Match History in PvP
So a match history? What kind of information would you want to have in your match history?
- Teammates?
- Team scores?
- Personal score?
- Stats?
- Profession?
- 5-10 previous matches?
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
I really like this idea and have spoke on it before. I manually track win loss totals for the day/night. I don’t care much to see who did the most damage or healing, but I wouldn’t mind seeing stats like points captured, how long you held a point while contested simple stuff like that but especially the Win Lose totals for the day. Would love some more pvp achievements seems like I am running low on the ones to complete. Going to start playing thief to unlock the rest.
Well you could keep it simple – u could have a bar with 10 slots – filled by W L or X O along the lines of WWLLLWWLWL.
There could also be a new tab which has your last 10 games showing team score, with your side highlighted in bold. Or just have your side being the left hand (home in sports) side.
504 – 380
355 – 500
If you wanted to go further, you could have a summary such as the end screen of a match – and put that information in a tab. With it being updated each match. I’m giving 10 as a number just as i think if u recorded ALL history your servers would need a lot more space!
But also you could use the pie chart graph as well…. say for last 50 matches with what professions you’ve used…. then number of wins in the last 50 etc.
I’m not too fussed about personal score as in pvp i don’t think its relevant to the rest of the game play. You could include team mates… however i’ll argue that if you had a bad team mate, you may check back your matches and see how someone has been performing…. if poorly, they may be negatively affected. I think it should only include personal data, along with a indication showing if you won or not.
So a match history? What kind of information would you want to have in your match history?
- Teammates?
- Team scores?
- Personal score?
- Stats?
- Profession?
- 5-10 previous matches?
More stats better, all the stats! Include:
- damage evaded, damage done, damage taken
- self healing, other healing
- condi damage done
- number of downs
- i’d rather every match ever be logged but maybe give the option of saving good match histories against certain teams (cs go style)
- Another really good thing would be damage dealt to each enemy in certain fights or overall if that is too much work to separate.
Just make a damage log that every other game has, this would be amazing for analyzing pvp matches, organized wvw fights, and im sure the pvers would love it too. This is probably the best feature you could add, people would definitely pay 800 gems for it per person if you want to go down that road.
Yeah, the stats panel is lacking. It could have all of that and a bit more.
Even a small history of the damage before all defeats in the last match. Just like the recap you get after a defeat, but all put together in a list of collapsible items. Each item would show the time you lasted, and when you click it it expands showing the the damage sources.
There could be something like the health/morale tracker in GW2. But showing health/score difference instead.
The only problem is your combat log dosent even record condi damage and on the pvp death log it ususally just takes all the condi u took that life instead of the damage you took in the last fight before you died. Just tally up the condi damage before it is removed then print it when it expires or is cleansed (really easy)
So a match history? What kind of information would you want to have in your match history?
- Teammates?
- Team scores?
- Personal score?
- Stats?
- Profession?
- 5-10 previous matches?
All of those stats look nice, but the more stats the better! Also if possible, it would be nice to have those stats for not just the 5-10 previous matches, but to have lifetime account/player stats instead, covering all the games you’ve played.
Match history would be nice, but I actually think match recordings would be better. I would happily pay gems for Spectator Mode-style replays of my games that I could download to a “Replays” folder to rewatch at my leisure. Not all of us record all our games after all, and an in-engine replay would take up a lot less HDD space than a video. Plus, an in-engine replay would allow me to go check out what my teammates or opponents were doing, and therefore learn and improve as a player a lot more.
Not to mention how much it would help pro teams review their matches and make multi-camera, multi-pov video replays of their games to upload to Youtube for publicity purposes, or to make tutorials for crappier players like me!
One extra thing that i currently do atm, is look at the number of matches played per profession, the number of tournament wins, and work out the percentage. For example, my Guardian has played 238 matches and won 120 giving slightly over 50% average.
However a profession i’m less experienced at… Ranger, i’ve played 25 matches and won only 9, giving a win ratio of 36%. These stats can be useful as i can see what professions i may need to look at more in depth and see what i’m doing wrong.
My Highest win ratio’s are Necro and Engi, showing they are the 2 that would give more general support (please note i havve only played 14 tPvP matches hence the middle averages – although in tPvP i do have a 71% win ratio!).
I think these kind of stats help players identify which professions suit them, and if debating on who is more experienced e.g, 5 players debating on which should be a engi – using the win ratio (of over 10 games) they can identify which of the group is the most suited.
I don’t imagine creating another pie chart with win ratio’s would be too difficult? or evening a table format.
Hi, I’m the devil’s advocate today.
I don’t like this function/Don’t feel the development of it is needed over other much needed functions.
It is already supplemented by sites like or Gwscore ,which show your ratio for the day/week as well as graphs and other information.
Much more versatile then a in game ui could ever be, and doesn’t clog up your ui.
Replay videos pls.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
Match history would be nice, but I actually think match recordings would be better. I would happily pay gems for Spectator Mode-style replays of my games that I could download to a “Replays” folder to rewatch at my leisure. Not all of us record all our games after all, and an in-engine replay would take up a lot less HDD space than a video. Plus, an in-engine replay would allow me to go check out what my teammates or opponents were doing, and therefore learn and improve as a player a lot more.
Not to mention how much it would help pro teams review their matches and make multi-camera, multi-pov video replays of their games to upload to Youtube for publicity purposes, or to make tutorials for crappier players like me!
this would be one of THE MOST amazing things ever done by anet if they can pull it off
In GW1 you could watch in-game replays (Spectator Mode-style) of all recent matches (as in within the last 1-2 hours) by top-100 guilds. It’d be great to have something like that again!
And, having watched the DOTA2 championship over the weekend, they have something even cooler: they have in-game replays that let you play a broadcaster’s commentary over it! And they let you choose between following the broadcaster’s camera or just move around on your own following whichever player you wanted! That was pretty cool I thought – you could listen to Blu or Jebro commentating from within the game and never have to endure the godawful Twitch interface or their abysmal streaming quality ever again!! And if Blu missed a cool play by focusing on another point on the map you can just override his camera and watch the fight you want!
only problem is replays are way harder to make for a 3d game where a gw1 and dota 2 are 2d.
only problem is replays are way harder to make for a 3d game where a gw1 and dota 2 are 2d.
No they’re not………..
Replays would be cool btw.
I think recording the matches would actually be a beneficial thing from a PvP stand point. Think if u could go back and watch, you can see how an opponent plays and adapt to them. Also i think it would really help shoutcasters and they could practice a lot more and also see how teams play.
I do think however this kind of update would be pretty far off, as they would need to create an internal recorder for all type of PvP, then have a way to store a certain amount of games… i doubt even ArenaNet has the ability to store EVERY PvP match played. Or maybe give players the ability to save certain games? You have the option to save say 10 games, with gem store purchases being able to increase your save folder. I do believe this function would really add to PvP which does need a bit more focus on, despite all the championships going on atm. I don’t feel the gameplay (aside from new maps) needs much modifying.
Going back to my original point though, i would really like a form guide, i believe it should be simple to set up, and am thinking of this from a time consuming point of view of the dev’s. What i really would like to see basically, is some sort of PvP History of matches.
I think recording matches is far over for a game feature, but there is something that most pvp games have: a good spectator mode where you can actually spectate ranked matches with a slight delay (considering gw2 faste paced matches i’d say a 30s – 1m delay would be enough, so to not overload the server).
About statistics after match, yeah, that would be a usefull tool for player to player analysis or self performance analysis. Anyway i think the spectator thing has an higher priority factor.
I wonder considering the success of PvP in Guild Wars 1, why some of the same elements weren’t brought across?
Also, would love to see a couple of old GW1 maps brought in…. these are the mists… imagine the old maps, just better textures – possibility?
I do think however this kind of update would be pretty far off, as they would need to create an internal recorder for all type of PvP, then have a way to store a certain amount of games… i doubt even ArenaNet has the ability to store EVERY PvP match played. Or maybe give players the ability to save certain games? You have the option to save say 10 games, with gem store purchases being able to increase your save folder.
Nah, they already have the technology, Spectator Mode is already in, and they had the ability to record them in GW1 so shouldn’t be hard to repurpose that code. In-engine replays don’t actually take much space, but I agree that the best compromise would be to allow players to save replays offline for gems.
only problem is replays are way harder to make for a 3d game where a gw1 and dota 2 are 2d.
Nope, GW1 was 3D, GW2 uses the same graphics engine in fact, just spruced up. And dota2 has 3D graphics too, it just forces a top-down perspective.
Replays would of course be amazing. However, it’s not as easy as ‘using Gw1 code’. Replays and match history can live side-by-side. You don’t want to have to open a recording every time you want to see if you won or lost your last 5 matches.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
but character movement is strictly 2d for both games, when creating a replay you need to log the positional data of every character during every frame, in gw1 you only needed a 2d plane to deal with all of the movement (if it was 3d you could jump over objects). Obviously the games are 3d but the models only need to be loaded once as the game starts.
. Replays and match history can live side-by-side. You don’t want to have to open a recording every time you want to see if you won or lost your last 5 matches.
Oh for sure, I didn’t mean “instead” of history, I was just hijacking Mikei’s thread to ask for something I wanted
Replays would of course be amazing. However, it’s not as easy as ‘using Gw1 code’. Replays and match history can live side-by-side. You don’t want to have to open a recording every time you want to see if you won or lost your last 5 matches.
forget the match history stuff just make replays possible
Replays would of course be amazing. However, it’s not as easy as ‘using Gw1 code’. Replays and match history can live side-by-side. You don’t want to have to open a recording every time you want to see if you won or lost your last 5 matches.
forget the match history stuff just make replays possible
Actually my personal point of view is i’m not fussed on replays at all. I’d rather have my match history. Each to their own, but don’t state that you should forget something just because YOU don’t want it.
In this thread i’ve stated the benefits and alternatives/issues with anything related to prior performance in PvP. I feel there are many different options available, i tried to find something that would be useful as well as not be time consuming from a dev’s POV.
Something like having a mini JP at the start of solo Q matches to help stop AFK’s as those that get to the top get 1 point headstart…. would take alot of work to put in.
Thanks for the feedback Evan, I agree that you wouldn’t want to open every match up just to see the stats!
Can I have railgun accuracy, # of gauntlet humiliations, and k/d ratio reported for last 20 games?
Can I have railgun accuracy, # of gauntlet humiliations, and k/d ratio reported for last 20 games?
+1, and also the Q3A announcer! :p
I would like to know how many minutes per queue or hours now in total of my life i have wasted on matches that started in 4v5 fashion.
Just 4v5 matches, i dont care about 5v5.
I want replays more than anything else in the game.
My rig is crap. I can’t screen capture my games.
I feel one of the biggest things holding me back in progressing my mechanical skill is dissecting my gameplay second by second. I’m sure many others feel the same way.
So a match history? What kind of information would you want to have in your match history?
- Teammates?
- Team scores?
- Personal score?
- Stats?
- Profession?
- 5-10 previous matches?
- total damage done.
- total condition damage done.
- conditions removed from team mates.
- total healing including regen and soothing mist given to team mates.
Having come bk from holiday to play a few sPvP matches again, it made me realise after 9 games that you do tend to come up against the same people time and again. I think it’d be interesting to have a list of players you’ve played against. For example, Imagine seeing a list of 5 players who when u play with them, u win 90% of the time. Or a list of 5 players that you play most – like 24 games against them. Imagine seeing the opponents, knowing you’ve played them 16 times, and that you’ve lost 70% of the matches, makes it almost a grudge match! You’d fight that bit harder!
You could even get a bonus 5 pts if u beat someone on your “most lost to” list at the end of the match.
So a match history? What kind of information would you want to have in your match history?
- Teammates?
- Team scores?
- Personal score?
- Stats?
- Profession?
- 5-10 previous matches?
- total damage done.
- total condition damage done.
- conditions removed from team mates.
- total healing including regen and soothing mist given to team mates.
I would add total damage received.