Matchmaking on its best
lol what.
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
Well, rabbits on one side, deers on another side. Nothing wrong with matchmaking actually. Maybe something is wrong with your mmr?
Well, rabbits on one side, deers on another side. Nothing wrong with matchmaking actually. Maybe something is wrong with your mmr?
yes something is wrong when you put r69 vs and with r1´s.
Haha! Nice pic, I think we even played together the following game xD
if YOU get ranked with low ranks (and yours was the only higher rank) it is only your fault.
It means that you are a bad player, that you farmed rank points on skyhammer and that you deserve to be ranked with deers and rabbits.
The system is rating based, not rank based.
if YOU get ranked with low ranks (and yours was the only higher rank) it is only your fault.
It means that you are a bad player, that you farmed rank points on skyhammer and that you deserve to be ranked with deers and rabbits.
The system is rating based, not rank based.
lol i love discrediting people who talk with their mouth full of kitten
Team leaderboard
435 Nary Why Irk.8150 Bombing Technology 606 440 57.93 Baruch Bay [SP]
solo leaderboard
4 Nary Why Irk.8150 Bombing Technology 1197 803 59.85 Baruch Bay [SP]
It’s the game that sucks friend.
screen is from teamQ (cause 30 silver reward) so i guess the 4 lowies in your team was a premade just trieing spvp^^
there is no matchmaking in teamQ for solo players – you are just a “filler” for other premades and they place you where ever someone is needed – atleast after some time
to avoid matches like this cancel your Que after 5 minutes and Que again
after 5 minutes they que you with everyone who has a spot for you^^
if YOU get ranked with low ranks (and yours was the only higher rank) it is only your fault.
It means that you are a bad player, that you farmed rank points on skyhammer and that you deserve to be ranked with deers and rabbits.
The system is rating based, not rank based.
Oh please.. Why are incompetent people always saying things like they have brains?
Ninov Ftw
screen is from teamQ (cause 30 silver reward) so i guess the 4 lowies in your team was a premade just trieing spvp^^
there is no matchmaking in teamQ for solo players – you are just a “filler” for other premades and they place you where ever someone is needed – atleast after some time
to avoid matches like this cancel your Que after 5 minutes and Que again
after 5 minutes they que you with everyone who has a spot for you^^
then explain this
This is Solo Queue
Lets face it, this matchmaking have serious issue
Doesn’t matter how high ranked you are, if you are bad you still get matched with low ranked/ bad players, there are many rank 10-20s who are 2x better than rank 60s.
Skyhammer farm ftw?
At least these low rank guys didnt afk and trash talk trough the whole match… if u know what I mean…
Cant count the number of games you go emo and afk at spawn just to save your precious ranking points… “You too bad for me,I go stand like a pro at spawn while you lose 4v5” You are kittening 69 and still didnt learn the basics,its about time to learn that you cant win on 100%… thats how pvp works,get to learn sth. If there was actual balance system through the game you’d be banned till now… just saying…
If at 3am noone else is playing, you get people out of your rating.
If at 3am noone else is playing, you get people out of your rating.
Pretty much this. I play at off hours just because the way my schedule is. I get a lot of games like these. SoloQ or TeamQ doesn’t matter because nobody is really queing at these times.
Here’s an example just now:
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Doesn’t matter how high ranked you are, if you are bad you still get matched with low ranked/ bad players, there are many rank 10-20s who are 2x better than rank 60s.
Skyhammer farm ftw?
Thats a poor argument.
I stand top 5 europe on solo q & 400 team q (solo join)
Therefore “bad” is a word not related to the reality of my rating. Bad is mixing unexperienced players with old ones.
-About skyhammer farm-
You say it for yourself? Lots of people know you farmed many ranks there on nightly hours. We do still remember votf custom arena
He he he.
ok let us be clear on something.
the matchmaking is based on what we see in leaderboards right?
and we can see people who are highly ranked compared to people in your friend list/ guild amirite?
take a look at it right now, list the guild.
i bet you that you’ll find people at levels 20% and 90%+ with only 5 -15 games played. why this variety? this is inaccurate in my opinion, i assume the matchmaking system is based on players with large amounts of games played to determine his true rank.
what determines that we are bad players in leaderboards?
kills, capped points, healing done, deaths? active gameplay??
what determines that we get a kill? we all know we only need to hit about 10% of his hp to get a pure 15 score for skirmish kill, ty for that anet, but thats not a factor that should determine our rank in leaderboards.
capping a point should be a factor? it provides score, but no it should not imo
deaths is most likely a factor, as close it is to determine an accurate ranking, it is still inaccurate because of all the roles (builds) we play.
currently we have this weird matchmaking system with supermagical formula to it, but i don’t think it’s successfull. i still think a rating should be determined after 50 games played + a matchmaking based on win rate. as simple as it sounds, it still makes me think it’s the most accurate way to determine someones rank.
i mean come on, we don’t see Rafael Nadal or Ronaldo getting golden trophies based on his skills, but on his wins which resulted from his skills.
having ranks based on something other than only win, is trying to say the game is imbalanced and a win does not determine how good you are.. wtf. (i know for a fact there is imbalance but lets stick to the topic that being good is the main factor that results in a win and thus why we can just matchmake based on wins)
(edited by Swagginator.3246)
Thats a poor argument.
I stand top 5 europe on solo q & 400 team q (solo join)
Therefore “bad” is a word not related to the reality of my rating. Bad is mixing unexperienced players with old ones.
To illustrate that; Last time i fought you in soloq i was in a team with a rank 2 zerker staff ele, on legend of foefire.
Games are literally a mish mash of every single type of player. I think its purely due to lacking numbers so the system grabs w/e is available.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Doesn’t matter how high ranked you are, if you are bad you still get matched with low ranked/ bad players, there are many rank 10-20s who are 2x better than rank 60s.
Skyhammer farm ftw?Thats a poor argument.
I stand top 5 europe on solo q & 400 team q (solo join)
Therefore “bad” is a word not related to the reality of my rating. Bad is mixing unexperienced players with old ones.
-About skyhammer farm-
You say it for yourself? Lots of people know you farmed many ranks there on nightly hours. We do still remember votf custom arenaHe he he.
all that pictures prove nothing.. u hasnt wrote how long was the waittime for every game.. as already stated more than once after a certain time the criteria for matching ppl increase with time to provide u a game and not several hour waiting time..
so after all that mmr-rage how about stoping that already? with dont know if mmr has a fault, cause we cant see the implementation. all we see is the outcome, whats influenced by time. and with the low playerbase in mind, i would be glad to have a game before i start complaining about mmr.
edit: there is only 1 thing that the picture proves.. u have clearly to much time or/ and enjoying this horrible meta.
Doesn’t matter how high ranked you are, if you are bad you still get matched with low ranked/ bad players, there are many rank 10-20s who are 2x better than rank 60s.
Skyhammer farm ftw?Thats a poor argument.
I stand top 5 europe on solo q & 400 team q (solo join)
Therefore “bad” is a word not related to the reality of my rating. Bad is mixing unexperienced players with old ones.
-About skyhammer farm-
You say it for yourself? Lots of people know you farmed many ranks there on nightly hours. We do still remember votf custom arenaHe he he.
Maybe they think that the high ranking players are supposed to “carry” the lower ranks. lol
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