Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Avitori.6093



Are the chests from reward tracks still being affected by magic find? I was told by a friend that it currently is not working as intended and A-Net will be fixing it for next patch.


Some clarifications on how the magic find system works in regards to our reward tracks boxes would be nice.

For example:
- Are the champion bags affected from the veteran + champion boxes or only the “loot” boxes that we get ( ex. Ooze Loot box vs. Champion or Veteran Hylek Box which has champion bags as well as loot)

Would like to know as I will be getting my birthday booster soon and will have 250%+ magic find to use all my unopened boxes. :p

If this has been answered in another thread somewhere please let me know! I could not find this information anywhere however.

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


I’d like to know this too.

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I know that anecdotal evidence counts for squat. But…to my surprise and complete disbelief, I got a precursor yesterday from one of the PvP bags – Rodgort’s Flame. True, it’s probably the cheapest precursor out there but I’d never expected to see one drop in my lifetime.

But like I said, this means nothing. There could be a 1 in a bazillion chance of me getting a prec and I could get one 10 times in a row, so pinch of salt etc etc.

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


What is your MF?

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


i have 255% base magic find and guildbuffs always on – in chests only greens and blues

i dont think magicfind is working

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Jesus Christ, 255% ? :/
I have 125% with Outnumbered..
How do you get your MF so god kitten high? :/

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Magic Find has always been terrible, this is nothing new.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


Jesus Christ, 255% ? :/
I have 125% with Outnumbered..
How do you get your MF so god kitten high? :/

buy a stack ectos from tradpost and salvage the ectos

you get something like 1,5-1,8 t6 dust per ecto and a ton of luck

sell all the dust back to tradepsot and you lose only maby 10g for a lot magicfind

fastest way

buti feel like its a waste and it doesnnt work in pvp or is buggy

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I just salvage all the fine, masterwork, and rares I get. Sometimes exotic depending on how much they cost. I have a base MF of 175%. MF works, but it’s more of a long term investment. It’ll take time to actual see a profit.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


That’s what I do and I thought I was sitting pretty at 55% LOL

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Klocknov.8219


The only way to test if it is working is have people every 25% test a pile of drops at the same time. Till then I would think yes but you can never be sure if it is bad RNG luck or broken MF.

So if you can get people to setup a loot table pop day it would be an idea to look at the difference in drops compared to MF.

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Jesus Christ, 255% ? :/
I have 125% with Outnumbered..
How do you get your MF so god kitten high? :/

pve/wvw you’ll always be at a disadvantage unles u pve

Magic Find and Reward Tracks - Working?

in PvP

Posted by: Zach.3264


Jesus Christ, 255% ? :/
I have 125% with Outnumbered..
How do you get your MF so god kitten high? :/

Buying a lot of greens/blues when they announced MF update.