(edited by kdaddy.5431)
MMR system
To answer all your points conclusively, MMR calculations are, just like the leaderboard, flawed.
Points 1 and 3 are contradictory. You say to keep it silent and then you say that you want it displayed.
Your team calculations at the end make utterly no sense at all. You say you’ve been on a 2-1-1-1 (4 players) and a 1-1-1-1-1-1 (6 players). Secondly, how do you know you’ve been on such teams if MMR is not displayed? Premades can also be made out of 5 complete newcomers to sPvP, which means it’s hardly an achievement worth noting if you defeat them with your PUG.
I have tangoed with some of the best in 1v2’s and survived, I have tanked and kited 4 players + for periods of time lasting up to 2 minutes, in those moments I was… GODLIKE and I dare anet or anyone else to tell me that my MMR is 1!
To answer all your points conclusively, MMR calculations are, just like the leaderboard, flawed.
Points 1 and 3 are contradictory. You say to keep it silent and then you say that you want it displayed.
Your team calculations at the end make utterly no sense at all. You say you’ve been on a 2-1-1-1 (4 players) and a 1-1-1-1-1-1 (6 players). Secondly, how do you know you’ve been on such teams if MMR is not displayed? Premades can also be made out of 5 complete newcomers to sPvP, which means it’s hardly an achievement worth noting if you defeat them with your PUG.
I have tangoed with some of the best in 1v2’s and survived, I have tanked and kited 4 players + for periods of time lasting up to 2 minutes, in those moments I was… GODLIKE and I dare anet or anyone else to tell me that my MMR is 1!
I fixed my numbers there for ya since you took it very literal. Also how does it not make sense. Everyone has a base MMR and it goes up when teamed with another player.
Also you surviving vs 2 there are so many questions like did you own the point, was it in neutral or did you run into a cap point where 2 people were and just killed yourself. Also what ever frustration you might have towards it are you not interested?
The better question is when seeing your MMR will it make you rage? If it does i guess i see why anet wont let people see there mmr since they cant handle the truth. I want the truth but if you cant handle it i guess its better to be stuck in limbo.
To answer all your points conclusively, MMR calculations are, just like the leaderboard, flawed.
Points 1 and 3 are contradictory. You say to keep it silent and then you say that you want it displayed.
Your team calculations at the end make utterly no sense at all. You say you’ve been on a 2-1-1-1 (4 players) and a 1-1-1-1-1-1 (6 players). Secondly, how do you know you’ve been on such teams if MMR is not displayed? Premades can also be made out of 5 complete newcomers to sPvP, which means it’s hardly an achievement worth noting if you defeat them with your PUG.
I have tangoed with some of the best in 1v2’s and survived, I have tanked and kited 4 players + for periods of time lasting up to 2 minutes, in those moments I was… GODLIKE and I dare anet or anyone else to tell me that my MMR is 1!
I fixed my numbers there for ya since you took it very literal. Also how does it not make sense. Everyone has a base MMR and it goes up when teamed with another player.
Also you surviving vs 2 there are so many questions like did you own the point, was it in neutral or did you run into a cap point where 2 people were and just killed yourself. Also what ever frustration you might have towards it are you not interested?
The better question is when seeing your MMR will it make you rage? If it does i guess i see why anet wont let people see there mmr since they cant handle the truth. I want the truth but if you cant handle it i guess its better to be stuck in limbo.
I think you should start by reading both of these wikis:
After that if you can still justify the importance of having a useless statistic such as MMR displayed then go ahead. The point is that in its current iteration it’s flawed, it’s not a real indication of player skill so what is the point of even displaying it?
Initially that entire paragraph was meant as a bit of a joke, albeit the information was sound. Surviving and winning a 1v2 (something which has occurred numerous times for me, usually every second game or multiple times in a game) means that the rest of my team are fighting 4 vs 3, so whether the point was capped or neutral is really a non issue, this will allow them a 2v2 2v1, or a 3v2 1v1, the benefits of such a matchup are obvious. Surviving also generally means surviving and hence surviving and suiciding at the same time are incompatible.
To be honest I’m not entirely sure why you’re convinced I’m a bad player. Granted, wishful thinking does permeate much of society.
(edited by xemplifi.3524)
I feel it greatly help alot of people where there at if they knew where there mmr is. I personally would just like to know out of curiosity. Alot of people complain of Match making and all the stuff they dont know about. To me this would help alot.
1- Dont allow other players to see one another ratings
There is too much judgement and it would be nice to keep it silent. Like on the PvP page with all your matches. Like a number 1-10 to see where they rank.
2- kills curiosity
I think it would help for players who think there superstars to see that they might be average in the 4-7 range as oppose to them being god like. Also helps from a teaming stand point. If me and a friend are teamed together and im a 3 and hes a 8. Ill understand theres a chance ill get destroyed since im teaming with a high ranked player.
3-Communication can be a good thing
Alot of people think that if a new player is going far there noobs or suck. Players knowing there mm level might rethink alot of things. For instance if there teamed with someone whos a 9. He isnt untouchable to make a bad play but might understand why hes trying to carry or help. As well if players ranked 1-3, if i know there low level ill be way more understanding of the fact there learning.
4- At the end of the match the average mmr
I would love that simply cause ive been on 2-1-1-1-1 and 1-1-1-1-1 and 3-1-1 teams and beaten full premades. Also ive lost the same. It would be just for fun to see the mmr average of the teams at the end of the match. Like blue team MM score 6 and read team 5. People i think would be more understanding tot he match making.
Atm people just blame anet for any bad game. I personally would just like to know my own score. Wont get mad either way since i enjoy pvp. I think alot of solo que people would quit crying if they saw ohhh it was a pretty even game according to the mm. I dont know others opinions on it but i personally hope this comes with the expansion.
tbh, I have alot of trouble understanding what you are trying to say, My English isn’t superb either but your English is downright unreadable….also I do have the impression you’re contradicting yourself, but I cannot be sure cause of the bad English. Sorry,
actually all my point was that there are many with that attitude. How dare anet say im this score, so on and so on. You wrote
I have tangoed with some of the best in 1v2’s and survived, I have tanked and kited 4 players + for periods of time lasting up to 2 minutes, in those moments I was… GODLIKE and I dare anet or anyone else to tell me that my MMR is 1!
This paragraph said alot. Also of coruse the MM system isnt perfect but still wouldnt help alot of things knowing where you supposedly ranked? There are a ton of people complaining about the leaderboards and personal awards. 1/2 the people who come on the forum think there better then they really are.
Lastly i never said you were a bad player but insinuated that no mater what score you got. If it was below what you think you should be you would rage. You dont have to defend yourself against me about your personal abilities but rather debate whether or not you think we should be allowed to see our own personal MMR. It may be broken but it is the score which you are assessed.
As I said, it was a joke, just thought I’d reiterate that lol… In any case why would I or anybody else rage at a score that’s not even a good indication of your actual skill level? You hardly know me so saying I would react in this way or that way is really just an unsubstantiated claim and rather irrelevant to the “debate”, if that’s what you’re actually looking for.
Whats the point of knowing where you’re ranked on an MMR scale when it means very little? People are complaining about the leaderboards because they are “farmboards”; it more or less boils down to whoever plays the most matches, or has a good solid team will be ranked higher than those that don’t
You say: “it may be broken but it is the score which you are assessed.[sic]”. Let me pose a hypothetical situation. Say a Police Academy chooses 10 of their best performing candidates every year, based on the number of donuts they ate every lunchtime as opposed to their aptitude to perform their job correctly, would anyone that is actually serious about becoming a excellent Police Officer pay much mind to the results? No. I understand that the two situations are quite different although the underlying argument is still the same.
How do you know that 1/2 the people who come on the forum think they’re better than they actually are? Also how do you know many people have that attitude when some indication of their MMR has never been available to them?
How do you know that 1/2 the people who come on the forum think they’re better than they actually are? Also how do you know many people have that attitude when some indication of their MMR has never been available to them?
I’ll just go ahead and volunteer data point #1 and confirm that I most definitely think I’m better than I actually am.
That being said, while theoretically having a metric by which to gauge yourself and/or other players might be fun (or might not, as it invites QQ), there isn’t a system currently in place that can accurately capture player skill, for the reasons outlined by the above posters.
it’s not a farfetched assumption that the percentage of games you win correlates reasonably well with skill and smart decision making
right… until you realise that sPvP is after all, a team game, and not a 1v1 environment. The games you win correlates reasonably well with overall team skill and smart decision making*.
Just talking about mmr briefly. cs and dota don’t do well because of their underwhelming mmr system. In spite of what you think about the games, league and sc2 do ladders better.
What we have right now is nothing.
What we have right now is nothing.
After 3 years and not even a cuddly wuddly workin’ thingie?
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.