Matchmaking compared to other games
GW2 PvP matchmaking is a disaster, I’ve never seen anything like this. Now I started wondering how this could’ve been prevented. Since I mainly come from games where matchmaking works pretty kitten well ( mainly CS: GO, except smurfing ofc) I really want to know where Anet kittened up exactly? Could someone explain to me how other games manage to implement almost ( I know they are never fully) perfectly working matchmaking systems into their games, while Anet fails miserably doing so?
Because, it’s other kind of games, look CS:GO you can be really, extremely good, even against a premade and with 5 bullets and few seconds decide how awesome you are. In LoL, DoTa, you can recognize not bad players in your team and feed them up, so they can transform into unbeatable ultra nuking machine of death which will pwn everyone which won’t be related to players skill if u are jungler, or you can farm Top like a boss on a semi carry and carry the game later when nothing can stop you. It’s not SC2 balanced game which has no such a variables as team mates at all.
GW2, atm it’s poorly balanced game, where your mechanical skills are nullified by playing the wrong character, wrong comp, with wrong team mates, against wrong enemies.