

in PvP

Posted by: Ferb.3260


What’s wrong with PvP? It’s rly one of the worst PvP i ever played in MMO. I m geting mad coz after playing +500 games i have to play with ppl who see map 1st time or see their class 1st time coz they doing dayli. Soo often team are not balanced and u geting rekt or you rekt oponent team. I hope HoT change PvP system or i dont see any resons to play this game anymore… ; ( and i forget afkers and leavers sooo many afkers and leavers….
Its only me or someone feel the same?

(edited by Ferb.3260)


in PvP

Posted by: JEFFARR.8163


If you felt that way you shoulda left a while ago
but…Gw2 has fun active combat which is entertaining and has lots of potential
its a shame that they pour all of theyre "resources into temporary content and pve when this game is a “pvp mmo”
First fix all the bugs etc
Then start with balance updates every 2weeks-month
(not tooltip balance)
shame this game is poorly managed when it could be the best game on the market


in PvP

Posted by: Ferb.3260


Combat if fun and its true have lot of potential but PvP Arenas/Matchmaking etc are pain. This game could be much better but it is what it is….


in PvP

Posted by: Angelweave.1856


I feel your pain as well. Today for me it’s been horrid.

Had one muppet running into a wall for a good 40 seconds.

I would say most of the blow out/stupid match are due to players not the match making system though.

If you take the time after each match to record what happened you might find like I did, that it’s just bad luck not the game itself.


in PvP

Posted by: Tao.5096


Matchmaking is working flawlessly as intended .

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?