Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Skord.5083


Anyone else notice this? It’s really starting to make me lose my love of sPVP. It seems as if 90% of my games the past few days have either being against full pre-mades or partials(3 or more grouped).

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


can’t blame them… yoloqing is depressing and extremely punishing atm

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


This game is dead, once again. That’s why that’s happening.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


game is not dead, actually after rewards were introduced there are more players in pvp… merging yoloq and teamq was rather bad idea

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


If you saw a surge in 2-3 man premades, then there’s a likely chance that you’ll also be teamed up with them. A lot of the newer premades I’ve encountered were bad. As long as your solo team understands map rotations and your not stacked with thieves, you should do fine.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


I queued solo here on my aoe condi ranger and went against a full premade. My team may have been a 2 or 3 man pre. Sucks solo queue is gone but don’t be too too discouraged going against premades. Just remember that they’re not all unbeatable.


Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.1509


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: AnariiUK.7409


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

Agreed, teamwork and communication are such a large aspect of PvP in this game. If a larger proportion of the playerbase is starting to form pre-made groups then that’s fantastic news.

Also, I’d wager that most premades are not PvP teams. Rather they are guildies that are just doing some daily PvP together with or without TS. I personally queue 5-man with my guild once we’re tired of running dungeons and we’re very often matched with other full guild groups, so the system appears to at least try to match based on group size.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


can’t blame them… yoloqing is depressing and extremely punishing atm


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.1509


well I just ask map chat for a party if I’m really concerned about anything PvP… that’s all you have to do, put a little work in to get a decent return.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


well I just ask map chat for a party if I’m really concerned about anything PvP… that’s all you have to do, put a little work in to get a decent return.

That’s possible if you’re an average/mediocre player.
Good players won’t ask/invite ppl into their party from mapchat, trust me.

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Vapour.7348


well I just ask map chat for a party if I’m really concerned about anything PvP… that’s all you have to do, put a little work in to get a decent return.

I’ve had way better luck from anet’s “flawed” matchmaking system than I have from mapchat pug teams. It’s hard for people to extract anything useful from the forums because it’s full of bad information.

Mini Unagi – Iuther – Iiq – Trend – lancaster

(edited by Vapour.7348)

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Its possibly the same number of Premades just with fewer Singles.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Furious.2867


Its possibly the same number of Premades just with fewer Singles.

Fewer singles?

Oh noes. I better photoshop my profile pic on to look 80lbs thinner.
Competition seem very high with fewer singles around.

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Its possibly the same number of Premades just with fewer Singles.

Fewer singles?

Oh noes. I better photoshop my profile pic on to look 80lbs thinner.
Competition seem very high with fewer singles around.

Illusion of Appeal – Gain 25 Might, when Illusion ends target foe gains Fury.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: BakiSaN.9281


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

Wahaha, I was looking for a comment such as this one! I mean, now we’re complaining that people are actually being smart and playing together! Hahahaha, silly community

Sta ce biti s’ kucom!?

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: lighter.2708


sucks to be single

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Puck.1509


well I just ask map chat for a party if I’m really concerned about anything PvP… that’s all you have to do, put a little work in to get a decent return.

I’ve had way better luck from anet’s “flawed” matchmaking system than I have from mapchat pug teams. It’s hard for people to extract anything useful from the forums because it’s full of bad information.

Its hardly flawed I mean if there are 8 guardians amongst 5 up coming matches, the algorithm can’t create 2 more just to make it balanced, you are going to be chanced with a bad balance from time to time, deal with it or join a PvP guild or look for serious PvPers to join with but don’t sit on the side line and actually complain that you’re with bad teams while solo queuing, you’re literally setting yourself up for that to happen. Also with map chat teams you can ask for specific classes so its a little more balanced except you will communicate more because you’re together before the match begins so win win…
where’s the bad information? Oh wait let me just agree with this players problems and erh yeah that sounds like good information.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

And what is the huge benefit of party play? Why is it superior to non-party play?

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Alexander.9810


The facepalm is so strong with this thread.

Warrior in FFXIV, the best MMO in the world
Former Warrior in Guild Wars 2
Former Sith Warrior in SWTOR

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: MAN.9046


Try playing at non-prime-time hours, so late at night if you can


Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Furious.2867


Why y’all get intimidated with premades? If y’all confident with your skills, premades mean nothing. They could be just a bunch of scrubs that finished a dungeon. Y’all have no idea the number of people that queue ranked with minimal knowledge of map rotations and build profession. I flatulate on premades.

I’d rather be in a team of singles than one with a 2-3 man pre.

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

And what is the huge benefit of party play? Why is it superior to non-party play?

Well, it’s a team game, so an actual team is going to be better than 5 random. This is a team game, not a solo one. Anyone who is sensible or serious about pvp should be looking to form teams.

I’ve been playing with a mesmer main lately, and we’ve been able to do some great portal plays. It’s transformed the whole game and added a new tactical level. Awesome stuff, cool guy as well.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

And what is the huge benefit of party play? Why is it superior to non-party play?

Well, it’s a team game, so an actual team is going to be better than 5 random. This is a team game, not a solo one. Anyone who is sensible or serious about pvp should be looking to form teams.

I’ve been playing with a mesmer main lately, and we’ve been able to do some great portal plays. It’s transformed the whole game and added a new tactical level. Awesome stuff, cool guy as well.

Grats on beating random pugs with your tactics lol.

Oh and solo queue is still a team game, just no VOIP MASSIVE edge.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

And what is the huge benefit of party play? Why is it superior to non-party play?

Well, it’s a team game, so an actual team is going to be better than 5 random. This is a team game, not a solo one. Anyone who is sensible or serious about pvp should be looking to form teams.

I’ve been playing with a mesmer main lately, and we’ve been able to do some great portal plays. It’s transformed the whole game and added a new tactical level. Awesome stuff, cool guy as well.

Grats on beating random pugs with your tactics lol.

Oh and solo queue is still a team game, just no VOIP MASSIVE edge.

solo que was deleted. anyone can queue with a party on voice coms, it’s not hard. i can’t help the fact most people want to play a 5v5 team game solo. all top teams in all games use voice coms, hell every server in this game has it’s own teamspeak for wvw. team games need communication, and voice is just the best.

i’m not going to not use coms and not party with people just because it gives us an advantage over people who won’t. they should do it too. it’s a kittening team game form a team.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: voLaaa.9108


It’s not the fact that they’re discouraging people playing together and forming teams. It’s just that when you just want to play by yourself for a couple matches, you’d think you’d also go up against randoms as well.

The main complaint here is that when you go play unranked by yourself. It’s a high chance currently that you’ll be going up against a 2-3 man coordinated party while you’re stuck with a pure random group set. I myself tonight for the past 2-3 hours queue’d by myself just to play and listen to music. What did I get? A majority of them being pre-made teams and just stomping the match up due to better rotation and call outs.

@Puck.1509 You seem to want people to join a PvP guild to counter this or party up up and head into a voip-server to play together. I understand that if you’re trying to be competitive and head up the e-sports ladder. But for most people, they aren’t. I myself aren’t looking to be extremely competitively. Just playing casually to chill/relax and play the game.

But that gets ruined when you have a pre-made team against your random team. It turns into a stomp fest if the other team comprised of 2-3 people are looking to “pug stomp” in a casual queue.

What OP and others are asking is for the queues to be separated. If not ANet putting in team queues and solo queues like League of Legends.

In League you have the option of team queueing and solo queueing. Do you see 2-3 premades in a solo-queue of League? No you don’t because that’s considered a team, so they made a Team Queue tab for that.

That’s my opinion and vent for tonight. Ciao

Aeryn Tyrell ~ 80 Guardian
Apex Prime [APeX] - Critical Mass [CM] - The Disaster [TheD] - Baewatch [Bae]

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

And what is the huge benefit of party play? Why is it superior to non-party play?

Well, it’s a team game, so an actual team is going to be better than 5 random. This is a team game, not a solo one. Anyone who is sensible or serious about pvp should be looking to form teams.

I’ve been playing with a mesmer main lately, and we’ve been able to do some great portal plays. It’s transformed the whole game and added a new tactical level. Awesome stuff, cool guy as well.

When we say “solo”, we’re not requesting dueling. 5 randoms together still makes it a team game.

Massive Increase in Pre-mades/Partials

in PvP

Posted by: Baconplease.1657


You’re complaining that there are more premades?? Oh lord save this community! We’re supposed to ENCOURAGE party play. Sheesh how else is this supposed to get more competitive.

Agreed, teamwork and communication are such a large aspect of PvP in this game. If a larger proportion of the playerbase is starting to form pre-made groups then that’s fantastic news.

Also, I’d wager that most premades are not PvP teams. Rather they are guildies that are just doing some daily PvP together with or without TS. I personally queue 5-man with my guild once we’re tired of running dungeons and we’re very often matched with other full guild groups, so the system appears to at least try to match based on group size.

So let there be a place for premades.IN A kittenING TEAM QUEUE. Let solo players play by them selves if we want. IN A kittenING SOLO QUEUE