What is with this matchmaking? Amber solo queue? against 3 legendaries and a diamond???
Either a display bug, or this amber queued for 15 minutes before finally getting matched in there (because amber division is now empty and even emerald is now empty). People are now all saphire or higher, especially with Ruby division getting bigger every passing week.
Problem is, a safe zone (no division loss) is a nice choice only if it is not permanent. I feel like if you lose 3 times at 0 pip, you should probably go down a division and work again towards getting better. Emerald could be the only exception where you can’t lose a division, since with this at least Amber can get queued with Emerald (1 division higher only) while Saphire will be able to also queue with Emerald (1 division lower). Just my thoughts.
I got to Diamond, yet I feel like some ruby or even diamond players are simply hanging there, making the same mistakes they were doing down in Emerald or Saphire when it comes down to basic things (rotations, how to fight while under pressure or how to identify who to target in a team fight).
I am getting ambers and legendarys in every game aswell this morning.. I can tell that there were real legends and real bad players..
I lost a pip for this.
EDIT: Edited Image since someone else just posted a screenshot of the same game with names blurred out.
(edited by Radu.1693)
I lost a pip for this.
Yea, I was with you in that match. At first I thought they were smurfing but then scoreboard poped up and I went WTF.
BTW that was the third game I was pitted against premade waaaay higher rank today and every time my side were all solo q’s. Don’t know if it was my bad luck or Anet f-up their matchmaking system.
Matchmaking is being weird tonight. It feels like they changed something to it to help with que times. My last few games had Ambers, Sapphires, and Rubies.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)