Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

in PvP

Posted by: SparksWillFly.2971


I’m playing Burst thief Roamer that attacks nodes and falls back to support my friend at nodes when needed, my friend is playing Point Defender CC/Shout Warrior and it seems to work very well for defense, he cc’s them till i get there as best as he can while dealing a bit of damage and then when i get there he usually cc’s one of em while i burst them down and so forth.

We are Active mainly at the weekends..i’m active most days from 7pm but my friend has to get up at about 5am to go to work during the week and only plays from 7pm>8:30pmish during the week at the weekends we play from 7pm to around 12>2am depending on how awake we are lol.

We have won a fair amount of the free tournaments with random grps etc and a few premades but, we find we can never get into the same grp of ppl again. as they arent on at same times or they’re in a new team etc so we’re looking for people who are going to be on at the same time as us and be loyal to the team.

Basically we wanna win some paid tournaments and get some qualifier points and go on to the big tournaments and we’re looking for preferably one condition damage built char + a mesmer[for the numbers game:P] and a bursty class that can survive a bit of a beating or kite well…we were also thinking mesmer because they are also very good at defending a second point long enough for help to arrive in a clutch situation and they’re the best class to man the treb and repair it imo

we both have mics and we’re English and speak no other languages fluently so English is a must, we can use any preferred speech program, ts3/ventrillo/skype etc.

To summarise if you cba to read all that text.
If you play on the Desolation server, at the weekends at 7pm+ GMT and possibly during the week from 7pm>8:30pm and you speak english, have a mic, play your class well, follow instructions/think on your feet when needed and enjoy tPvP then drop your char name/class /type of build you are good at using effectively in here

I’m not all that bothered about ranks either as tbh you can play hot 8v8 pvp and lose every match and still get rank20+ without being decent at ur class so you will be tried out to see if you are good at ur class and tacticly sound don’t worry about ur rank

(edited by SparksWillFly.2971)

Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

in PvP

Posted by: Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

Angry Flying Squirrel.3041

I’m playing Burst thief Roamer that attacks nodes and falls back to support my friend at nodes when needed, my friend is playing Point Defender CC/Shout Warrior and it seems to work very well for defense, he cc’s them till i get there as best as he can while dealing a bit of damage and then when i get there he usually cc’s one of em while i burst them down and so forth.

We are Active mainly at the weekends..i’m active most days from 7pm but my friend has to get up at about 5am to go to work during the week and only plays from 7pm>8:30pmish during the week at the weekends we play from 7pm to around 12>2am depending on how awake we are lol.

We have won a fair amount of the free tournaments with random grps etc and a few premades but, we find we can never get into the same grp of ppl again. as they arent on at same times or they’re in a new team etc so we’re looking for people who are going to be on at the same time as us and be loyal to the team.

Basically we wanna win some paid tournaments and get some qualifier points and go on to the big tournaments and we’re looking for preferably one condition damage built char + a mesmer[for the numbers game:P] and a bursty class that can survive a bit of a beating or kite well…we were also thinking mesmer because they are also very good at defending a second point long enough for help to arrive in a clutch situation

we both have mics and we’re English and speak no other languages fluently so English is a must, we can use any preferred speech program, ts3/ventrillo/skype etc.

To summarise if you cba to read all that text.
If you play on the Desolation server, at the weekends at 7pm+ GMT and possibly during the week from 7pm>8:30pm and you speak english, have a mic, play your class well, follow instructions/think on your feet when needed and enjoy tPvP then drop your char name/class /type of build you are good at using effectively in here

I’m not all that bothered about ranks either as tbh you can play hot 8v8 pvp and lose every match and still get rank20+ without being decent at ur class so you will be tried out to see if you are good at ur class and tacticly sound don’t worry about ur rank

Am i the only one that thought he was asking for money?


Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpy.8397


Add “i sharpy i” to friends and wisp me.

Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

You can party and enter tourneys with people from any EU server, not just Desolation.
The only reason to have players from desolation in your guild if you want to PVE or WvW.
Is there any reason why you want only Desolation players?

Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

in PvP

Posted by: SparksWillFly.2971


You can party and enter tourneys with people from any EU server, not just Desolation.
The only reason to have players from desolation in your guild if you want to PVE or WvW.
Is there any reason why you want only Desolation players?

hmm sorry i must have misread i thought you could only pve / hot pvp with people from other servers..in that case i see no reason to not take people from others servers thanks a lot for informing me:)

Looking for 3M to form a proper tPvP team with.

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Am i the only one that thought he was asking for money?

I thought he was looking for 3 Mesmers.