Match rewards as of 3/18

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: XacTactX.6709


Hotjoin 500 win, 200 loss

SoloQ 1,000 win, 300 loss

TeamQ 1,500 win, 500 loss

Anet likely didn’t want to remove the armor stats entirely because…well,
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.

(edited by XacTactX.6709)

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


lol rly? how stupid is this

hotjoin game is 6-10 min with no wait time

so who is going soloQ now?

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


The real question is who is going to pvp until the next “big patch of dissapointment” hit

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: MasterGuruu.8345


people will always be playing. I prefer the competition not the rank up. my character doesnt get any stronger or better the higher rank I am.

Competative play is in a bad state right now but the more people involved in it the more attention anet will give. WvW is the ideal example. They tried something relatively new, and it was successfull… SO THEY ADDED A WHOLE NEW AREA.

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


But there isnt anything competitive in getting steamrolled by mouthbreathers playing overpowered classes…. there is nothing even close to balance in pvp, and now you can even entertain yourself by fetching new skins so…

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: MasterGuruu.8345


But there isnt anything competitive in getting steamrolled by mouthbreathers playing overpowered classes…. there is nothing even close to balance in pvp, and now you can even entertain yourself by fetching new skins so…

Haha mouth breathers.

Im not here to discuss balance because im still new to the meta. But I do know that I am going to learn an OP class (if they are truly OP) and steamroll everyone else. If I can get destroyed, then I can also do equal destroying.

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: DeterminedPanda.1274


I’m a little frustrated with the changes to this. It has made people care too much win/loss in hot joins, while taking some of the dieing population from tournaments. People will abuse the autobalance system even more now for wins, and now people dont even try new/innovative builds in hot joins. Its all cheese all the time. Cant even escape it in hot joins. All of pvp is dead to me now.


Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Drafigo.4690


Really just makes me sick. Would have been better if they would have done nothing as usual.

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I think these numbers are actually quite good.
But… does this work for custom arena as well? Because if it does.. it could be set up to be farmed massively. I think in that case something should be done.

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


any of those new rank points count towards our PvP achievements, or is that still being “looked at”?

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Hotjoin here I come…

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


But there isnt anything competitive in getting steamrolled by mouthbreathers playing overpowered classes…. there is nothing even close to balance in pvp, and now you can even entertain yourself by fetching new skins so…

Haha mouth breathers.

Im not here to discuss balance because im still new to the meta. But I do know that I am going to learn an OP class (if they are truly OP) and steamroll everyone else. If I can get destroyed, then I can also do equal destroying.

What? Play warrior, can you press kitten that is off cooldown? Repeat=Win

Match rewards as of 3/18

in PvP

Posted by: isolatedchimp.2510


These numbers are just terrible. They need to up the rank point rewards for solo and team q or they need to lower the HJ win reward. Also they need to lessen the gap between a win and loss in HJ since it’s not a real competitive mode but mostly for messing around. It’s far too easy to manipulate the system in HJ to get a win.

Otherwise, it’s just easier to rank farm in HJ. Sure rank means nothing, but it’s obvious that rank restrictions will be placed on future rewards.