Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Burntnoodle.4603


Does anyone have an idea if/when there will be some sort of rating system implemented in PvP?

GW2 does not have “rating” but will they ever? This game is completely noncompetitive. It is nearly impossible not to land in 1st place every single time. Yes, I understand that paid tournaments will be available soon but what happens when you win one of those? More rank and glory points with some gems? yay? I COULD CARE LESS! I do not care about what rank I am or you are, it means nothing. I could care less about how my character looks also. This game is so unbearably boring I find myself staring at the GW2 icon wondering if I should even log in. GW2 NEEDS some sort of rating system to make players “work at” something. No one cares about what rank you are or how you look, that tells people nothing. High rated people need to play other high rated. A group of 5 scrubs could easily just form a group for paid tournaments and just lose with NO PENALTIES and say who cares. With rating people will care if they lose or win because they care about their rating.

I’d like to hear other people agreeing with me but that thanks for hearing me rant.

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: HasuGhost.5672


I don’t think you could have been more right.

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: jazx.7319


yea the game needs rating sytem and please other game modes…at least for fun

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


please add it faster then “soon” ..

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Manji.3801


it’s not elo, but you can optimize you k/d ratio, kill streaks, etc…

also i don’t know what the “stars” and the “shields” are …

EDIT: haha kudos @ anet for charr charr binks

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Vasilis.1963


I totally agree with you.

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


any players statistic are not in any means of competitive game.
its just nice addon, but thats it.

PvP needs to be competetive, paid tournaments are step fowarad, but sorry only a small step.. without matchmaking and ladder – there will be TOP teams roflstomping everything and not playing with others TOP teams.. and thats the point.. we need to fight teams of equall skill level.. only that way the game will remain fun and players will have target and way how to meassure success

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


Totally agree.

Without rating, you’re just grinding in the void. No idea how good or how bad you are compared to others .. kinda frustrating.
Of course it would help matching with appropriate opponents = more fun.

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


For every loss in Paid-PvP , they have to win 4 TPvP :P
Theres indeed PENALTIES for scrubs (called tickets) :P

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

Pro teams can organize matches in custom servers with each other, as well.

[EG] is recruiting!

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


You mean the tickets you can buy with … gems ? And craft at the mystic forge ? And those 2xx tickets sitting in everyone inventory ?

I agree there is penalty for not winning paid tournament, but it has nothing to do with rating and matchmaking.

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


For every loss in Paid-PvP , they have to win 4 TPvP :P
Theres indeed PENALTIES for scrubs (called tickets) :P

not enough..
- you can buy the ticket in Auction House for gems
- you can craft it in forge
- you can get it from free tournaments.

I agree it would probably be better in terms of seeing more premades, but still it doesnt mean competition. You will not know if you just faced TOP 100 team or you just played a great game against oponent that is on similair level..
at this point its just guess.. were they good? or were they that bad? no idea..

Making Guild Wars 2 Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Those 100 TOP teams , didnt get the <<TOP>> title from the sec they login in the game :P
They started from somewhere and beat some of the TOP guilds befere they get recognised :P

Ranked will come in time (LoL didnt releases its ranked pvp from the start)
Their aim atm , is to see the <<TOP>> teams fight each other , and start swinging the Nerfhammer/Buffhammer before the Ranked :P