Hi, Anet, i know you read the forum, that’s why i’m posting this here.
Building Momentum:
Burst skills restore endurance.
is a 15 point minor trait in the 1st line strength line
*Warning*The word Berserker Warrior is referring to berserker warriors with atleast 15 point in strenght line.
Arena Net is going to fix “nerf” this trait in the upcoming patch.
and here I’ll list the reasons why they should not do it.
I know probably nobody cares about this trait, because almost every warrior just go hambow, tanky, even the ones who use it can rarely use it to it’s maximum effect and other classes just don’t care because it’s not op and rarely seen.
1. This trait is good, but not op
This trait is strong, but it makes no build overpowered.
You gain endurance, but you still need to time it in order to dodge enemies attack, since even with this trait the dodge uptime is no where close to thieves.
The overpowered builds right now :
*the tanky,
*the hambows,
*the dual sword settler shout war.
*the banner regen war.
non of them have this trait.
even if there are supposed Overpowered builds with this trait, it’s not because of this trait that caused them to be Overpowred, it’s other stuff.
This trait gives warrior more complex play style and combos
Without this trait, i know my play style will change, will be more boring, less possibilities. The main reason i play berserker gs/lb and other zerker builds with this trait, because it offers more difficult combos, so it gives Warrior a actual good skill cap which can compete with other classes.
Nerf this trait=Nerf berserker warrior’s survibility AND damage
We all know that this trait gives berserker warrior survibility by giving them endurance. but it also pairs with Reckless Dodge well, you can gain quick endurance with burst skill and dodge on enemy follow with burst skills to maximize your damage, these kind of combos are not easy to do, and have risks, if you miss your combos, not only you miss your damage, you also waste a dodge for nothing and you take more damage.
In conclusion
This trait makes no build overpowered, it also provides warrior with more complex game play, higher warrior’s skill cap, also gives a berserker warrior damage and survibility, nerfing it by that much will lower/nerf everything i mentioned above, perhaps a bigger nerf then the one hambow is getting.
There’s no point and no reason to “fix” this trait. Berserker Strength warrior are already not that good, plus you are already nerfing longbow damage and healing signet.
Or maybe you just want everyone of us go play tanky hambow, banner regen, shout heal settler?
Thanks for reading.
I’m all open with discussion, but please keep it in a respectful manner.