Loading screen time after death (respawn)

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Just played my 3rd match for dailies at SoloArena at Foefire map. First 2 matches at Kyhlo worked without problems.

At Foefire I noticed after death when I clicked respawn it took me like 10 seconds to spawn… I could already hear some sound of fighting(must have been still from the place where I died cause at the spawn no enemies nearby). But loading screen was visible for like 10 seconds before I spawned and could move.

So I think this was something related to the server and not my client? (cause I could hear fighting from near the point where I died and the server did not move me to spawn and it took some time).

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


16 seconds for me (on Foefire). Kyhlo was < 1 second.

Maybe it has to do with distance from respawn (Foefire is a larger map). Kinda like how you can waypoint in Lion’s Arch to a close waypoint without load time, but if you waypoint further away you’ll have to wait for load time. I guess I could die in my base on Foefire to test.

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Maybe… but I don’t know why this wasn’t there before. Started only with the latest patch/update I think. Maybe sometimes it was a bit longer… I don’t really remember. But not that long and not every respawn on that map. It certainly takes longer for me now now.

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


BUG: Respawn time is much longer on Foefire.

However, as long as everybody is affected by it equally, then it’s tolerable.

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: LoneDeranger.5963


I have noticed this as well. It is very annoying!

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Isn’t “wave” respawn time gated to only allow people to rez every 20 seconds? Wherever you die during that 20 second period is determines how much time to have to wait until you respawn. meaning, every one respawns at the same time like a wave.

Is that the issue?

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: LoneDeranger.5963


No, I am stuck on a loading screen.

Loading screen time after death (respawn)

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


He is talking about the long loading screen issue since the patch on tuesday not respawn times…. This issue doesn’t only effect pvp it is everywhere