Lock Professions When Queing

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: So Buff.5627

So Buff.5627

Why isn’t this a thing? In GW1 pvp what you Q with is what you play in the match – no pre-game or in-match swapping of characters – made it easier for the system to match make balanced teams. Why not carry that over to GW2? Not complaining just thought the matchmaking would improve. Right now I just join as a warrior for a joke, see what the enemy switches to (or most likely not since they think they’re going to face a warrior-easy kill), then swap out to my ele, necro, scrapper, druid etc.


Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: gricks.1897


Knowing when to swap and what to swap to to help your team is the proper set up for Solo/duo queue. I do it all the time. If my team has three engi’s including me, I swap to something else so as not to hamper my team. If my team is all necros….well…I just stay Necro cause its like cancer. The more of it there is the stronger it is.

The Wrecking Krewe[NYE] – [Maguuma] Arum Bloodclaw

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: Klinch.2964


One major reason to not lock professions switching is this: I play thief, which means quite frequently I get matched with 1 or 2 other thieves on my team. Typically, that is too many thieves on a team and you will most likely lose. In those situations, either I or another player switches to a different profession to round our team out a bit better.

I personally think the way it is now is fine. But to appease more people, I have a simple suggestion too. Don’t completely lock out profession swapping. Instead, make it so there is no way to see the enemy team during the pre-game. This would eliminate “counter-swapping” (biggest complaint), and keep all of the benefits of swapping.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: So Buff.5627

So Buff.5627

Klinch I like your idea of not being able to see the enemy (GW1 also did this), although you could just run to their starting position and take a peek. But.. your first argument about getting paired with thieves.. that’s kinda what I’m saying. If you lock professions the matchmaking can do a better job of putting together a “better” team with profession variation. Of course now you get paired with thieves because the logic is unchanged. Know what I mean?

(edited by So Buff.5627)

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: Klinch.2964


About peeking, just keep the gates locked down so you can’t leave the base.

If Anet adds anti-class stacking to matchmaking, it adds to the already poor queue times. I’m very against that.

Also, Gw2 isn’t a game that should make the system decide which professions should get paired with which, since theoretically each class can have builds that do very different things. I know this isn’t exactly the case since majority of people gravitate to the same build for each profession, but that doesn’t mean we should lock matchmaking down like that. This topic really involves balance though, not just simple matchmaking mechanics.

So to keep it in the realm of simple “fixes”, I like the idea of just not seeing the enemy team in pre-game. That would help with some problems the current state of the game has been showing.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: So Buff.5627

So Buff.5627

True – although let’s face it most people are running some variant of the meta. But agreed, “Simple” fixes are what anet excel’s at. Locking the gates and blacking out enemy team when you press B would make it more interesting.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

Also, Gw2 isn’t a game that should make the system decide which professions should get paired with which, since theoretically each class can have builds that do very different things. I know this isn’t exactly the case since majority of people gravitate to the same build for each profession, but that doesn’t mean we should lock matchmaking down like that.

Thats the point. Any class can build tanky or dps orientated. Anyhow, it would be very cool if the matchmaking would consider builds/roles in some proper way.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Removing options from PVP is removing players from the game mode.


Each time they did remove something out of it, we lost hundreds of players.

Qualifier Points? In game Tournament for paid game?

Celestial amulet?

Attributes points from traits line?


Jewels on Amulet…?

Turrets Engi!!! (oh nvm!)

And so on…

Our sPVP game right now are less good than it was 2 years ago. If Anet would released another Heart of the MIST with a mirror image of December 2012 with a working leaderboard, I am sure serious players would play that and not the dumb down version we have today that offer way less options than we had before.

Do you know why? Back then, Kensuda could play a spirit weapon guardian at high level of play (top 200) and be successful with it versus meta build.

StunningStyles was able to 1v1 with his guardian any top players and put video of it over the web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP4b-zaMCJo

It was the time when META was for NOOB and Expert were able to COUNTER META with OPTIONS.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: illo.5106


If you lock professions the matchmaking can do a better job of putting together a “better” team with profession variation.

Err no, because that would
- imply, that there is something like a perfect setup, what Anet never would say out loud, plus,
- how can the system measure, who’s good at what prof (don’t start with rank, MMR, other kitten that doesn’t work)? E.g. 2 Necs knowing their class can be cancer, while 5 just joining for daily usually are easyfarm.

And locking profs just would lead to:
- more easymode matches and
- more afk after a miserable start.

Plus: If you “fear” a counter, then prepare for (countering) it.

(edited by illo.5106)

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: So Buff.5627

So Buff.5627

If you lock professions the matchmaking can do a better job of putting together a “better” team with profession variation.

Err no, because that would
- imply, that there is something like a perfect setup, what Anet never would say out loud, plus,
- how can the system measure, who’s good at what prof (don’t start with rank, MMR, other kitten that doesn’t work)? E.g. 2 Necs knowing their class can be cancer, while 5 just joining for daily usually are easyfarm.

And locking profs just would lead to:
- more easymode matches and
- more afk after a miserable start.

Plus: If you “fear” a counter, then prepare for (countering) it.

Not a perfect set-up, just more variety. It’s not about measuring who is good at what profession, that’s already part of the game isn’kitten When you click Join Ranked I would assume you’re already playing something you’re good at, right? I just find it comical that we go into matches and then switch toons at the last second to counter.

As for your easy mode and AFK comments…I’m not too sure about that. I have hardly experienced AFK’s or people giving up after the first wipe. If you have – that sucks. I solo Q’d to diamond without too much trouble but have been stuck there ever since. Also just making a blanket statement that suddenly all matches are now easy mode with out any argument to support it is hardly worth taking into consideration.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: illo.5106


When you click Join Ranked I would assume you’re already playing something you’re good at, right?

Won’t say that for all… but yeah, I know what you mean and how it should be.

I have hardly experienced AFK’s or people giving up after the first wipe. If you have – that sucks

Then you were on the better side of that messed up MMR.^^ I had a bad start and got in the “loss streak with losers” and then you can feel what PAIN means. And why you often better switch your fav class – not to counter anything, but to carry people that are really bad.

And the “kitten I’m so pro, I just suck ’cause of you…” like(d) to go afk in those matches.

And ofc matches will be easier/more challenging for you if you have a really bad setup by MM – and your opponent not. Assuming that you can expect on a higher level usually experienced players that know what to do.

(edited by illo.5106)

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Not possible without a perfect (or almost) matchmaking.

It would be only worst.

They could add the no more than 2 same classes rule to avoid 3+ same profs stacking (very popular when there is the op class of the meta).

And a special mention for double thieves.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: bloodpyrope.8630


Your faith in the matchmaking system is…astounding.

No thanks, but I’d rather take the risk of ending up with 4 thieves on my team than giving up the freedom and flexibility to swap classes.