WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
We was having this discussion over our community today and turned out I’m not the only one out there that thinks that Anet should pay more respect to veterans with 2y+ in this game and stop matching them with with low levels (someone who bought the game yesterday and is not on same page with people who have been playing for 2 years or more).
Please Anet remember to include this fix in your next patch and separate players according to their playtime and level too.
I do not imply that low levels are unskilled or anything i just do not want them to be part of my team when i play the only competitive part of this game – I feel better having people who have spend enough time playing the game and learning it’s mechanics rather than teaching it every match to new players. (and trust me i did quite a lot explanations and guides in past 2y)
Your entire post is invalid. I would rather play with a lvl 2 of a class than a lvl 80 decked out in legendaries and Fractal gear. More likely the lvl 2 has a ton more pvp experience. It should go according to player matches played (NOT account total matches) and nothing more. I could care less if you played the game for over 2 years. Playing for over 2 years means nothing in the aspect of you knowing how to PvP. When I see a lvl 2 I actually get hyped; because that is almost a sure sign they have experience. I see a lvl 80 with a lot of PVE crap on and my heart sinks.
Also, thanks for letting the entire world know that you are 1 of those AFK kittens. Now we can avoid you.
I like to make throw-away alts in PvP. This is primarily because I like to use other races/genders than what my 80s are, at times. Months ago I was on a new level 2 asura ranger alt I made when someone in the match started a ruckus over “we have a level 2….great”. They went afk and eventually was kicked.
I have 3 level 80 rangers.
I have been playing since the first day of pre-launch.
Your entire post is invalid. I would rather play with a lvl 2 of a class than a lvl 80 decked out in legendaries and Fractal gear. More likely the lvl 2 has a ton more pvp experience. It should go according to player matches played (NOT account total matches) and nothing more. I could care less if you played the game for over 2 years. Playing for over 2 years means nothing in the aspect of you knowing how to PvP. When I see a lvl 2 I actually get hyped; because that is almost a sure sign they have experience. I see a lvl 80 with a lot of PVE crap on and my heart sinks.
Also, thanks for letting the entire world know that you are 1 of those AFK kittens. Now we can avoid you.
Thank you for proving my point that general population of PvP is made of people who have no idea nor read the posts (i’ve clearly stated that its the time spend playing the game as representation of their level not the level itself).
While there are clearly “skip to end of the post” type of players in PvP it will never improve.
Every other competitive game I’ve played have the feature in their system to check certain things like time spend playing (there is a saying in my country – you’re not a fisher just because you have a fishing pole).
And thank you for making this post showing that you’re one of those low lifes who care only to stomp new players and don’t care for improvement.
Oh and let me touch the “twinking” where top rank players play with alts just to stomp new players and act like pros – well hello there we’ve seen from moba games like Dota2 and LoL that twinking is quite damaging for new starters that is why there should be the level balancing restricting system in place.
(edited by Luna.9640)
you’re one of those low lifes who care only to stomp
Someone is having a bad day and wants to share.
you’re one of those low lifes who care only to stomp
Someone is having a bad day and wants to share.
8/10 :<
MMR has been reset can’t you read?
You’re gonna play with newbs and bads for a while till you get your mmr back.
This community man..
There’s never enough new players in pvp and when they do get here you want them to leave?
Yell at them till they get better.
The first time someone tells them they’re kitten for playing Condi mesmer they’ll be like nah mang, I win all my 1v1s! The 2nd time they get called out for playing a troll build made to throw games, they’ll be like, oh.. hmm.. No I’m still a baller, but probably on the 10th time they’ll be like oh……. 1v1’s don’t matter as much in conquest.
Same thing with people who open Forest by 2 manning svanir while your team wipes at mid and then coming to mid to do a 4v2 with 2 downed bodies, yell at them until they get better.
(i’ve clearly stated that its the time spend playing the game as representation of their level not the level itself).
You have not. Using the term “level” to describe this issue was an exceedingly poor choice, and I too thought that you had some silly aversion to low level characters (actual in-game level) in your PvP teams after reading your OP.
(i’ve clearly stated that its the time spend playing the game as representation of their level not the level itself).
You have not. Using the term “level” to describe this issue was an exceedingly poor choice, and I too thought that you had some silly aversion to low level characters (actual in-game level) in your PvP teams after reading your OP.
Read my 1st post again and again both 1st and last parts says level is representing something else not the level in my whole post.
The title however is intentionally misleading.
1) If you look at the Algoritm at http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm you will see rank is factored into the match making. So ‘time spend’ is taken into account.
2) On this forum developers have stated that MMR for ranked que is based on you rating of teamQ.
(i’ve clearly stated that its the time spend playing the game as representation of their level not the level itself).
You have not. Using the term “level” to describe this issue was an exceedingly poor choice, and I too thought that you had some silly aversion to low level characters (actual in-game level) in your PvP teams after reading your OP.
Yes, and I am a low life twink that just wants to stomp newbies?
Apparently you didn’t read my post AT ALL. I said the matchmaking system (Which has been reset) should also consider amount of games played BY THAT CHARACTER and NOT their ACCOUNT. Maybe now you can read it since it is in caps. This will prevent so called “twinks”. If someone just creates a theif, they should be with the newer players since they don’t really know how to play the class yet. Yes they know the game mechanics a bit better but that’s it. If someone wants to go out of their way to delete and make new character every couple of weeks to avoid this…who cares…let them be a low life and have no fun. Non stop steam rolling is NO fun.
. This will prevent so called “twinks”. If someone just creates a theif, they should be with the newer players since they don’t really know how to play the class yet. Yes they know the game mechanics a bit better but that’s it. If someone wants to go out of their way to delete and make new character every couple of weeks to avoid this…who cares…let them be a low life and have no fun. Non stop steam rolling is NO fun.
Pretty sure you don’t delete your MMR when you delete your character.
Your MMR is profession based.. and doesn’t change based on character.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
. This will prevent so called “twinks”. If someone just creates a theif, they should be with the newer players since they don’t really know how to play the class yet. Yes they know the game mechanics a bit better but that’s it. If someone wants to go out of their way to delete and make new character every couple of weeks to avoid this…who cares…let them be a low life and have no fun. Non stop steam rolling is NO fun.
Pretty sure you don’t delete your MMR when you delete your character.
Your MMR is profession based.. and doesn’t change based on character.
Ah you are correct. Mah bad. So then this eliminates every problem then. Put new characters where they belong based on the amount of games played (Aka MMR for each proffesion). I have a character or 2 that I have never PvPed with and I can tell you I would not be up to par if I jumped on those and ran with the same crowd I do now. I would be hurting my team.
I have 24-25 characters, not all of them are level 80. I have these much characters because I don’t like the hassle of switching builds.
If ANet separates players by PvE levels, it will end destroying the game even more. My level 20 characters can now stomp all these newbies.
I have 24-25 characters, not all of them are level 80. I have these much characters because I don’t like the hassle of switching builds.
If ANet separates players by PvE levels, it will end destroying the game even more. My level 20 characters can now stomp all these newbies.
Yes this would be silly, as PVE level = amount of time spent jamming 1 running around with a zerg..
I think it’s only noobs who even look at pve level and say “oh GG”..
It’s too boring to spam the Level up button on my other characters so most of mine aren’t 80.
I hope I never get matched with such a queen bee like you lol.
PvP always has the worst players. The higher up you get the worse the players get.
I’ve known people that just naturally can figure everything out on how to play the class in like 30 secs and can take a level 1 into mists and dominate. There is also people like me, who after 2 years and almost an 80 still sucks massively in pvp.
But there is always celestial engi or ele for me I guess.
But there is always celestial engi or ele for me I guess.
LOL. I love it
PvP always has the worst players. The higher up you get the worse the players get.
I’ve known people that just naturally can figure everything out on how to play the class in like 30 secs and can take a level 1 into mists and dominate. There is also people like me, who after 2 years and almost an 80 still sucks massively in pvp.
But there is always celestial engi or ele for me I guess.
Haha I might be in same boat as those who played so long and suck, so hard to tell. Theres a difference between being screwed and being a sucky player though. Being screwed means you have a bad W/L because you keep getting 4v5s 1v5s, BULLBULL like that stuff and being a bad player means nothing but good matches but still lose all fights you do. I’d say I’m mix of those, hard to tell because I keep facing GOOD players.
Also, when they nerf your main build, your best build, pretty hard to recover. kittening automated response nerf.
Nothing OP about automated response, you just was a massive condi tank. Its nothing like current engineers now, good at EVERY mothakittena thing. sumo engy couldn’t kill kitten, just did a good job sumoing people at far. These new meta engineers, they don’t nerf good at EVERY mothakittena thing. I don’t know why they don’t get 50% nerf like the sumo engineers got.
If you want to do a guardian equivalent to these current meta engineers, this is what you do, put the pro’s of medi guardian and ah guardian together. See how they then good at every mothakittena thing? That’s how these meta engineers are, they deserve a 50% decrease. That 50% decrease on sumo engineers wasn’t just a nerf, it was a up the butt hard kitten nerf. Completely destroyed that trait. You see people use it and win matches now? HELLLL no, that thing got nerfed so hard up the butt nobody thinks twice about that trait anymore.
(edited by uberkingkong.8041)
We was having this discussion over our community today and turned out I’m not the only one out there that thinks that Anet should pay more respect to veterans with 2y+ in this game and stop matching them with with low levels (someone who bought the game yesterday and is not on same page with people who have been playing for 2 years or more).
Please Anet remember to include this fix in your next patch and separate players according to their playtime and level too.
I do not imply that low levels are unskilled or anything i just do not want them to be part of my team when i play the only competitive part of this game – I feel better having people who have spend enough time playing the game and learning it’s mechanics rather than teaching it every match to new players. (and trust me i did quite a lot explanations and guides in past 2y)
you spent 2+ years on this game but don’t have the patience to play a 5-10 min game with a player who may or may not be better than you at pvp despite their level?
We was having this discussion over our community today and turned out I’m not the only one out there that thinks that Anet should pay more respect to veterans with 2y+ in this game and stop matching them with with low levels (someone who bought the game yesterday and is not on same page with people who have been playing for 2 years or more).
Please Anet remember to include this fix in your next patch and separate players according to their playtime and level too.
I do not imply that low levels are unskilled or anything i just do not want them to be part of my team when i play the only competitive part of this game – I feel better having people who have spend enough time playing the game and learning it’s mechanics rather than teaching it every match to new players. (and trust me i did quite a lot explanations and guides in past 2y)
you spent 2+ years on this game but don’t have the patience to play a 5-10 min game with a player who may or may not be better than you at pvp despite their level?
In my 2y+ in this game i have more than enough time to come by all kind of stuff and having low level in my PvP team always led to bad experience – loosing or not so funny for competitive play.
Now i will rather go grab something to drink alt+tab to read something on internet than playing with low levels.
I can play my alts and be annoying too but i have some respect towards other people around me and play the characters I’ve leveled and learned the class mechanics good enough to be able to give maximum of it during COMPETITIVE PVP.
TL:DR all low levels i met in PvP was bad in it.So please don’t come with theories about how you log your lvl2 and dominate whole match 1v5 because i don’t buy it – my experience in past 2y was the opposite of what you say.
OP you are more wrong than wrong.
If you want control on the composition of your
team then form a team.
New players have to get better,and the best way to do
this is in ranked arenas.
We need more players in the game,and these will be new players.
OP you are more wrong than wrong.
If you want control on the composition of your
team then form a team.
New players have to get better,and the best way to do
this is in ranked arenas.
We need more players in the game,and these will be new players.
New players can get matched up with other new players and get better together.
Just because you don’t share my opinion or can’t see how big of an improvement will be separating new from old player will be don’t make me wrong.
Play time says nothing about the PvP skill of a player. I remember times when I demolished rank80s while only being wolf level myself.
Besides, a player who just recently started playing a new profession might still end up beating you because of stronger overall mechanics. So character level doesn’t mean anything eiter.
Those players with full map explore and shiny skins of epicness are the suspicious ones to me. Oftentimes, you end up with some PvE kittenbags who are only here to farm for rewards and don’t care about PvP.
Only thing that truly matters is MMR. It adapts according to your performance and matches you with equal players. Gotta wait until Dec 16 tho when they launch the new leaderboards.
here’s a thought: character level /=/ skill level. Just because some people don’t PvE with certain characters and don’t use the enormous amount of tomes they get from pvp instantly doesn’t make them a bad player. And btw
I do not imply that low levels are unskilled or anything i just do not want them to be part of my team when i play the only competitive part of this game – I feel better having people who have spend enough time playing the game and learning it’s mechanics rather than teaching it every match to new players.
this is implying that they are bad because you hold ill thoughts about the players based on level.
@Anet why not just hide character levels? They provide nothing to PvP as everyone is level 80 and only opens people up to idiot’s judgement.
here’s a thought: character level /=/ skill level. Just because some people don’t PvE with certain characters and don’t use the enormous amount of tomes they get from pvp instantly doesn’t make them a bad player. And btw
I do not imply that low levels are unskilled or anything i just do not want them to be part of my team when i play the only competitive part of this game – I feel better having people who have spend enough time playing the game and learning it’s mechanics rather than teaching it every match to new players.
this is implying that they are bad because you hold ill thoughts about the players based on level.
@Anet why not just hide character levels? They provide nothing to PvP as everyone is level 80 and only opens people up to idiot’s judgement.
I agree with either hiding character levels or adding a filter to q selection. Maybe call it “team settings” where you can set the lowest level of the players you’d prefer to q up with. I don’t know how it’d affect selection in our current player base, but maybe in the future you can have it be a bit more refined. Still, best option is to get a premade currently. That way you know the skill level of everyone you’re on a team with.
I prefer to play with a newbie who is eager to learn pvp than some guardian whose gameplay over 2 years was spamming #1 in train.
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