Matchmaking: When?

Matchmaking: When?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.4802


We’ve been waiting for months and months and it still remains the same; blow-outs of matches + SoloQ’rs facing Premades.

I thought the Leaderboard/Matchmaking changes were about how easy it was to tweak the matchmaking? Why take months for “simple tweaking”?

Problem 1:

The first problem is that putting good players with beginners is just plain wrong. Do you honestly believe they both enjoy by carrying and getting stomped?

Put “equally” skilled players apart from beginners.

The Matchmaking system where you put 5 players with 10,8,6,3,1 MMR is very frustrating for experienced players. Why not 10,8,8,9,7 vs 9,8,10,9,6 instead of these 10,5,6,6,7 vs 8,8,9,9,8 which we have right now? It feels like this is how it is now; totally imbalanced and not fair.


  • Put equally skilled people together, please.

Problem 2:

The second problem is a major one. I understand that if you are in a team with SoloQ’rs and facing a premade, the overall MMR of the SoloQ’rs should be a bit higher, to compensate the matchmaking.

Now these are the three things I experienced:

  • SoloQ’ers are being stomped by premade (about 30% of my matches I get)
  • SoloQ’ers MMR is WAY too different from the Premades and are stomping the premades with over 200 points difference and laugh at the premades for being sad (about 40-60% of my matches I get), causing unnecessary drama/toxism.
  • Good matches with maximum 50-100 points difference (which is only a rare sight to see for me and many others, I would say 10-20% of my matches)


  • either tweak matchmaking or
  • seperate SoloQ again, so there are no “weird” matchmaking/MMR issues like now for the most part

Problem 3:

This is just plain obvious and troubles everyone; class-stacking.

SoloQ putting 3 thieves, 4 rangers, 3 eles, 4 warriors, 4 guardians together sometimes. Eventhough the MMR might be equal, the comp already decided 30-40% of the match. Resulting in the MMR being close to useless.


  • Remove class-stacking for both SoloQ but also for Premades.


note: Im playing PvP pretty much 24/7 and mostly as SoloQ. When I party up, I also face the same problems. Infact, even if we’re premade, it feels like I would lose more than I’m SoloQ’ing. The MMR difference of the SoloQ Team compared to the Premades is sometimes way too high.


I face alot of ESL/Top tier players when Im in the premade facing SoloQ team. Ofcourse, mostly my premades loses. As said above, this also causes unnecessary drama/toxic from SoloQ’ers towards the premades.

Knowing that playing/winning in ESL doesnt give you higher MMR, I do know that these guys are playing enough (Un)ranked to have a stable MMR. Or atleast should have.

I’m close about leaving the game with this kind of matchmaking (for how many months now, 6?). It makes it even worse we have to stand in HoTM doing nothing, not even spectating 1v1 servers while waiting for a bad match.

I really suggest to take a look at the problems said.

I know, some ppl have luck with their matchmaking but honestly, dont ignore all the posts made past months about the matchmaking..

Denied NA Account | 8.4k hours | 5.6k Games | Bored

(edited by Terrorsquad.4802)

Matchmaking: When?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


ANET invested a lot of time and money into the current failed system. You can’t expect them to change it immediately even if it is the smart thing to do.

Matchmaking: When?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.4802


ANET invested a lot of time and money into the current failed system. You can’t expect them to change it immediately even if it is the smart thing to do.

We’re waiting over a half year to see changes that actually matter. I’m grateful for them trying but now it’s time to move on and change it again.

Denied NA Account | 8.4k hours | 5.6k Games | Bored

Matchmaking: When?

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


id like to know as well when we can see some changes to the matchmaker. it’s god-awful now.