in PvP

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


I am Solo EU player mesmer

  • Season 1 90%solo: got legend.
  • Season 2 100% solo : I stoped playing 7 pip away from Legend, it was too easy no reward feeling huge win streak. it was just borring.
  • Season 3 100% solo: i am Legend, and i had a really hard time. Seriously, it was hell.

On EU I have something like 23K PVP match, most of the time, i am matched with people…. you can not even believe it exists. I blocked them to recognize them. When i look in the block list arround 95% of them are in PVE or in Raid.
Each time i see them, i know this pvp match is a 80% lost game. If i have 2 blocked people, well this mean you can already give up. They do the same mistakes over and over ignore map instructions, ignore target. whatever…..

Since i believe the lesser games you played, the easier are your matches.
So i decided to make a free NA account and to look in to MMR HELL.

I play a solo simple mesmer, not even chrono like EU.
Matches are somehow easy, i beat elite spec as if i am playing elite spec myself.
Sure there are matches that you just can’t win, but look by yourself.

Either MMR HELL exist, either NA level is far below EU. Did my skills progress to such an extend? No.
My though: the system is carrying me. It may prioritize me, giving me weak opponent and good team due to my PVP history. This is absurd, this just because i have few pvp matches.

If really the game tend to give you 50% winrate, if you played a lot of PVP and your winrate is 49-51% you will be matched with people with the same winrate with fewer matches. This is ridiculous
50% winrate with 10K+ matches and 50% winrate with 100-500 is not something that you can compare. there is Huge gap between those 2

I don’t know how the system group but:
If it takes 10 people with ~50% winrate.
player 1. 20K pvp matches
player 2.10K
player 3. 5k
player 4. 2,5K
player 5. 1k
player 6 to 10 ~250-500 pvp matches

TEAM B: 2,3,4,5,10
Team A will mostly lose and this would be Hell for player 1, because it will happen again and again and slowly drop his winrate and getting worser matches.

But since nobody really knows how we are matched up… you can’t really tell.
Maybe, review your MMR system once again. I don’t have any suggestions but sure is:

  • the lesser games you played, the easier are your matches.

Imagine a player with a70-80% winrate with only ~100-200 games being matched with people with the same winrate and 1-2-3k pvp matches.

My English is bad, still i hope you undestand what i mean.

I am going to make it to legend in NA , there is no doubt there and this with a simple mesmer.


(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)


in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


Ok, this is a theory, but do we have any proof that matchmaking is actually structured like this?

Attempting to prove this with personal experience alone without a solid dev confirmation is just the anecdotal logical fallacy.

NSPride <3


in PvP

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


i said myself since we don’t know how the matches are made it is impossible to clearly verify it.
BUT the fact that my assumption are veryified in my test, i can not deny the high possibility that it is true.
Or how do you explain this easyness?


in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


i said myself since we don’t know how the matches are made it is impossible to clearly verify it.
BUT the fact that my assumption are veryified in my test, i can not deny the high possibility that it is true.
Or how do you explain this easyness?

Any attempt to explain on my part would only be an assumption — a waste of time. We can only hope for a solid dev confirmation.

NSPride <3


in PvP

Posted by: skcamow.3527


One possible conclusion: The system giving fresh accounts “average” MMR as Anet has previously stated must be so high in comparison to the MMR of people participating in the leagues at all levels. The average MMR + winning your first 5-10 games must be putting players in oft recurring advantageous match making scenarios.

The average MMR plays heavily into facilitating speedy runs to legend to create a possible situation where the player may not be at legend skill level (instead carried by their initial MMR).

You hear time and again of players struggling with their main account to get through the tiers and on a fresh account it’s much easier to progress. Same player, different accounts. Generally speaking, it should not be this way.

As for a solution, hard to say but for sure the MMR of fresh accounts should be heavily scrutinized.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)


in PvP

Posted by: Sooloo.1364


I too have two accounts, the fresh one being on diamond with a 70% win rate.
My main has a 30% win rate stuck in Sapphire.
I had a guy from Legendary join my party earlier today saying he could carry me.
It was an eye opening experience for him to witness the dark side of MM, him saying he’s never lost so many games in a row.


in PvP

Posted by: Nosmer.2806


Relatively new player here. Played for about one and a half month. Got to ruby on a huge winstreak two weeks ago, and now its almost impossible to play. A week ago it was tolerable, 50% winrate, if i try hard enough, i get a win. But the last week was total hell. People dcing, not actually playing a game, and even worse – looking like me at the very start, not knowing what button to press and what their abilities do. Now im at a ruby 2-3. last 10 games were like this: 4 losses – 1 win – 4 losses – 1 win. And this is terrible. I feel like i no longer know if i do anything right.

And this is how i got matched today. At least it wasnt a loss.


(edited by Nosmer.2806)


in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


1. The system matches players accoring to their MMR and division. Win ratio does not matter. (Of course high win ratio usually means high MMR and low win ratio usually low MMR, but there are more factors, which play a role, so 2 ppl with the same win ratio can have completely different MMR.)

2. The matches become easier, the later you start into the season/the lesser games you play in the season. Because most better players will already be in higher divisions and you will get much easier enemies. Total games played should not matter at all.

A new account, which starts mid season, will have an easy start, because most players left at the bottom will have below average MMR and therefore are easy opponents for an average team (eventually with an above average player). If you’d create a new account right at the start of the season and play a lot of games, it should be much harder than starting playing mid season on an (above average MMR) main account.


in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


2. The matches become easier, the later you start into the season/the lesser games you play in the season. Because most better players will already be in higher divisions and you will get much easier enemies. Total games played should not matter at all.

We’re talking here about people that on second account got to diamond and above easily, while at the same time are struggling in sapphire on main.
The second account might have had it easier in lower divisions, but once it reached the same division as main, from that point on the experience should be identical on both. It isn’t which shows that your point 2 is not an issue here.

Yes, starting late helps. Helps to pump up your MMR in lower divisions. That MMR will then carry you through higher ones. More important however is the fact that pumping is much easier for new accounts – they don’t have to deal with a baggage coming from a long history of previous games.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)


in PvP

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


This will only happen for players with very low MMR on the main account. I was mostly responding to the OP though, who – i assume – does not have low MMR, otherwise he wouldn’t have had an easy time in season 2.

So yes – the higher your MMR is, the easier it will be. The later you start – the easier it will be. Both is true. However, a “long history of previous games” does not necessarily result in low MMR – if you are good. A new account gives only a “MMR advantage” to players with below average MMR.

(edited by UmbraNoctis.1907)


in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

It’s no surprise.

You’ll often hear that “main accounts” struggle to reach legend but then that same player uses an alt account and reaches legend easily.

The system is absolutely botched and punishes people who play on accounts with history. It’s a sack of monkey kitten to be honest and It’s the biggest reason why I took an almost month long break during S3. you can’t take a system like this seriously.

I love GW2 but come on.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.


in PvP

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


It’s no surprise.

You’ll often hear that “main accounts” struggle to reach legend but then that same player uses an alt account and reaches legend easily.

The system is absolutely botched and punishes people who play on accounts with history. It’s a sack of monkey kitten to be honest and It’s the biggest reason why I took an almost month long break during S3. you can’t take a system like this seriously.

I love GW2 but come on.

This is what i think, and actually PVP doesn’t reflect say or reflect amything about how skilled someone is.


in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


1st pic heaven
2nd pic hell



in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Average mmr, big deviation, big volatility → inflated mmr on new accounts played by not-new players.

You can imagine those two (deviation and volatility) as momentum. The bigger those two, the bigger the increase in mmr on a win.

You can exaggerate that even more if you only play your new account outside primetime, and only lets say twice a week for several matches in a row.

The more regularly you play, the smaller the deviation. The more consistent your match results, the smaller the volatility.

Now, accounts with a history, that regularly play pvp matches, have a very lets say “sluggish” mmr. It takes quite a bit more wins to improve mmr, than on an account with less regularly played matches and less pvp history.

Of course, this is a very simplified answer So take it with a grain of salt.


in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


I think its a mix of it being a new account with average mmr + NA players…are very bad.

Astral/abjured are the only ones who can compete with EU. NA are just filled with average players if not worse than average. Everyone who has top mmr in NA play like averages and if they had played on EU servers they would never get up to the high mmr bracket. EU has way better players.


in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I made 2 f2p accounts and alternated matches with them all running the same builds. I was not able to tell a difference between them in terms of matchmaking. I did this at the end of season 2 and the start if 3. I did notice that the ability of players in sapphire was noticeably better later in the season when the top tier players were playing alts to avoid the long queue times. Unless you are playing both accounts on the same server/tier at the same time in the season you are comparing apples to houseboats.

If you have one account that is suck in a lower tier and one that is legendary, it is more likely that the legendary account is the one with the mismatched MMR.


in PvP

Posted by: jackieboyo.3792


There is something special with the system.

Started Amber, wen’t something in a line of 20+ / 1 to Ruby.
Currently at 19 loose streak.
Games with dc’s – check
Games with bots (or people playing like bots – run to point, stand there, die, run again over and over) – check
Games with 4 thies that dont wan’t to change – check
Games with 4 people staring into Lord’s gate in hope I’ll destroy itself without unites – check
Games with people calling “gg game is unbalance” and stayin at base – check


in PvP

Posted by: Yasi.9065


Its because ruby/diamond t1 is always bottlenecked mid to end of season.

No dropping down means lots of players that shouldnt be there are clustering around ruby/diamond t1.

If you cant breeze through that, you are pretty much stuck there.

Big flaw of safety pips and winstreak mechanic.