Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

in PvP

Posted by: Jhughes.8341


Heya guys, I have been pvping on and off for a while now, I generally favor wvw small group roaming/trolling but as I have gotten better I am starting to enjoy pvp more and more. I would say I am above average when it comes to solo que, generally scoring top on my team unless I am bunking, and have gathered (what I think to be) a good understanding of team comps and what should be done and when. I finally have found a pretty competent group of guildies that want to play regularly, and they look to me and one other to come up with actual strategies and team compositions, while we are doing fine I would say, I still feel like we could be doing much better and the teams we come up with just seem to be average over all or perform extremely well vs some teams and extremely poorly vs others. I know that is sort of the nature for pvp but we are looking for a bit of balance between the two hah. Anyway could someone who knows their stuff post their in game name here? or pm me at “Liliana Ossa” in game, I have a pretty good amount of questions so only contact me if you are actually interested in helping out, thanks a ton!

tl;dr : I need to talk to a veteran pvp’er to pick your brain about strategies/ team composition

Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

in PvP

Posted by: Jhughes.8341


Thanks for that! I don’t have time to read the entire thing now, I am on campus, but I just skimmed through and seen it was just ‘general’ information, which I would like to think that I have down pretty well. I am looking more for someone to talk to about in depth team compositions (builds) not just 1 of X class roaming, 1 of X class bunking, 1 of X class far point assault blah blah. I am interested in specific openers on specific maps, how to make efficient synergy with team fighters/bunks at mid and what not. If that makes more sense?

Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Openers on every map depend wildly on your composition. Strategy in this game is relatively simple; the hard part is getting 4 other dudes to be on the same page and properly rotate themselves.

And don’t over think things. A lot of the time strategy is totally dependent on how well you’re actually winning your fights. Of course strategy helps no matter what, but when it really becomes a large factor is when you’re already winning because you’ll have the time to rotate, defend and think about secondary objectives.

If you want, hit me up in game.

twitch.tv/ostricheggs MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

in PvP

Posted by: Jhughes.8341


Will do! Thanks !

Looking for an experienced brain to pluck

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Play bunker —-→ stand on empty point —-—> decap/cap it —-—> try to survive as long as possible.

Then you reach pro level. Awesome game is gw2!

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.