Matchmaking Concerns

Matchmaking Concerns

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578



Hello all,
First of all, let me make it clear that I run free tournament teams every single day during Oceanic time (roughly 5pm – midnight). We are by no means stellar, or self confessed champions. We do OK, and win more then we lose all though getting a win on 3rd round is becoming rarer lately.

We will probably never advanced into PAID, because, lets face it, we aren’t going to win a damn thing in there. The general consensus, and as it should be, is unless you can dominate in free tournaments, you won’t stand a lick of a chance in Paid and I’m fine with that.

My issue is with the matchmaking that is due to come into the game in the new year. I know the NA and EU teams aren’t experiencing this yet (I say yet, cause it’s already in PAID, just not Free) but the Oceanic Tournament scene has almost completely dried up and I’m talking “Free” tPvP scene. Don’t even think about Paid, cause as most have said, its only during NA prime time that Paid tPvP happens.

I digress a little, but here is the situation. The population, during Oceanic and Asian primetime is already so small that each tournament que for free tPvP is 30 mins +, sometimes after 9pm it just doesn’t pop at all. It’s because of the tournament system. You need 40 players…

Arena Net, essentially I am asking if there is a change to the Tournament structure planned to be implemented with matchmaking?. If matchmaking is too stringent, there might not even be a tournament to play in during Asian/Oceanic times. Matchmaking doesn’t bring new players in, it funnels players and segregates the community. That’s a good thing, when there is a sufficient community to segregate through skill levels. At the moment, we need each and every player during our prmetime in the one pool pf players.

You need to either change the system to individual ranked games, on a random map, or scrap the idea of matchmaking in free tournaments.

Take it from someone who was playing SWTOR on release day up until GW2 release day (yes, I lasted that long, how I did is beyond me). I played in the Ranked Warzone scene, when there was only 2 teams playing each other all night long.

It sucks.

Don’t let it happen to this game. We need more players to make matchmaking work (GW2 is already cross server, imagine if it was single server like TOR……. You couldn’t fill a hot-join server).

The question of how matchmaking is going to work is also important but probably deserves its own post. Is it from win/loss? An ELO system? Rank based? (heaven forbid rank based system).

Other then that, love the game, love the PvP. Some changes are necessary, but I reckon you know them better then I do. The game mode could use a revamp, I would love me some 3v3 or 5v5 and the abolishment of Quickness because I think that mechanic is the root of most damage/burst concerns and what actually pushes new players away from PvP.

You balance for pro players who know how to avoid a quickness PW or HB, but new players just get trolled by it a few times and say see ya later and don’t come back. We say “L2P”, they say “Enjoy your dead PvP, I’m going back to slaying dragons where I don’t need 40 people just to have one game”.

Bit doomsdayish but there ya go. It really is getting bad in oceanic primetime.

See you all in-game. I just made a Mesmer……..come get your free kill.