Lord needs buffs

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Could we please make lord take less damage from aoes like minions? Cause I see 2 engis get on him and trust me you can’t kill them, nor can you save lord. We had an ele healer on him and he still couldn’t save lord, even when 4 teammates from my team came to defend. We just couldn’t do anything with the engi constant gyro daze, while lord was stunned 50% of the time.

When I see scrapper or condi warrior go on lord, I know it’s gg.

Or just reduce the points he gives to 100.

(edited by Tomiyou.3790)

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Ithir Darkleaf.7923

Ithir Darkleaf.7923

Better suggestion: nerf all the powercreep introduced with HoT.

~ The light of a new day

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: abaddon.3290


Better suggestion: nerf all the powercreep introduced with HoT.

better suggestion get pve out of pvp. seriously.

im bad at sarcasm

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Sins.4782


Lord’s been buffed like 4x already… just nerf the kitten HoT powercreep instead.

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


Better suggestion: nerf all the powercreep introduced with HoT.

better suggestion get pve out of pvp. seriously.

better suggestion disband Raid team and delete the Raid.

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


Raid = Extreme property
PvP= Balance
They are clash. You can see the Raid how to break GW2 sine HoT launch. Not PVP only. You can see same situation from WvW. If don’t take a action, Nothing can save GW2.

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Better suggestion: nerf all the powercreep introduced with HoT.

better suggestion get pve out of pvp. seriously.

better suggestion disband Raid team and delete the Raid.

What are you talking about? I love raiding even tho I pretty much only enjoy pvp. Anet has the ability to split PvE and PvP, so getting PvE involved in this shouldn’t even be a thing.

What he meant with get pve out of pvp is that Lord is Ai powered entity within the game which is infinitely more stupid and has no proper mind to defend himself. That is why pretty much only numbers matter for ai entities in PvP and thus should be removed. (as ai with op stats will never be as good as a player)

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


Better suggestion: nerf all the powercreep introduced with HoT.

better suggestion get pve out of pvp. seriously.

better suggestion disband Raid team and delete the Raid.

What are you talking about? I love raiding even tho I pretty much only enjoy pvp. Anet has the ability to split PvE and PvP, so getting PvE involved in this shouldn’t even be a thing.

What he meant with get pve out of pvp is that Lord is Ai powered entity within the game which is infinitely more stupid and has no proper mind to defend himself. That is why pretty much only numbers matter for ai entities in PvP and thus should be removed. (as ai with op stats will never be as good as a player)

How many time they are BUFF the Lord?
Where are HoT Power creep come from?

How to break a boss’s defiance Bar in 5 – 10 sec?
numerous CC skill ->
PVP… CC aoe , CC CD out of control

How to make condi damage become MUST in raid?
condi can be stack and increase damage, make some condi hurting mode for boss->
PVP… condi kind , stack , time out of control -> cleaning become MUST -> cleaning CD , effect area out of control

How to make long survival time and tank under raid boss’s crazy damage?
increase block , dodge , inv , movement , healing ->
PVP… less touch time , hard to kill people -> increase damage, boon stack out of control

How to kill the raid boss/minions in a limit time and under raid’s crazy damage?
increase damage , def & off same time skill , AoE damage skill , AoE cc skill , AoE condi skill , boon stack , condi stack …… ->
PVP… Just put AoE in that smaaaaallll circle PLEASE!

OK! now~
Do you know why they can kill the lord under 4 ppls def with no brain?
Just like 10 ppls kill the boss in raid with no brain.
Or tell anet put a Raid boss in pvp.

(edited by xeonage.1253)

Lord needs buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Prince Vingador.8067

Prince Vingador.8067

Too much dps , even 1 player can kill lord in 30 seconds, and if 3 or 4 players are ataking then lord will die, because players cant heal and keep lord alive , the same way players can in gw1 in fort aspenwood.
Lord really need a serious buff and i also think 100 points for the kill is more than fair.