Looking for a team

Looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: BlackSonic.5639


I am looking for a team, I am able to play almost every day for few hours. EU server based.

I am playing elementalist and guardian, if needed I can learn anything else.
I got teamspeak, ventrilo, I’m speaking fluent english.

Currently I’m only rank 17, but I am steadily growing. I got about 100 tournament games which I played with few guildies, but the guild is mainly PvE oriented so it’s hard to find 5-6 people who can constantly play PvP.

I understand that rank 17 is kind of low, but I got good knowledge of the game mechanics, classes and skills and I’m willing to improve with good leader and steady team.

Contact me in game or on forum.

Alisha Firehawk <— char name

(edited by BlackSonic.5639)

Looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Eshei.6803


pvp tournament is dead O.o

Looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


Hello mate, I am looking for a good guild with nice spirit. I think I fit your profile so I have added you in game and hope to see you soon enough. Hug mate!