Leveling is too slow in tpvp

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Demon.7832


The amount of glory you get in spvp browser compared to tpvp doesnt make sense to me. I typically only do tpvp and the amount of glory I get per game playing as ranger or bunker guardian is probably about 100 per game not to mention the large amount of time it takes to get a group together and wait in queue, along with this you also get a small amount of bonus glory for winning which I think is 400. I joined a spvp browser half way through an 8v8 game today out of boredom and in the span of about 4 or 5 minutes had earned 200 glory on my ranger. The total time it took to put a group together, wait in queue, and play all 3 matches probably took about 50 minutes and I got a total of probably 700 glory including the win bonus, or I can join a spvp browser and get the same amount of glory in about 15 minutes It doesn’t make sense to me how I can probably earn 3-4x glory per hour playing in a less competitive mode that requires no skill or teamwork compared to winning a tournament. The exp you get for winning a tournament should be doubled or tripled and in all modes you should get something like 5 points per every 30 seconds on a node (timer resets if you get knocked off) just my opinion though im sure many of you will disagree.

Also doesn’t really make sense to me how the top pvp players have devoted probably about 1500 hours to playing pvp in this game and are only in their 40s? considering every 10 levels are harder than the last what does max rank require? 5000 hours?

(edited by Demon.7832)

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I don’t care about my rank, but this is actually a really serious issue. So many tournament players now jump into hotjoin for a couple minutes between each round or while in queue, because it doubles their glory gain.

This is a problem because it makes a new player’s initial PvP experience—8v8 hotjoin—even worse than it already was. Nothing says “fun” like joining your first PvP match and having five rank 40+ players hop into your game half-way through, destroy everything for two minutes, and then leave.

No-strings-attached PvP was an interesting idea, but Anet can’t let it continue as the “standard” PvP experience for new players.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


i dont like the idea of hot-join at all. It works fine in FPS games but here i would like to see more than
Free tournaments = tournaments for single and duo players. No full premades allowed
Paid tournaments = premade tournaments only full groups

that could actually promote team play a bit more.
But i also understeand that some people just can´t go for full tournament so hot-join is great for them for few minutes.. of game..

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


I don’t know who started it, but every incarnation of PvP i’ve played across MMO’s is always
Levels 1-10 X amount of xp/glory/honor/what have you required to level
Levels 11-20 X amount times 2
Levels 21-30 The last amount times 2

Why is it always double? Is 30%, 40% or 50% too little?

Also, for some reason, the transition from one tier to the next (ie 19-20) has the same glory requirement as any other level in that next tier (ie 20-21).

Why? I am not in that tier, why am I required to obtain the glory requirement for that tier, yet I do not benefit by being able to purchase that tier’s gear?

That last point is perhaps the most frustrating for me.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


What I don’t understand is why the glory per 10ranks is so much. Yeah sure the gear is great, but it’s not like the glory we are getting is gradually getting higher either. I am only rank 37 but I have taken a 3 1/2 week break from the game. I mean they could double or even triple the amount you get from paids or free tournaments but that is only 1% of the amount of glory need to rank up from 49 – 59.

If they don’t lower the amount of increase the tournament amount(again) they should give us more sources to get more glory other than glory boosters, or even buff glory boosters themselves.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
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Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: josephsora.4579


If they don’t lower the amount of increase the tournament amount(again) they should give us more sources to get more glory other than glory boosters, or even buff glory boosters themselves.

As I tested long time ago, glory booster will not affect rank point, which is the actual exp used to increase the rank.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


If they don’t lower the amount of increase the tournament amount(again) they should give us more sources to get more glory other than glory boosters, or even buff glory boosters themselves.

As I tested long time ago, glory booster will not affect rank point, which is the actual exp used to increase the rank.

Hey hey, we got a buff suggestion on our hands!

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


If they don’t lower the amount of increase the tournament amount(again) they should give us more sources to get more glory other than glory boosters, or even buff glory boosters themselves.

As I tested long time ago, glory booster will not affect rank point, which is the actual exp used to increase the rank.

So then allow the Glory boosters to effect Rank points? And it still won’t seem to matter 50% just isn’t enough, imo.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


the real problem is player’s skill is tied to rank, but rank is something you grind in hotjoin zergs with your glory booster on.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


the real problem is player’s skill is tied to rank, but rank is something you grind in hotjoin zergs with your glory booster on.

I’m disagreeing here, all rank says is how much PvP you’ve played. Could have a guy who just loves doing sPvP even though he’s no good at it and be a higher rank than people regularly doing paid tPvP.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Kamahl maybe i misspoke, i didn’t mean player’s skill = player rank, but only that player rank = only way to show skill to others, and that rank is hopelessly inaccurate in this regard.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


ACTUALLY, leveling is TOO FAST. In GW1 people needed years and years to reach max rank (level), and here they can do it within few months, which is bad. Where’s the challenge for them after that? What will they aim for?

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


ACTUALLY, leveling is TOO FAST. In GW1 people needed years and years to reach max rank (level), and here they can do it within few months, which is bad. Where’s the challenge for them after that? What will they aim for?

i was thinking about this today too, i agree somewhat.
but maybe they will do something intelligent about it down the line
maybe max rank will be 80 but then everyone would judge you based on your rating
(i can dream anyway)

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Dexxer.3174


ACTUALLY, leveling is TOO FAST. In GW1 people needed years and years to reach max rank (level), and here they can do it within few months, which is bad. Where’s the challenge for them after that? What will they aim for?

? what ? iam a hardcore player, playing about 12-15 hours a week since release (small breaks) and am rank 42 (3 months)

i need an other 3 months for getting rank 50
than 6 months for r60 (1 year played)
r70 12 months -> (2 years played)
r80 would be 24 -> (4 years played !!!! ONLY when played without breaks…)

and after 1 year they will realease an addon , and than another..
than r90 and r100 will be added into the game..
FOR ME, a Hardcore player ! with 15+ hours a week gametime, i will NEVER GET r100 !!! because that would be about 16 years !
but thats ok.. i had no dragon in GW1…

the System is good, as it is.. no change needed

(edited by Dexxer.3174)

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Signed tourny leveling is pretty slow.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: DoYourBestBear.6810


I also agree there needs to be a glory/rank point assigned to “guarding” a node by being on it in the absence of action. As it is now, roamers/DPS are ranking up at an accelerated rate.

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Tourneys do give low glory vs zerging. However, standing and waiting in que for a tourney is a waist of time. High tail your but to the spvp browser and join a hot join while you wait. You can be in spvp when the tourney pops and thus can still earn glory whilst waiting.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Leveling is too slow in tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Tourneys do give low glory vs zerging. However, standing and waiting in que for a tourney is a waist of time. High tail your but to the spvp browser and join a hot join while you wait. You can be in spvp when the tourney pops and thus can still earn glory whilst waiting.

Exactly, but that’s why this is actually an issue. In the long run, it doesn’t matter much whether it takes 400 hours or 800 hours to reach rank X. However, players will always take the 400 hour option, which will continue to make hotjoin worse and worse.

Free tourneys were popping really fast tonight—maybe like 1-2 minutes queue time. If it hasn’t already happened yet, tourneys will soon be more populated than hotjoin, and the hotjoin population will mostly be experienced players farming glory. Nothing wrong with that—although since that’s what it is, Anet will really need to introduce a different entry-level PvP mode. I don’t think it’s bad for a “glory farming” option to exist, but it’s not a good option for the “standard” PvP mode.