2 cap/beast and 3 coming off respawn to watch home if people get nervous seeing we have 2 at mid. There are many other situations like this where you have to set up your beast kills without giving up caps.
My issue is with end of games. 460-420 losing team has to go for it, other team follows of course so you have a bunch of people spamming dps hoping to get the kill which is pure luck.
My issue is with end of games. 460-420 losing team has to go for it, other team follows of course so you have a bunch of people spamming dps hoping to get the kill which is pure luck.
It doesn’t have to be pure luck. Try this:
The next time you see the beast being attacked, wait for it to get low on health and (differs from profession to profession) unload your most powerful/fastest-hitting attacks while/right-after CCing/hard-hitting your competition. I have roughly an 80% chance of taking the kill on Dragonhunter, Herald, Druid (because fast-hitting), Daredevil, and Scrapper. Now, if you are a bunker/support, then taking the kill generally isn’t your job — you should be on-point somewhere, or decaping an enemy point if their whole team is busy hugging a beast in a close-game.
If you play condi, things get a bit more complicated. Since condi’s tick at regular intervals, you have to wait for your competition to get the beast low, then spike with your hardest condi burst (but save as much CC as you can) — then immediently CC-chain your opponents. If all goes well, your condi’s will be the final blow.
You can also try condi-spiking your opponents while they are busy on the boss. If you do it hard enough, they may drastically drop their dps in self-preservation.
Wow, seriously? Have people been spoiled by the carebear PvE so much that they can’t abide kill stealing in PvP?
accept for the fact i have never done PvE…. Nor have a character with more than 5% map comp…. And many people hate the final tick… some like it…. Maybe you shouldnt be a forum warrior
Because if his opinion is different then yours, he is automatically a “forum warrior”?
If all goes well, your condi’s will be the final blow.
Or it will tick the condis in different order and give kill to them. Which you have exactly zero influence on.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If all goes well, your condi’s will be the final blow.
Or it will tick the condis in different order and give kill to them. Which you have exactly zero influence on.
“Different order”?
^Astralporing means the condition tick is random as confirmed by Evan:
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
^Astralporing means the condition tick is random as confirmed by Evan:
Interesting, I didn’t know this. Well, yes, that does complicate condi-kill-stealing further. The strategy I suggested is probably still the best one if you run condi, though.
Thanks for digging through forums to find that for me, btw.
Wow, seriously? Have people been spoiled by the carebear PvE so much that they can’t abide kill stealing in PvP?
accept for the fact i have never done PvE…. Nor have a character with more than 5% map comp…. And many people hate the final tick… some like it…. Maybe you shouldnt be a forum warrior
Because if his opinion is different then yours, he is automatically a “forum warrior”?
nah he auto assumed i was PvE and decided to be passive aggressive.
No, I asked a general question. You assumed I was referring to you. Don’t project.
You aren’t the first guy to complain about kill stealing. Though the last guy was a PvEr who still thinks DH are OP.
I love watching thieves sit waiting for a steal, then locking them down and either finishing the beast, or destroying the thief XD
Good times.
Percent-based trivializes attempting to stop the enemy team, if they get it below 50% before you get there, they get it no matter what, no counter play. And I know quite a few classes that can burn it to 50% quite fast.
Poaching a beasts is a gameplay tactic that requires timing, CC and prediction on your part against what the enemy might do in response to your attempt to take the beast.
Percent based just means who’s been there hitting it longer.
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast
Admittedly it is incredibly annoying when you have three teammates burning the beast and the enemy is just plinking away with auto attack and, by sheer luck, their auto attack is the one that gets the final kill, winning his team the entire game. Or when an enemy condition gets the final tick. Pure RNG.
But it’s the best way to do it, as it allows kill stealing and counterplay.
should be the amount of damage done not final hit.
Lets take out strategy out of PvP too. HOT builds and weapons are looking very similar to one another so why dont we just have all classes look the same as well.
No but seriously the beasts steals or set ups are a huge part of play. For instance you shouldnt go for beast at a random time. It puts you and your team at a disadvantage and for me its a really big tell on whether or not your team mates know what to do rotation wise in PvP.
So for instance my guild team tends to do a 1-1-3 split most of the time. The other teamed countered by sending 2 back to there home so we got the split we wanted. Our person capped home and went to mid where we then won a 2 vs 2 at mid. Our sustain guys were all at far doing what they were supposed too so we ran to our beasts killed it and ran back to mid.
They eventually lost far but we had a 2 cap/beast and 3 coming off respawn to watch home if people get nervous seeing we have 2 at mid. There are many other situations like this where you have to set up your beast kills without giving up caps.
First of all, if you do not know the whys, don’t try to defend it.
So you want to hold caps and “steal beast” all at the same time easily? You already have a premade, you should have a plan ready for when beast arrive, even so now, when there is a clock provided for everyone to see and enemy location on the map. why must the game be one sided towards a premade team?
Do you know how to carry 3-4 people all the time and having to be alert for the beast to be stolen and the thief laugh at you /schat nubs in PvP and getting chatfight all time, Do you know what a stupid thief who can’t steal a beast is to a non premade ? you wouldn’t, they will be roaming without a destination and then go to steal beast and failed and die and give 5 points to the enemy team. hence, why it need to be base on dmg and not last strike.