Llama Finisher

Llama Finisher

in PvP

Posted by: Irish.7528



I have looked almost everywhere for this info and cannot find it, so don’t think I am posting lightly…

We made it through the 1st round in the legend tournament and I have no idea or read anywhere about receiving this finisher..

Are all the rewards given out next week after the NA tourney?

Thanks and GL

Llama Finisher

in PvP

Posted by: dpwt.3072


Just found this out a short while ago, but despite it not being mentioned on any of the forums posts I could find; a guy in our Guild says that apparently (according to some livestream at some point /shrug) they are nothing special to the tournament. And you will get the finisher at the same time everyone else has access to it when it comes out in the Gem Store. As to when that is, I have no idea. Sorry.

Llama Finisher

in PvP

Posted by: Irish.7528


Thanks for this mate…just found it strange it hasn’t been posted or sent out in any of the mails…

But excellent reply , now I can stop looking!!