

in PvP

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


Before matchmaking update:
Solo Queue matches played: 79
Solo Queue matches won: 68
After matchmaking update:
Solo Queue matches played: 161
Solo Queue matches won: 83

I waited this long to post to make sure it wasn’t just a series of bad matches, but no…sadly all solo queue games are bad matches where my team loses. The only 15 exceptions to this rule are where my team was 5 and the other team was 4. And even then it was close. This kind of result is statistically nigh impossible if we assume matchmaking should give us a 50% chance to win. So my question to you is why is it that before this update I had an 86% win ratio and after the update I have a 18% win ratio? How does it work?


in PvP

Posted by: clint.5681


I know that feel bro

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]


in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517

Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


Do you know where you were on the leaderboards before the update?

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir


in PvP

Posted by: Jae.5138


my winrate isn’t even 50%.

copy and paste league of legends match making please


in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


my winrate isn’t even 50%.

copy and paste league of legends match making please

Without more information, I can’t verify that matchmaking isn’t working as intended.

It’s possible that MMR was artificially high because a player was being carried and its slowly lowering them to where they should be. If that is the case, losing would be expected.

It’s also possible MMR is lower than it should be for some other reason, and you get stuck playing with people below your skill level.

Either way, MMR is being reset on the 26th and you will likely see a change then.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

(edited by Justin ODell.9517)


in PvP

Posted by: Simplicity.7208


I’m not sure where I was on the leaderboard. Can’t imagine very high since I’d only played some 70 games. Also it’s good to hear that MMR is getting reset. Maybe it’ll fix these matchups I’ve been getting lol.


in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


I’m not sure where I was on the leaderboard. Can’t imagine very high since I’d only played some 70 games.

I’ll keep an eye on your matches and look for potential problems.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir


in PvP

Posted by: Jae.5138


my winrate isn’t even 50%.

copy and paste league of legends match making please

Without more information, I can’t verify that matchmaking isn’t working as intended.

It’s possible that MMR was artificially high because a player was being carried and its slowly lowering they to where it should be. If that is the case, losing would be expected.

It’s also possible MMR is lower than it should be for some other reason, and you get stuck playing with people below your skill level.

Either way, MMR is being reset on the 26th and you will likely see a change then.

cool thanks for telling us. i’ll watch out for that date


in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Keep in mind that prior to that matchmaking change it could have been that you had a low MMR compared to your skill – IE, everyone was worse than you, thus winning a lot of matches due to carry hard. Just a thought.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer


in PvP

Posted by: Doppey Woogy.6590

Doppey Woogy.6590

Dont post on forums much but this new match making system sucks . solo q use to be fun now 4v5s and ppl afking giving up middle match .dont know if its this double chest bs rewards but yolo q has been kitten lately


in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


I’m personally finding the matchmaking to be okay aside from the random 4v5s (those were always a problem even with the old system). In the past 24 hours I’ve played about 15 matches and the majority of them were nail-bitingly close in final score (e.g. 494 vs 500 or “close” like 480 vs 500). These have all been matches in the top 1k.

It is possible that the problem is with folks near the entry point where a lot of new players are “trying it out for fun”. The entry MMR for a new player should start very low (maybe 25%?) That way they won’t feel intimidated and can have some time to learn how to tPVP as they make their way up the ladder.


in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer

I’ve mentioned in previous threads that I plan on including additional information like profession, play style, etc., when forming matches. When I get further along with what I’m currently working on we will put out a blog post and start a discussion about the details of matchmaking.

There are also several threads talking about how to handle the 4v5 problem. Personally, I like the idea of both filling empty positions from the queue, and not recording the game as a loss if your team had fewer players for a significant amount of time. I don’t know yet if we want to include this topic in the matchmaking discussion or if it would be better as it’s own thread.

We are also discussing ideas on how to better introduce new players to solo and team arena that won’t ruin the experience for other players.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir


in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


The new matchmaking is working and is a significant upgrade from the last system, but people’s MMRs are inaccurate due to the previous issues. Also, there aren’t many people queueing solo right now, because the new matchmaker is harder on people at the top than the old one. So good players are just waiting it out rather than let their MMR fall to a more accurate level.


in PvP

Posted by: babangida.2056


League of Legends system matchamaking is Elo.


in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Just out of curiousity I googled elo vs. glicko 2 and found a thread on LoL’s forums asking for them to change to glicko 2. Several people agreed. There were other people saying “don’t change it, glicko2’s better but it would be too much hassle.” Other people said “the current system would work fine if it weren’t for all the afk/ragequit players.”

So yeah…turns out game forums are all essentially the same.


in PvP

Posted by: Taym.8326


I’ve mentioned in previous threads that I plan on including additional information like profession, play style, etc., when forming matches. When I get further along with what I’m currently working on we will put out a blog post and start a discussion about the details of matchmaking.

There are also several threads talking about how to handle the 4v5 problem. Personally, I like the idea of both filling empty positions from the queue, and not recording the game as a loss if your team had fewer players for a significant amount of time. I don’t know yet if we want to include this topic in the matchmaking discussion or if it would be better as it’s own thread.

We are also discussing ideas on how to better introduce new players to solo and team arena that won’t ruin the experience for other players.

Soloq only

Do you also think you can include “something” to allow players to wait longer for more people around the same skill level? I think most people right now are misinterpreting their match rankings/wins. I remember that poll that ANet put up a while ago about “would you rather wait longer for a better match” which people ended up voting overwhelmingly in favor of “get me matches fast”. Get me matches fast, which we the playerbase voted for is the problem, in order to get faster matches you have to just accept everyone who enters queue in order to expedite the matches in a small community. This pretty much means you can be high leaderboard ranking while still having players at lower PvP ranks in the same match. I think the algorithm needs to be tweaked against the earlier poll and make it so players are around the same rating before starting a match.

The matches right now are usually balanced teams, don’t get me wrong. I find that I usually have two competent players on my team, the other two are usually very bad. The problem with the system is that the game is usually decided upon not by which team has the best three players (because skill level differentiation at higher levels is quite small), but it is decided by the two “other players” you have. This is what I believe is frustrating people.

So… can we please put in a button that allows you to play games with people in a certain rating % of you? Personally I would wait 30 minutes for a game with 10 players being adequate… well any both teams having a bunker


in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


i dont see any problem with matchmaking – matchmaking is fine
most matches are very close this means matches are balanced and i dont had any 4v5 or whatever – only one and i was the leaver cause disconect

before matchmaking change i played only for champion title and was falling from rank 300 down to 80% or 70%

now with new matchmaking i win more games than i lose and back to 700 cause i dont face any stacked team anymore – much better

when you lose only than i guess your mmr is just to high for your skill or you are paired with new playerz all day

for this just make entry lvl 20 and @Justin plz dont do this forcing builds/classes thing for soloQ – soloQ is fine


in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Soloque has been pretty much Super random lately..
Went from 95~ since the beginning of the new matchmaking to 340
Maybe because I’ve been running shatter instead of bunky condition duel build
but team arena has been fun..
Team Arena:
R77 Darnis.4056 Pink Puma 598 518 53.58% Blackgate

Wish I had a template for soloque/Teamque would help me a lot ;3

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

(edited by Darnis.4056)


in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


I’ve mentioned in previous threads that I plan on including additional information like profession, play style, etc., when forming matches. When I get further along with what I’m currently working on we will put out a blog post and start a discussion about the details of matchmaking.

There are also several threads talking about how to handle the 4v5 problem. Personally, I like the idea of both filling empty positions from the queue, and not recording the game as a loss if your team had fewer players for a significant amount of time. I don’t know yet if we want to include this topic in the matchmaking discussion or if it would be better as it’s own thread.

We are also discussing ideas on how to better introduce new players to solo and team arena that won’t ruin the experience for other players.


There are a lot of inexperienced players and lack of coordination on these teams. I’d like to offer a suggestion that has proven to be very effective in other games.

Assign a team leader for each team. That leader can push on-screen messages (i.e. overlay on-screen and not in chat box) to provide direction for the team.

How this works: if you are familiar with ‘raid leaders’ in WoW, it works exactly like that. The lead can use raid warnings to communicate important messages to the team. The lead can also hand over the reigns to someone else.

This can be a very effective method of helping pull together a team as well act as a hands-on teaching tool for new players.

As far as who gets assigned the raid lead: just give it to the player with highest rank. He/she may not be the ‘best’ person to get the lead hat, but odds are that a high ranking person will, at the very least, know when they should hand the lead over to someone else (and know how to).