Magic Find and PVP

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517



The recent Call of the Mists buff made me wonder… That one only applied in a PVP area.

We know that Magic Find applies to containers from the Reward Tracks. But does that also perhaps only apply when opened in a PVP area?

I usually open them with a PVE character which has the most MF%. Now I wonder if that is a mistake.

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Magic find is applied when you open the boxes only, so it doesn’t make a difference if you have it or not while earning them. It does matter that you open them in the heart of the mists in order to gain the bonus.

Magic find is also account bound, so it does not matter who opens them unless you’re talking about Magic find boosters.

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


I think my question was not very well written, sorry… So I’ll try again, with numbers!

My Mesmer has just gotten two chests from the reward track. She’s sitting in the Heart of the Mists. My Hero Panel shows MF 160%.

My Thief is the Cursed Shore. Hero Panel shows MF 400% (through boosts).

Will the MF-counts-for-chests-thing that exists only for PVP rewards, only apply in the Heart of the Mists – or should I open with my 400%-character?

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Sampo.9678


My guess is that the mf effects the chests you get in pvp no matter where you are.
But if there’s a buff somewhere in a location that gives u more mf.
Like the one we had last weekend then opening in that specific location would be better.

“Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think my question was not very well written, sorry… So I’ll try again, with numbers!

My Mesmer has just gotten two chests from the reward track. She’s sitting in the Heart of the Mists. My Hero Panel shows MF 160%.

My Thief is the Cursed Shore. Hero Panel shows MF 400% (through boosts).

Will the MF-counts-for-chests-thing that exists only for PVP rewards, only apply in the Heart of the Mists – or should I open with my 400%-character?

The chests use the Magic find off your hero panel regardless of where you are located, so if you got maxed magic find off boosts, you’re better off opening them on your alt.

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Ah, good! Thanks.

Magic Find and PVP

in PvP

Posted by: jebro.6370



The MF affects the chest opening not the gaining, also opening them in a non pvp zone doesnt matter the MF boost you have affects the opening. I actually make MF videos based on the spvp reward tracks and did use the WTS boost, lets say it made a big difference to the loot that came out, MF ftw!