Matchmaking: Huh?

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

This was my first match of the day. Two thieves? This happened at 11:45 AM PST patch day when a lot of players seemed to be on trying the system. I thought this system was suppose to prevent that? Some more info:

  1. We duo queued
  2. I was a thief
  3. Friend was a mesmer
  4. We both play our classes at a high level.
  5. We got into queue on the first try.
  6. It was BOTH of our first matches in the new system.


Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.2536


Looks like the matchmaker found a bunch of players with short character names.

Nothing to see here folks, everything’s working as intended.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517

Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


Found a missing ‘+ 1’ (literally) in the matchmaking code. Will get this fixed soon.

In the mean time, it doesn’t factor in 2 of the same profession, only 3+.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

(edited by Justin ODell.9517)

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


Found a missing ‘+ 1’ (literally) in the matchmaking code. Will get this fixed soon.

In the mean time, it doesn’t factor in 2 of the same profession, only 3+.

yeah and what about 4 like some ppl posted..


Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Nighthawk.6453


In the mean time, it doesn’t penalize 2 of the same profession, only 3+.

Well, I don’t know… this isn’t suppose to happen twice in a row, right?

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Found a missing ‘+ 1’ (literally) in the matchmaking code. Will get this fixed soon.

In the mean time, it doesn’t factor in 2 of the same profession, only 3+.

Glad you found a fix, and from my own experience coding for grad school I know how easy it is for syntax errors to sneak into code. Just curious (and I hope I’m not being rude) how do those kind of syntax errors make it through multiple layers of QA?

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


So you literally didn’t test queueing with two of the same class? WTF?

Or they did test it on different configurations and went to live on the wrong config

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer


yeah and what about 4 like some ppl posted..

4 is treated as 3, which has score reduced by 2 * scorePerCommonProfession.
3 is treated as 2, which has score reduced by 1 * scorePerCommonProfession.
2 is treated as 1, which has no score reduction.

If you take a look at the wiki the score penalty isn’t that high, and it was being made to have even less impact because of this bug.

Tomorrow I’ll up the penalty when I get the bugged fixed, see if that set’s it right.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll also see about changing it to an exponential calculation.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Dave.2536


Found a missing ‘+ 1’ (literally) in the matchmaking code. Will get this fixed soon.

In the mean time, it doesn’t factor in 2 of the same profession, only 3+.

Glad you found a fix, and from my own experience coding for grad school I know how easy it is for syntax errors to sneak into code. Just curious (and I hope I’m not being rude) how do those kind of syntax errors make it through multiple layers of QA?

A missing +1 is a logic, not syntax, error.

And it can slip through QA if QA isn’t specifically testing for it. Doesn’t make the results any less egregious, however.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: Justin ODell.9517


Justin ODell.9517

PvP Server Programmer

Just curious (and I hope I’m not being rude) how do those kind of syntax errors make it through multiple layers of QA?

Long story short, it’s my fault. We had bots and all that running and it was my job to validate that it was working as expected, I missed this.

Only caught the issue because I wrote a C++11 match simulator over the weekend and I was validating that it works identical to the real systems. May end up releasing the source code to that, which is why it can’t just reuse our existing C++ code.

Server Programmer (sPvP)
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir

Matchmaking: Huh?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


You’re a good guy, Justin.

We believe in you