Making A Better Ranking System.

Making A Better Ranking System.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Because a moderator said it was a different discussion for another time.
Too Long; Didn’t Read? Then don’t. Move on.

Making soloQ a more individual rating system takes some ingenuity but it Can be done, and lots better than doing 800 games that may or may not represent your actual rating as that ranked player.

ROUGH DRAFT (Very, very, rough…)
Time: internal clock on all players. When you’re out of the map via lost connection, disconnect, etc, it counts against you, cummilativly, as the game goes on. (removing credits)

Afk: Unless on a node, standing still for 30s-kitten counts as an afk, or, being reported (votes against you) counts as a disconnect.

Revamp “Node Defender”: Bunker will generally have less credits than mobile players. Your skill level on a node will not be tested until engaged, therefore there should be a cummilative amount of points you’ll receive when you haven’t received a kill in awhile or team support credits. Maybe a “Node Defender” time tick every 20 seconds giving you 5 credits while not engaged on a node. Acquiring credits from nodes, kills, etc, remain the same.

That, more or less, solves players who are stationary on home or far but not in battle where skill is measured most..

-Measure the amount of damage player outputs throughout the game.
(team retaliation, reflects, conditions, raw damage, AI’s damage)
-Damage Negated: blocked, absorbed, blinded (total amount of damage negated for your team)
-Total amount healed in game and Team heals (supports)
-Support Stats (continued) Conditions removed from players. Amount of overall team heals. Total amount of damage negated through blinds, aegis/blocks, etc.

Boons: These are measured by boons you have given. Because getting the right boons at the right time are game changing events.
-Giving partner stealth/stability/aegis while he stomps gives you an assist.

-Stability: If either player’s stability is up while any impairment ability happens, they’ll get credit.
-Might: Goes with total damage dealt. Players who give might should receive the % of the damage they added to all players they effect.
Reason: Bunk Guardians might stacking players will receive that support bonus.
-Vulnerability: Receive credit from % of damage added to vulnerable target. (or % of damage given due to the number of ‘vulnerables’ you added to target.
-Fury: Receive credit from players making critical hits while your fury duration is up.
-Protection: Receive credit for preventing X amount of damage while your protection boon is up.
-Regeneration: Receive credit for total amount of heals done by your boon.
-Retaliation: Receive credit for amount of damage done per person with your retaliation. Gain credit for each damage dealt in this way.
-Swiftness: Effects overall gameplay. Reaching a node, enemy, etc. 1 credit per 5s of duration you applied.
-Vigor: Goes with damage negated. Offering team vigor; you recieve credit for each 5s vigor applied.

-Credit per condition applied by you; if your condition’s damage is the one ticking. Your condition may or may not be the strongest out of the stack applied.
-Duration: You’ll receive credit for the amount of damage you have done.

End game statistics
-Calculate top bunker: Total damage negated + total heals + most damage received + Node Defender points
-Calculate best supporter: Highest credits via boons given + team heals + kill assists from your stability/aegis/stealth.
-Calculate best overall damage dealt: Raw damage + condition damage + retaliation + AI’s, etc, etc.

Again this is a big rough draft but if the above is calculated well, MMR will be based on in-game performance rather than wins.
Edited: The rank points can still be governed by wins based on odds and score reached.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)