List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: TRoopEr.5364


Refered to the topic that now people speak about balance and stuff. They don’t understand if they nerf some specs/classes and Anet didn’t fix the stuf that is not working the class would be completly destroyed.(like happened to war after beta).
Here is my list
GS Skill – 1 ok
Skill – 2 – Decent dmg but lets take a look at other classes skills that root that to ground and force to channel. Thief got evade with phistol whip, Mesmer got evade with blured frenzy, guardian got projectile block, even ranger got block projectile with his whirling defense. I think Hundred blades need to make lower dmg and get some sort of defense – may be reflect projectile may be a block.
Skill – 3 is great and ok
Skill – 4 Why you nerfed it so you can’t through it more then in 120 angle? Make it bad or get at least 240 otherwise it rarely hit
Skill – 5 ok
Burst skill – please make it something like a bit leap with 1-2 secs daze(like rangers hilt bash). Current one is useless. Or make it range something like bladetrail. A lot of options here.
Hammer skill – 1 make the animation a bit shorter. On 3rd skill give us a small chance(10-20%) to daze/stun opponent for ½.
Skill – 2 make it ½
Skill – 3 Great and ok
Skill – 4 Is a bit bad designed. There is 3 solution to make this skill worth to click if you play hammer. Reduce cast time to ½ or make the knockback more then 180 or make the range more than 130.
Skill – 5 Make cast time 3/4 + add cripple for 5 seconds.
Burst skill – Cut down animation. Don’t think you need to reduce activation time but just tone down animation. Or just make it ½.
Longbow skill – Skill 1 reduce cast time ½ or increase speed of projectiles
Skill 2 is ok.
Skill 3 greatly increase projectile speed
Skill 4 add daze for ¼
Skill 5 is very ok. Even too strong.
Burst : is ok
Riffle skill 1 – slightly reduce dmg but make it ½
Skill 2 – is ok
Skill 3 – Reduce cast time to 2 seconds sharp.
Skill 4 – Reduce cast time to ¾
Skill 5 – make it to hit in a more wide angle.
Burst skill : make to to hit through invurabilities(distortion/mistforms/blocks/endure pain and other skills that didn’t let you take dmg), but still be abled to dodge and projectile reflect/destroy. It is a kill shot – if it hits it kills
Axe MH – Is great. Everything is ok.
Axe OH – 4 cause dual strike to rip 2 boons if hit or stack 8 stack of vurnability. Keep fury buff.
5 make this skill to block projectiles.(same as thief’s whirling axes)
Mace MH – 3-rd hit in a chain need to be ¾ not 1. And 1-2 skill may be ½ .
Skill – 2 make counterblow an ¼ daze.( so it can interrupt action)
Skill – 3 slightly increase dmg.
Mace OH skill – 4 Make it ½ like cyclone axe.
Skill – 5 is great may be too strong.
Burst skill – make it a slight leap for 50-100 range. It usually miss if you don’t stay toy 2 toy with opponent. Add this > if person stunbreak it, he receive 1/2 -3/4 – 1 sec of Daze.
Sword MH Skill 1. First skill : Final Thrust – add + if foe lower than 50% health he receive extra dmg(hi gw1)
Skill 2 and 3 Ok.
Sword OH Skill 4 Make it to put 4 stacks of bleeding right on impact.(same s rangers crippling talon)
Sword OH skill 5 Make it to. Interrupt an enemy foe inflict ¼ daze and apply 4 stacks of bleeding.
Burst skill Add – warrior blocks all attacks while attacking realy fast.(distortion/phistol wheep etc).
There a lot bad things in utilities / traits too that’s are not working properly or at all. But main thing is reworking Warrior’s Mastery attribute. 3% dmg could be good for eviscerate or kill shot. But for other burst skills it is nothing.
As far as I see there is 2 solutions how to fix it: Give warrior 1 point in brawn 1% armor penetration.( you ever tried to hit a guy with 3.4k armor? I crited for 4k dmg with evi in full bers build.) or Give warrior extra adrenaline for each attack he do ( 10 points + 1 adrenaline), that’s would affect all warrior’s specs. – Leagues and tournaments.

(edited by TRoopEr.5364)

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: TRoopEr.5364


GS : All skills are good designed but you need to increase it dmg scaling with attack attributes(power/crit dmg and etc). Now it is not doing any dmg even with full zerk.
Longbow: Skill 1 – Slightly increase dmg in all ranges except close.
Skill 2 – Reduce activation time to 4 seconds.( look at warriors valley. It is doing practically same dmg but twice faster)
Skill 3 is great
Skill 4 – Add cripple effect from 2-5 seconds(depends on how long the character is knockbacked)
Skill 5 – Is ok.
Shortbow is good designed and need no tweaks. May a slightly better scaling with attack(power)
Axe all skills but 3. Increase scaling with Attack(power) attribute( now all skills do too low dmg with high power)
Other ranger weapon skills are ok.
Necromancer need more way to fulfill his life force.
Staff – is ok
Axe MH – skill – 1 slightly increase dmg/increase vurnability duration from 7c to 10. Add 1% of life force per attack.
Skill – 2 Increase life force gain to 16% from 8%
Skill – 3 Reduce cast time to ¾. Retaliation receive not only necromancer but 5 allies within 600 range.
Dagger MH – make auto attack cleave(like warriors)
Skill 2 – increase healing per pulse 3 time more that it is now.
Skill 3 – reduce cast time to ¾.
Scepter MH – Skill 1 and 2 are ok.
Skill 3 – give 2% of life force for each condition applied on target.
OH Dagger is ok.
OH focus Skill 4 – gain 3 % life force for every bounce that hit enemy.
OH warhorn – skill 4 – increase the angle in which this skill hit.
Skill 5 – Give 2% life force everytime you hit when surrounded by swarm.

Guardian. I suppose that guardian’s weapons skill are great designed.
Except Scepter skill 2 = Make it symbol
OH Toarch – skill 4 – Remove 1 condition from yourself when activated
Skill 5 – Increase the range and angle to 600.
I see problem only in Duel Pistol thief. Overall increase projectile speed for his pistol attacks.
Skill 2 – reduce cast time to 1/4 . Increase vurnability duration to 8 seconds.
Skill 3 (unload) – make it 100% physical projectile(like illusionary duelist)

Nothing to speak about shield and pistols. They are fine and shield is great.
Riffle Skill -1 Significantly increase dmg.
Skill -2 is ok, but add a bit dmg.
Skill – 3 increase range to 600. Increase dmg from both close and far combat.
Skill – 4 is ok.
Skill – 5 increase vurnability to 5 stacks and slightly increase dmg.
Then I think high time to speak about kits.
Grenades/Bombs are fine. Flamethrower is fine too giving a lot utility.
Tool kit. Skill 1 – Reduce cast time to ¼ – ¼ – ½
Skill 2 – increase range to 360 , increase duration to 6 seconds.
Skill 3 – Decrees casting time to ¼
Skill 4 and 5 are fine.
Elixir Gun. Skill 1 – is fine
Skill 2 – is fine
Skill 3 – increase range to 600. Increase poison and vurnability duration to 1 pulse – 2 seconds.
Skill 4 – Apply 3 stacks of bleed for 6 seconds. Apply poison and chill for 3 seconds.
Skill 5 – greatly increase a healing scale with healing attribute. Change combo field to water. – Leagues and tournaments.

(edited by TRoopEr.5364)

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


All I gotta say is engy elixir gun needs a significant boost because nobody using it because it sucks period.

Warriors GS2 skill needs less loving. Its so overpowered that 99% warriors use GS and nothing else. And if you do use something other than GS your considered a newb and people look at you weird, especially if your using a rifle or pistols. If any profession is using a rifle or dual pistol all that says to me is guy is too scared to die so he just likes to shoot stuff and run away (road fighters), which is not an asset for a team in my mind.

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: Paradoxine.8192


I agree that weapon skills need changes across the board. The hammer for the warrior strikes me as particularly clumsy, I’ll be making a list of changes I’d like to see in my dream patch thread, expect a bump soon.

These kind of changes are what I like the most because they’re A. Fairly easy for developers to implement and B. Positively affect the diversity of builds in a big way.

(edited by Paradoxine.8192)

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


Engineer changes you want are ok only :

Rifle 5
- it have to be instant jump to the target and after landing you should be instant be able to use dodge or other skills
- maby remove the damage from it or the conditions but make it a stunbreaker

i would be soooooo happy

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Rifle 4 on Engineer is fine? If I shoot at a guardian or an ele having aegis. I knock myself down, nothing else. Same if I miss for no reason.

Rifle 2 takes so long and often does not hit.

Rifle 5 is very funny. Sometimes I do not land where I placed my ground target.

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


The issue with allot of weapons isn’t tuning… its depth…

The game is based on scattered skirmishing, instead of working as part of a group… which just cuts out a massive source of depth… so the weapons actually have to be well conceived to make up for it… at the moment the vast majority are just based on nifty ideas that seem to fit a theme, or balance… not any actual insight into gameplay…
That mentality would need to change if the game wants ever wants a chance at drawing back the massive amount of people it lost.

(edited by garethh.3518)

List of weapon skills that need to be tuned.

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


On the War, my Main Issues are with:

Totally useless…. IMHO, it should be either an instant with reduced Damage, or an instant that Immobilizes, stuns, or knocks back.

More Physical DPS, less Bleed.

Should be 1/4s casttime.

Great Skill, but it needs to be 8 seconds to work with Axe-F1(+Burst Mastery) and Leg Specialist. It’s really important, because the reduced CD won’t help you anything because the Axe Burst is so easy to dodge, you need the immobilize for it to land.

Hammer-F1 and Hammer 5
They both need a faster Animation

Decent Gap-closer, but whats the point if the target is out of reach again within seconds? It should really apply a short cripple, so it has good Synergy with Leg Specialist.

CD down to 8, if not 5.