MM still rigged

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


This isn’t a post complaining about losses, rather win rates.

Lots of people (including lots of non pros) are going 40W-3L type win rates soloqing. And most of those losses are due to afks or something.

That shouldn’t be possible in a real comp game. No matter how good you are you can’t win 9/10 games soloqing in a team game. And yet plenty of people appear to be.

Look at any successful competitive game. Even the top pro players won’t have 95%+ win rates. Only hackers get those types of win rates.

MM still rigged.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Electra.7530


I recall last season in Amber and most of Emerald Divisions, win ratios were much, much higher. But, as the divisions progress and the higher ranked, more pvp active players continue, player talent begins to shape the progression of pvp from there. But, when you reach a point of 20 losses in a row, or 20 wins consistently, day in and day out, whichever, odds don’t favor that.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: warbignime.4610


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate is an understatement.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

(edited by warbignime.4610)

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate in an understatement.

The casuals who come to these forums to cry about matchmaking will never understand that. They will also never come to grips that sometimes you do actually lose in PvP, its not carebear wonderland PvE.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate is an understatement.

Sure if they smurf and play against the equiv of ambers.

This isn’t the case however. The peeps I’m talking about started off supposedly playing against peeps of their skill level, plus they were diamond or legendary last season. You shouldn’t have a 95% win rate climbing through that.

(edited by Mightybird.6034)

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I don’t think it is rigged. Matchmaking actually isn’t all that bad. I’m not feeling like one team is really hugely better than another. I do get upset with my teammate for some poor rotations, but I’m not the best at rotations either which is why I"m paired with them.

The real problem, is class stacking. We need one class per team.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


I don’t think it is rigged. Matchmaking actually isn’t all that bad. I’m not feeling like one team is really hugely better than another. I do get upset with my teammate for some poor rotations, but I’m not the best at rotations either which is why I"m paired with them.

The real problem, is class stacking. We need one class per team.

Don’t get me wrong, I generally agree for where my personal skill level is at I am happy winning 55-60% of my games starting in saph.

That doesn’t change the fact its still rigged. Someone on a loss streak you can argue they are just bad. But win rates you can’t argue with. On a real account (not smurf) you literally just can’t have win rates that high on an actual competitive game. Something is off with MM.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: warbignime.4610


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate is an understatement.

Sure if they smurf and play against the equiv of ambers.

This isn’t the case however. The peeps I’m talking about started off supposedly playing against peeps of their skill level, plus they were diamond or legendary last season. You shouldn’t have a 95% win rate climbing through that.

Last season pretty much everyone no matter the skill could grind to legend, so I dont think legend last season hold too much weight, better player are going yo win more and you should accept that. Just as bad players will lose more. Sure a lot people say that they only lose 10 game in a row because of bad MM and team but is it really? Then you spectate these people in game they dont even know how to rotate and rage all the time yet posting 2 thread per day conplaining about bad teammate.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate is an understatement.

Sure if they smurf and play against the equiv of ambers.

This isn’t the case however. The peeps I’m talking about started off supposedly playing against peeps of their skill level, plus they were diamond or legendary last season. You shouldn’t have a 95% win rate climbing through that.

Last season pretty much everyone no matter the skill could grind to legend, so I dont think legend last season hold too much weight, better player are going yo win more and you should accept that. Just as bad players will lose more. Sure a lot people say that they only lose 10 game in a row because of bad MM and team but is it really? Then you spectate these people in game they dont even know how to rotate and rage all the time yet posting 2 thread per day conplaining about bad teammate.

1. Out of that pool of legendary players the MM is SUPPOSED to be matching you against players of almost equal skill. It clearly isn’t if you have a 9/10 win rate. 9/10 win rate = rigged games.

2. This post has nothing to do with people complaining or going on losing streaks. Its about win streaks.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: warbignime.4610


You are missing the point, Pros dont get 95 win rate in dota at their rank aka 7k mmr. But if you put them in 4k, 95 win rate is an understatement.

Sure if they smurf and play against the equiv of ambers.

This isn’t the case however. The peeps I’m talking about started off supposedly playing against peeps of their skill level, plus they were diamond or legendary last season. You shouldn’t have a 95% win rate climbing through that.

Last season pretty much everyone no matter the skill could grind to legend, so I dont think legend last season hold too much weight, better player are going yo win more and you should accept that. Just as bad players will lose more. Sure a lot people say that they only lose 10 game in a row because of bad MM and team but is it really? Then you spectate these people in game they dont even know how to rotate and rage all the time yet posting 2 thread per day conplaining about bad teammate.

1. Out of that pool of legendary players the MM is SUPPOSED to be matching you against players of almost equal skill. It clearly isn’t if you have a 9/10 win rate. 9/10 win rate = rigged games.

2. This post has nothing to do with people complaining or going on losing streaks. Its about win streaks.

Did you read my reply? Like I said legend last season doesnt hold too much weight, so players that deserve it are going to crush those who grind to legend. Also less than the number of games are not big enough to be a valid sample. Some people will get lucky and have some win streaks, it happens in every game. I had 26 win streak once in dota but im still stuck in 4.6k afterwards.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


@war did you read mine? It also takes MMR into account, not just legendary status previous season.

You can say its too small to be a valid sample, but when it happens every season (except S1 I think?) and it doesn’t happen in any other game…

Believe what you want, but its pretty obvious if you look at it unbiased and compare it to climbing in any other game.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: warbignime.4610


@war did you read mine? It also takes MMR into account, not just legendary status previous season.

You can say its too small to be a valid sample, but when it happens every season (except S1 I think?) and it doesn’t happen in any other game…

Believe what you want, but its pretty obvious if you look at it unbiased and compare it to climbing in any other game.

What you mean every season except season 1, thats like only one season. And we all know MM in season 2 is sloppy so that can not be a valid sample at all. I just dont get your logic, some random guy had win streaks mean s MM is broken? What?

Some must fight so that all may be free.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: chungiee.8764


The problem is there are not enough divisions.

Last season, literally anyone who played enough could get to Diamond/Legendary. As such, there are huge discrepancies in skill despite being in the same pip range currently leading to ez win-streaks for anyone half decent due to MMR heaven.

This should improve over the next few days as all the better players and no-life grinders move into Legendary/Diamond and start fighting each other.

This will then get worse again after 2 weeks or so when the less-skilled players make it into legendary and become food for those players who want to get 100x Prestige this season.

Chungie – Aurora Glade (EU)
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


@war I guess you would have to understand statistics and have played other games competitively to get it? I dunno why its not more obvious.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Quite frankly, the problem is that there aren’t many PvP players in this game. There is not enough players to have a nice distribution in a game like DOTA. Unless you want 5+ hour queues you will get a WIDE range of MMR’s in a single game and then the high MMR get stacked on one team and the low on another. This makes it easy for high MMR players to get 95% win rates.

Unless you can multiply the PvP population by 10x this problem will not be solved no matter what sort of fancy match making you come up with.

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


Quite frankly, the problem is that there aren’t many PvP players in this game. There is not enough players to have a nice distribution in a game like DOTA. Unless you want 5+ hour queues you will get a WIDE range of MMR’s in a single game and then the high MMR get stacked on one team and the low on another. This makes it easy for high MMR players to get 95% win rates.

Unless you can multiply the PvP population by 10x this problem will not be solved no matter what sort of fancy match making you come up with.

Pretty sure S1 (beyond the cheating by group with lower divs which they fixed) was more fair. People complained bc they couldn’t ez farm pips fast. Which is super ironic since its usually the same ppl complaining they want harsher punishments for losing (like div loss.)

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: bluri.2653


Good matchmaking:


Sindrener – Rank55 Dragons/Orange Logo/Team Aggression

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Hanza.6872


Arena Net has admitted that the system is still rigged. So there is no need to discuss that anymore.

Your season 2 example is accurate, though could be closer in some circumstances.

Season 3 will be like a sorted version of season 1:
4 – 5
4 – 5
4 – 6
5 – 6
5 – 7

The problem at hand is that this system gets more extreme at off-peak times. Resulting in horrible matchups for extended periods. In season two this was the actual MMR hell some people (under 5% of the population) could end up in. Arena net admitted this was a problem with their algorithm (too lazy to look this up right now).

My question is, how could they use a similar system to the previous one. That has been proven and admitted to be faulty? Why do you keep pushing (some) people down the gutter? Kinda hard to understand.

A tip for anyone who thinks they are stuck in this type of hell. Don’t play outside of primetime and group up with someone ‘good’. You can drag yourself out of the pit that way.