Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
1, Hambow – just totally broken. Why did you “balance” pin down by increasing the cast. Why not actually make it not wreck you with a huge immobalise. You cant dodge it during a team fight except via luck.
2, Mesmer great sword – mesmer auto attack hits me from about 5k range. Or so it seems. They can port around from ledge to ledge and spam me from miles away. It is a total joke. If you nerf thief then nothing will stop mesmers being the most broken thing ever. It needs nerfing.
3, Guardian shout build – wtf is up with this build. It is broken totally. 95% of teams have run this build for 2 years. Is that not the definition of OP? I think it is. I know you CAN play without it if everyone has huge self sustain. But its annoying that this build just is so good.
4, Impale – You change to this was so inadequate. STOP trying to think of adding “counterplay” to broken skills. This skill wasnt broken because it was hard to cleanse. That was an issue sure. But a way way way bigger issue is the fact you put a skill with short cast time, ranged attack, with a tiny 15s cool down and it gives 5 stacks of torment on a huge duration. This skill is literally the most broken thing I can imagine. It shows how stupidly OP warrior is that impale isn’t even part of the best build (hambow). In addition eviserate is a total joke. Too much damage. The longbow fire field is also way too large. Where is the counterplay to something which just ticks over and over? If you don’t want a warrior to cleanse you can dodge earthshaker (unless they leg specialist you – broken) but you cant dodge the fire field. Nobody can. it covers the whole map. How can you fight vs a warrior when they just have so many skills you HAVE to dodge. Too many for the dodges most classes have available.
5, Mesmer mind wrack – cool down is way too short. Firstly they burst you out of stealth. If you go close you cant dodge mind wrack. If you stay far they just hit you for stupid damage WITH AN AUTO ATTACK (wp). So what do you do. They are so annoying to fight too.
6, Thief dodging – that trait feline grace is such an annoyance
7, bakcstab – 1 shot me literally. Too much damage now it can be used with air and fire. If you want to change those sigils then skills like backstab and many thief skills need to have a damage reduction. How else can classes without blocks/invluns etc deal with them.
I will add more to my list in future posts as they occur to me.;
List of what you don’t like mmm troll?
Everything but your necro. As usual.
I’m going to guess you had all of these in your latest solo queue.
Mesmer GS Auto attack is only an issue because of Fire+Air, remove that and it won’t feel as ridiculous anymore. Mind Wrack is fine I’m not sure why its on your list.
L2P issue……Mesmer needs the most help of all the classes. Leech necro can literally. 1shot people spaming 1… But mesmer auto attack is too strong. Lol
anet should nerf lich, it’s not fair that i can’t counter play it because of its long duration, and when it ends and I try to burst them they just use death shroud to eat all my damage. they should also nerf corrupt boon since my engineer can’t not use an elixir that puts multiple boons on my unless I don’t want to use my 2 most defensive traitlines, while they are at it nerf signet of spite since I can’t clear all the conditions it applys.
You can add
Necromancer – Chill of death and lich form for power necro. Signet of spite, reapers protection, nightmare runes for condi necro.
And deathshroud needs redesign not nerf.
If you add stuff about other classes and not necro then it just looks like whining.
(edited by Leeto.1570)
L2P issue……Mesmer needs the most help of all the classes. Leech necro can literally. 1shot people spaming 1… But mesmer auto attack is too strong. Lol
Mesmer GS is one of the worst designed weapon sets in the game. Moreso than even other weapon sets, Mesmer GS invites the player to press every button as quickly as possible when off recharge (outside of its 5 skill in only the most blatantly obvious of cases and even that won’t stop or even punish most twitchy players because it’s almost impossible not to just off-handedly interrupt someone’s action in this game), and worse is countered by nothing except line of sight and pure invulnerability. It’s a brain-dead weapon befitting a rather brain-dead class.
That said, there are plenty things fundamentally wrong with GW2 to the point that it’s probably not worth addressing the issues. This game is beyond hope. You’re all better off just doing something else.
As for Power Necro Lich Form , 1-2 auto hits and im done for.
(though I rarely meet one) and okay im zerker ele the squishiest thing out there.
Death shroud:
Death Shroud is a hard counter for every burst build out there and it seems to have almost no cooldown (okay necros need life force)
Just wanted to mention it, cause ppl mentioned diamond skin would be such a hard counter to condition necros. Now nobody talks about it Diamond Skin anymore, why?
Cause ppl very rarely use it (thats what I said half a year ago to those condition necros that cried).
mesmer gs auto does like no dmg at all if u r at meele.
PvP is OP
deathshroud autoattack and lichform autoattack with power is much more op than mesmer gs auotattack – both scale tooo much with power
sugggestion – make necro autoattack in deathshroud same like mesmer gs – no dmg when near and most dmg on max range
Do you actually play SPVP? The only unbalanced thing is Impale, but not because of the damage, but because of the almost absent animation (how can you possibly distinguish it from axe #3 during a fight?) and because cleansing Torment before it reaches 5 stacks has no effect a part from making it start over from 1 stack.
" If you nerf thief then nothing will stop mesmers being the most broken thing ever. It needs nerfing"
umm…condiclasses and anything that has burst and gap closers (thief, mediguard, dd ele, even warrior) will just demolish mesmers in the right hands. This thread is an absolute joke anyway. For instance, necro scepter auto does way more pressure than mesmer gs AA and scepter doesnt even have any flight time/projectiles/visual to dodge or otherwise prevent. Seems like a learn2play issue.
(edited by Smirgel.9460)
-Lich has counter play remove stability and cc,stealth even block,immunity,leap skills can allow you to retreat or fight depending on situation
-DS may be strong against other zerkers not the others specs wish also exist the game is not made of zerkers
-Mesmer GS AA the same as DS
-Diamond Skin is countered by carrion,dps or team fights
-Guard is supposed to provide the best sustain in game traited
-War have poor condition application with uncertain confusion and a evadable torment bleed and burn are weaker then other conditions specs.
-There is no better class to have better endurance regen then thief other than engi or necro if they change some stuff.
-Backstab can be countered by smart play D/D keep moving while AA D/P will most likely have longer fight and use more initiative.
-Mesmer burst is predictable especially with S/x
So again list of what you don’t like troll?
deathshroud autoattack and lichform autoattack with power is much more op than mesmer gs auotattack – both scale tooo much with power
sugggestion – make necro autoattack in deathshroud same like mesmer gs – no dmg when near and most dmg on max range
Lich auto has the worst power scaling in the game, but since Lich grants the Necro a huge amount of power and precision it does hit kitten the other hand the Necro in lich has only 1 condi cleanse and weakness or blind will directly stop a Lich in his tracks.
As for DS auto, you have no idea what you’re asking for.
That would be the most insanely OP thing in the game.
(edited by Kiriakulos.1690)
You really need to start making better points about what you think is OP and why. You can’t just start threads saying this is OP that is OP, especially regarding the mesmer GS because you seem to admit that you don’t know what is happening when the mes is hitting you.
Plus a lot of your issues seem like they are fixable without toying with class balance. But the others you need to elaborate and make better points because its just QQ as you state it.
deathshroud autoattack and lichform autoattack with power is much more op than mesmer gs auotattack
Actually DS aa’s damage is, without traits, not that strong given its cast time(+aftercast) and for needing to be in Ds and lose Lifeforce. What it makes so strong is that you can have, with the soul reaping 6 point trait and some precision (and maybe some other traits), nearly 100% critchance all the time (in Ds ofc). But to be fair we wouldnt probably see any power necros without Deathly Perception.
I can play this game too.
1.) Necromancer – Cleave isn’t bad once you start getting good at this game, boon strip is unblockable, reliable chain CC because boon stripping is easy to land once you learn how to count dodges and stun breaks on targets that are don’t have evade on skills. Has a second hp bar on death shroud and one of the best condi cleanse in the game.
P.S Necro is still a BS class that needs it’s death shroud to be nerfed back to where it was.
Everything is op except my class, says Lordsoricky. At least I acknowledge that Warrior (My main class) is BS atm because ANET can’t do any innovative balancing techniques.
Also people saying Mesmer is a bad class atm needs to L2P. Mesmer right now will NEVER compare to when ANET didn’t compliment the frenzy nerf on Warriors when frenzy was the only thing they had going for them a year ago. Mesmer can still Kill Set Up like a Necro minus the chain CC. They are supposed to be support, and people want to carry with them? Wth?
Do you actually play SPVP? The only unbalanced thing is Impale, but not because of the damage, but because of the almost absent animation (how can you possibly distinguish it from axe #3 during a fight?) and because cleansing Torment before it reaches 5 stacks has no effect a part from making it start over from 1 stack.
Nothing to do with animations. I don’t care about duelling and duelling servers. Dodging pin down basically never happens. A good warrior won’t just waste pin down when he knows you will dodge it. He will either use it hit you when your not looking (i.e. running away) or when he has counted you are out of dodges.
Add in massive special effects and seeing a tiny ausran animation is so difficult. Necro heal is one of the easiest things to interrupt, but sometimes on an asura I just miss it because they are shielded by special effects on characters which are tiny sized.
Combine all these factors, and the fact that searching for a warrior pin down animation in a team fight is borderline absurd, and you just can’t balance like that. Impale doesn’t need an easier to see animation. Well it does. But that is secondary to being reduced in effectiveness.
My idea:
Pin down – 40 second cool down
Impale – 30 second cool down
The skills would still be good in this case. If not then balance other classes around it. So chaos storm, reapers mark and such things should have a 15-20s cool down.
I liked the idea to make lifeblast like mesmer gs autoattacks it’s instant like mesmers auto too right? Lol
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