Matchmaking in unranked.

Matchmaking in unranked.

in PvP

Posted by: Cyan.6904


I hope the pvp community here can give me some insights about the matchmaking in unranked, especially for lower ranked players as myself. Today I had one of the worst losing streak I’ve ever experienced in the years I’ve spend time in pvp. It took me 10 losses before I scored a win. Now I have no illusions that I’m a fantastic pvp-er, and my win ratio would be somewhat below 50%, but I never got something like this before.

Is there a logical explanation for how things like this happen? I got the feeling I got matched up against pretty high ranked players, and also often the same players I’ve lost to before. I myself never got out of the amber division, but I have no idea if that also matters for unranked. Also interesting, I got the same pvp map for 8 times in a row. I have no idea if things relate to each other, but I’m just interested in how things work.

Some other information: I’m rank 59, and I played all my matches on a condi reaper.
(I would appreciate it if I didn’t get any reactions like: “Just get better.”, I can do without those.)

Cyan Graceland — Elementalist
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade

Matchmaking in unranked.

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


Firstly, just because you lost 10 in a row it does not mean that matchmaking is wrong, everyone has one of those streaks occasionally and you will probably get a win streak soon to balance it out. (I lost 20 out of 21 games once, 13 of those in a row and the next day I won 14 in a row back in league season one so win/loss streaks are just down to chance).
As for matchmaking in unranked, I THINK that it uses your MMR rating because I have recently been really improving in my play and winning a lot more and I am now finding myself matched with pro league players and after I go on a losing streak, I can never see any names I recognise for a long while, this is all just anecdotal though as I don’t know the exact mechanics for it.
The fact that you didn’t get out of Amber doesn’t mean anything for matchmaking in unranked though, I know that 100%.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

(edited by suffish.4150)

Matchmaking in unranked.

in PvP

Posted by: Evan Lesh

Evan Lesh

PvP Gameplay Programmer

There are a lot of reasons this could have happened, but here are a few:

  • You haven’t played in a while, so your rating deviation is high. You won a match, your rating went up a lot, and you’re now adjusting back down.
  • Other players in the queue are experiencing the first problem.
  • You are playing at a different time of day than you usually do and there is a different set of players in the queue than you normally match up against.
Bluxgore (80 Warr), Xilz (80 Necro), Ivo (80 Eng)
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)

Matchmaking in unranked.

in PvP

Posted by: Cyan.6904


Thank you for the quick response. I was mostly curious because I never experienced it before.

Cyan Graceland — Elementalist
The Knights Temple [TKT] — Aurora Glade