Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Irrelevant to the topic at hand. The matchmaking system is still bad, regardless of Ithilwen’s skill.
Granted, it’s at least better than in S2, but the core mistakes that were the cause of problems then are still present. mistakes, i might add again, that are completely unrelated to any single player’s skill level.
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
that’s the problem.
All I can probably say is,
Whoever fiddled with matchmaking system, had no idea what he was doing.
Typical characteristic of GW2 RNG and living up to its reputation,
where RNG favors some, and puts everyone else in the trash…
I had freaking 60%+ winrate in S1 and S2,
and now I am not ALLOWED to even get past 40% winrate,
am I supposed to deal with this kitten?
Who the heck designed that matchmaking?
And NO, it has nothing to do with ’’l2p’’ or whatever,
I am well aware of what the heck I am doing in every match.
All I can probably say is,
Whoever fiddled with matchmaking system, had no idea what he was doing.Typical characteristic of GW2 RNG and living up to its reputation,
where RNG favors some, and puts everyone else in the trash…
- 90% of my won matches are won barely,
- 90% of lost matches are complete blowouts,
- Any other match is more or less ’’decent’’.
I had freaking 60%+ winrate in S1 and S2,
and now I am not ALLOWED to even get past 40% winrate,am I supposed to deal with this kitten?
Who the heck designed that matchmaking?And NO, it has nothing to do with ’’l2p’’ or whatever,
I am well aware of what the heck I am doing in every match.
To be fair the L2P standards get tighter the higher you go up. For example if you hit Ruby or even Sapphire it’s a given you won’t double cap home at the start or rotate into a 3v1 at mid so L2P once you get the basics down means tuning your mechanical skill, reaction times, and understanding the core concepts of one’s classes.
There is an even bigger “exploit” this season.
They kept Stronghold as an option, without balancing ele’s group support. It’s even worse than if they had let Spirit Watch in the rotation when eles had all the orb running advantages there too.
I’m not sure who is responsible for balancing eles and the maps at Anet, but it’s been one thing after another with this particular profession for the life of the game. They were ALSO the profession that forced rules about stacking professions with Conquest mode on ALL maps too.
On top of that, a guild premade can easily win Stronghold even easier and faster than playing conquest. There’s absolutely nothing in Anet’s treasured “matchmaking algorithm” that is accounting for eles in Stronghold and a full guild premade on TS.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see these obvious things which makes it all the more head-scratching.
kittening bullkitten I spent 4 days trying to get out of the first kittening tier or ruby only to lose it all in an 8 loss streak. kittening stupid matchmaking.
Fine to me… Better than S2 where i got an eternal loss streak.
I think that a fail of anet was no reset divisions and make players starts the S3 in divisions that no reflects their skill level.
They fixed the mmr but not fixed the problem created for S2 mmr.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Just had a game. My side: Thief, me on bunker druid and 3 DH. Their team: War, Mes and 3 Necro. Don’t even expect that one of the DH changed class. I don’t know how this matchmaking works, but the class stacking is dumb, why is this even a thing?!
System feels more fair.
If thats the experience for the majority. I have to congratulate ANET for their work.
This season is a pure bullkitten. Nothing more.
Quality topic, thanks
Ps. are we reddit yet?
I just played 6-7 games where I either stomped the enemy team 500-50 or barely lost because the enemy team was HEAVILY stacked against me.
Felt really forced 50/50.
Matchmaking is really hit or miss this season. There’s just way too much class stacking in games, which I think is more prevalent than last season since we actually have all classes as strong choices.
However, I’d happily wait 3 minutes longer for each queue to pop if it meant that I wouldn’t end up with 3 of the same class on my team. I mean, it’s bad enough when you have something like 2 thieves, 2 eles, or 2 druids, but this has become a really common occurrence, which sucks the fun and competitiveness out of games.
The theory that some players don’t “deserve” to win the wings is a huge problem.
Why would I put up with this matchmaking if I wasn’t trying to win the wings? Here we have a system that is inherently designed to make unfair matches. Why would anyone put up with that, unless they were the favored few who get the win streaks?
ANET offered a Legendary backpack that it said everyone can win. The matchmaking and “cutthroat competition” trope will prevent many people from winning it.
This is a real credibility issue and it has the potential to alienate a lot of prospective PvP players.
I’m seeing 23 loss streaks in a single day’s play. If I were new to pvp.. I’d walk away and never look back.
Just another day in T5 diamond.
And people are like the system ain’t broken lmao.
nothing’s gonna change., this is gw2.
Many people in legendary aren’t good, they just have luck, many people who will not make it out of ruby are better then them, will never get a chance to prove that.
But when one player has a great experience of the system, having no problem with the rng, tells the people that have bad luck that the system is great, and the devs respond to that guy saying “thanks”… idk..
but the matchmaker doesn’t do things like just pick several people at random from that 15 pip range and say, “Okay, that’s 10 players, let’s start.”
Why doesn’kitten That seems like it would be the most fair form of matchmaking and actually tie player skill to division.
(edited by Reikou.7068)
I started in emerald, went swiflty to tier 2 and that’s it.
Soloque and premade, not a carry for my team and not a deadweight as well.
I do a pretty decent job that is enough to do for my part of the fight.
If I am not mistaken I am kind of stuck for 15 matches now in tier 2 of emerald.
Should I git gudder?
I have a guildmate that does PvE and Raids, he used to be a rare sight for me in PvP.
I once fought with him for a couple of times, he was quite feeble in combat and it was not that long ago so I don’t think he raised to a level of being a team carry.
Now he does pvp for something around a week. He started in amber and after about 100 matches he got to diamond :I
(edited by Rodzynald.5897)
No idea, guys:
p.s. solo queue only
Just another day in T5 diamond.
And people are like the system ain’t broken lmao.
You, a Diamond engineer got put on teams (presumably of close enough MMR) that lost 38-500 or won 39-500. That has me very afraid for when I rank up :( If good players can still get creamed like that then…wait, please tell me that a Diamond brought his Amber and Emerald friends along for that match?
I wouldn’t call that sick balance but awful balance. Now Street Fighter 5, that has some sick balance. For example despite Zangief being the lowest tier someone still managed to beat even Daigo with him. For perspective if Daigo played this game he would be able to 1v3 dragonhunters on a daredevil.
As a new player starting with ranked pvp this is the worst matchmaking I’ve ever seen. Really really really bad. Have you checked that you’re really matching mmrs in the opposing teams and not top 50% vs bottom 50%?
I tried queueing solo as a clerics ele and I actually want throw my computer out the window.
Watching teammates get 2vs1’d by a condi warrior at home, watching necros run into the middle of the map when focused, watching thieves do nothing the entire game.
20-500 matches are not good matchmaking.
I tried queueing solo as a clerics ele and I actually want throw my computer out the window.
Watching teammates get 2vs1’d by a condi warrior at home, watching necros run into the middle of the map when focused, watching thieves do nothing the entire game.20-500 matches are not good matchmaking.
Yeah, I’m 3v1ing on their point and my team is 3v1 on our point…3-4 people go to try and take a temple buff and lose home/mid/far. Facedesk
This matchmaking just isn’t enjoyable. I’m going to have to play a thief because I’m matched with people who cannot win 1v1 against the enemies – which just shows that the matchmaking is WRONG.
Mid losing 1v1, home losing 1v1, and 3 enemies at our lord. If I did not help home/mid we would have lost all 3 nodes WHILE the enemy is killing our lord.
Oh, did I mention one of my teammates doesn’t even have HoT? Why exactly are they allowed to be in a game with 9 HoT owners?
I’m just…..this is horrible and not fun.
This is not playable.
Oh, just had a rage quitter too! Yay.
This is unplayable. Either you’re legendary and have to wait 5 hours for a queue or you’re below legendary and have to play with people who just installed gw2.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
I tried queueing solo as a clerics ele and I actually want throw my computer out the window.
Watching teammates get 2vs1’d by a condi warrior at home, watching necros run into the middle of the map when focused, watching thieves do nothing the entire game.20-500 matches are not good matchmaking.
Have you considered Mender’s? The Soldier runes offer a good amount of passive defensive stats while the Mender’s Amulet gives power damage, healing power, and some vitality so your heals are almost as good while your air and fire damage can actually down people.
No toughness doesn’t sound very fun.
If I want to do damage I’ll just play my thief anyways.
You, a Diamond engineer got put on teams (presumably of close enough MMR) that lost 38-500 or won 39-500. That has me very afraid for when I rank up
If good players can still get creamed like that then…wait, please tell me that a Diamond brought his Amber and Emerald friends along for that match?
It’s funny because those matches had no disconnects nor did they have a diamond bringing in low ranks. The matchmaking just gives me (or the other team) someone that’s utterly horrible and loses the matches for us (or them).
Like just yesterday I had to tell an ele off for trying to 1v1 a condi war on a node owned by them when we were 3v4-ing mid (we owned it) on legacy without ele support. Stuff like this happens in diamond and yeah it loses games.
Every game I see a couple of names that I recognize on my team and know that unless I play out of my mind, a win is nearly impossible. Playing my guard is almost no fun because there’s no way I can have as much effect on a game as with the necro. And I NEED to dominate for a win. I lead my team in points pretty much every game, win 2v1s regularly and even then it often isn’t enough for a win. It’s kittening bananas to the extent where oftentimes losing a 1v1 defense on a point pretty much spells doom for the game, the teammates can’t win a fight if I don’t show up to pick up their slack.
And this is my gripe, why the kitten am I always matched up with seemingly the same folks with whom I lose continuously, yet have a revolving door of adversary every game to destroy us.
At the same time, when the losing streak drags on a bit too long, I get matched up with another set of folks I recognize from past games, with this second group we tear kitten up and blowout whoever we’re up against for that game.
How is this a balanced system?
Also, as an edit. kitten can you fix guardian scepter tracking/speed? I shouldn’t miss 60% of my attacks on an target moving in a straight line and 100% of my attacks on someone strafing.
(edited by Zohariel.5708)
@Zohariel, I have the same problem. I constantly get matched with the same subpar players I know are not good and I’ll probably lose with OVER AND OVER yet the enemy team is ALWAYS different. Why?
I have to constantly add people to my friend list and now queue when they’re out of a game, it’s stupid.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
Just your typical day with Matchmaking,
4 out of 6: lost matches – Complete blowouts.
2 out of 4: won matches – Won barely.
And those arent the only shenanigans made by this Matchmaking…
There have been several matches already where enemy had nearly full team with ’’Ruby’’ (Im still Sapphire)
And even a match where I was the only Sapphire in a match while everyone else was Ruby ;]
Just another day where the Qs are worse than the matches and when they pop they’re pre-decided by who has the worse “randoms” and/or comp.
Just wanted to say thank you for tweaking MM this season. The first 2 weeks were terrible, but I guess you figured out the problem.
I was stuck in pip hell with an exact 50/50 for the first 2 weeks and 50 games. This past week however whatever fixes you implemented seem to have worked. I’m on a 15 game win streak and the matches are much better.
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