Matchups not very good for the last two days
The new matchmaking system is a fail. You should be happy if you’ve only had issues the last 2 days.
Yeah. The past 2 days have been horrible. I noticed it immediately.
a lot of new players….
people with no business being in ranked match queuing for it. however it’s been that way since they obliterated solo queue. but i agree it has gotten worse lately.
Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
Maybe because the game just went on discount again, so there’s a large influx of new players.
Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]