MMR Feedback

MMR Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: aaronsmith.6024


Just wanted to note some observations from the last couple months in PvP on how my own matches have changed. Not meant to be really positive or negative, just what I’ve seen. Note than I’m in the top 5% or so, I do pretty well when I play, but not one of the real hard-core PvPers. Other people may have a lot more experience to add to these.

First, I feel like I’m always either on the top (scoring) of an okay team or on the bottom of a really great team, rarely anywhere in the middle. Oftentimes, my score will be a LOT higher than the next highest or a LOT lower than the next lowest. Is the “MMR score” sorted into brackets or something, and I’m just on the border of ‘okay’ and ‘great’?

Second, I feel like I am facing much fewer pre-made teams than before. I hardly ever play with anyone; does MMR factor in folks that are queuing in together vs. solo? It’s kind of nice, but maybe just circumstantial?

Finally, I have noticed that after queuing repeatedly for an hour, I’ll end up on the same team as the same guys over and over again facing the same enemies over an over again. This is usually a really good thing, and we get better-organized every time, but occasionally I get stuck with a troll a half-dozen matches in a row and just quit for the day. Is it just coincidence that teams get re-rolled so similarly over and over again?

Have ya’ll noticed similar trends?

MMR Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Dietere.3476


Idk about getting matched with the same players that often, I don’t pay much attention to the names of the other players.

I am currently on a 13 game losing streak though, so there’s that. I suppose that could be called a trend, but more likely just a sign that I’m really bad. No matter where I place on the scoreboard, my team seems to find a way to lose every time lately.