Maintain/Lock Target

Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


So i’ve been watching GW2PVP tv and one thing that i notice is that they can maintain a single target amidst of all the dodges, movements, multiple people and ai that are cluttering. How do you do this? I face a fellow spirit ranger and sometimes i lose because i couldnt maintain a target on the ranger itself. i dodge and i lose it or it switches to the spirit. or the nearest pet. and when its team fight, i have to click and reclick and reclick or spam T just to maintain the target coz i keep on losing it.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i usually do like this.

i right click to target and hold right click and do as usual. but as a mouse player and i can’t hold right click for long coz i have to maneuver the mouse etc. so is there any efficient ways to do it?

pro help needed. thanks in advance.

Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


Go to Options and uncheck an option that I think is called something like, “Enable Right-Click to Interact”. Something like that, it’s an option recently added in the last 2 months or so. Just keep in mind that you will have to left-click or tab to target now.

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
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Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


thanks cymerdown. but right clicking is how i acquire my target. its easy on my mouse setup. but my question is how to stick to it with everything that you have to do (team fight, ai clutter, etc)?

prolly practice on no misclicking the ground perhaps? or is there such a way to lock the aimed target with all the dodging that you do etc etc?

Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i think i got it. your advice worked cymer. it was me clicking right and pointing to the ground.

Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: rsq.3581


Another suggestion – assuming your group or team calls target on an enemy, you can keybind “Take Target” to immediately select the targeted enemy.

Salphir | Salfir | Falana
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Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: sakurals.7143


This is important, also another thing that is annoying for me is the fact that if you are fighting on a point and call a target for the person that is fighting with you, and in the opposite part of the map your other team members are fighting as well and call their own target, the one you mark dissappear.
Maybe devs can add a function for people to see target in x meter of radius of the one who cast it, so we can have several fights in the map without bothering others target with yours

Maintain/Lock Target

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


This is important, also another thing that is annoying for me is the fact that if you are fighting on a point and call a target for the person that is fighting with you, and in the opposite part of the map your other team members are fighting as well and call their own target, the one you mark dissappear.
Maybe devs can add a function for people to see target in x meter of radius of the one who cast it, so we can have several fights in the map without bothering others target with yours

That would definitely be helpful. Theres no reason why a team that is split into different locations on the map has to share the one marked target. It also does not help when said target is a thief/mesmer/ranger who has access to stealth.

Improve marked targetting so that there is a range on that marked target (say range of 1500-2000 etc). Anyone outside this range does not see the marked target. Also give us the option to either ‘recall previous marked target’ or ‘choose previous marked target’ (for re-targetting those who cheese their way by stealthing over and over again).

Whether its intended to or not, those in stealth/coming out of stealth get a nice advantage in the fact that they can reposition themselves in a much better position to their opponent. I get it that they get rewarded with the initiative by landing the first strike but when they restealth almost straight away again or they hide amongst the a.i, they basically are cheesing their way to a win because targetting becomes an issue when it should not.

If a person who is stealthed decides to run away and resets the fight then the marked target on the stealthed char should reset too and has to be reapplied, but if the stealthed char stealths and decides to continue the fight we should not have to reapply a marked target on it and should be simply allowed to recall the target or choose previous target. In this game targetting is criticial because of how easy it is to be put in a bad position just in the time it takes to get the right target.