I’ve waited a long time to write this thread because I didn’t want to commercialize these methods in a public forum but at this point so many people are already using them, that it is more important to speak out about it rather than avoid the topic. Not sure if anet understands how bad this is as of S7. First of all, here is what’s going on to the greatest extent that I understand and/or have witnessed personally:
- Player 1 goes on a main account that is playing leaderboards seriously
- Player 2 goes on an alt account that is placed low by throwing matches
- Player 1 & 2 duo que so the low ranked alt can create easy matches for the main
- Player 2’s alt also DCs on purpose to avoid a loss on the main if a match is bad
- Player 2’s alt will achieve a rank that no longer creates easy matches so they swap
- Player 1 goes on his alt, Player 2 goes on his main, they repeat the process
- When both alt’s ranks are too high, they sign in and duo que on both alts
- Throw games to lower the alt’s rating back down for easy matches with mains
- Throw games to lower other player’s ratings
- Try hard and win games depending on who’s to sabotage on other team
- When both alts once again achieve low rank, go back to step 1 and repeat
- This is something that even average joes have begun to do and get away with
Alt Account Leaderboard Blocking And Que Sniping
- A player plays an alt like a main and places high in leaderboards
- This is to block other player’s progress and to throw important matches
- Do the opposite of que dodging, try to que snipe other players on leaderboard
- Depending on if you land with or against the player you are trying to que snipe, you decide to play hard and beat him or to throw the game. It is easier to throw a match on a high ranked account because it’s weight within the algorithm’s placement means that it should be carrying teams. If a high ranked player stops trying, surely his team will lose.
- This is something that only players who are trying hard will do
Voicechat Ques
- A large group of people go into a voicechat together and hit que at the same time
- Community is so small that there is high likelihood that 5 of the players in the voicechat will land in the same match and on the same team together
- When seeing who is on your team, those players swap down to different channel
- Wallah, you are a 5 man premade using voicechat in a solo/duo environment
- This is something that anyone can do easily
- Losing a match? Offer 1 or 2 players on the opposing team a sum of gold to throw
- If they throw and you win, send the gold to keep them complacent
- Make sure you do this with only friends and randoms. They won’t report you
- Or straight up pay another player to play your account to a high rank
- Any wealthy player or a person with the right connections can do this
Que Dodging
- Get into the politics, the espionage and the social stigma
- Find out who is who and what alts they are running
- Add them to friends or block so that you can see when they are on or offline, when they are in a match or not
- Learn how to avoid que’ing with people that you know are throwing, que sniping, bad players overall or players that you know will beat you
- This is not only easy to do but it has become a mandatory defense vs. the match manipulation methods listed above. It’s a big drain on the game mode and very boring for a legitimate player to keep pace with.
Now let’s cut to chase and get right to the important Qs and As.
Q: What is the problem here?
A: Too much match manipulation is ruining the ranked game mode.
Q: What caused this to explode and become such a problem?
A: The conversion to solo/duo que only actually encouraged the exploits
Q: What can be done to remedy this epidemic of cheating?
A: Allow 5 man teams as to prevent throw matches
Q: Why isn’t this being done already?
A: Waiting on anet response
I could tell stories to example the match manipulation this season but there really is no reason. I’m sure most players who care enough to log into this forum, also have similar stories that they have witnessed. The fact of the matter is that anet needs to fix ranked by returning it to 1-5 player que, so players can prevent moles from being on their team.
I’m sure that all of us who voted for solo/duo only and even those who didn’t, are greatly disappointed after seeing that it has done nothing good for match making but rather made it worse by highly encouraging the use of match manipulation tactics.