Matchmaking and Map picking
The map picking system needs to be the map with the most votes is the one that’s chosen, if two have an even amount of votes, then it does the spiral twisty “random map pick” thing.
I don’t know why it wasn’t like this to begin with..
I like courtyard, the guild I’m in uses it as a tournament map for our monthly tournaments we host amongst guild members.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Matchmaking: it should create teams with no more than one/two people with the same class. But this does not happen.
I’ve played in team with 3 Rangers, Thieves or Necros, against team packed in good way. Obviously the chance to lose these matches is really high.
The biggest source of class stacking are the PvP class dailies. They should chance this or remove them.
The other problem is the picking of the map…why the hell if just one man out of 10 chose that f***ing courtyard, the system picks that map?? 1 vote against 9…unbelievable.
In this case the chances for courtyard are 10%. So it can be chosen but this happen rarely. I can’t see the problem here.
And least but not last, a suggestion: leave thatkitten***g orrible courtyard map from the other maps.
Every game-mode (Conquest, Team Deathmatch, Stronghold) need a separate queue.