Math On SPvP Titles Inside

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Royce.6835




Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Yes, because that shweet rank and titles are what keep people playing, they’re not an added bonus. Everytime I hop into the heart of the mists I just think of “GOTTA GET GLORY TO RANK UP!” and my playstyle is influenced by that.

No seriously, I do agree that titles/ranks take a bit too much to get, but they offer nothing but a finisher and some skins, so I’m cool with them being almost impossibile to get.

That being said, I’d like them to rework the glory system and up rewards for frees/paids because as it is, someone farming noobs in hotjoins gets more glory than top players in paids.

P.s. your math is invalid, you only get PART of your glory from kills.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


there is not only the glory earned for kills. there is glory for holding, glory for fight/assists, glory for winnning match.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Royce.6835


Guys…. I didn’t include the numbers on capturing points and the like because there’s too many variables… I can simply break it down to how much glory you need per day. It’s still ridiculous….

It’s 6837 glory per day, every day, for six years, without ever missing one single day. Assuming you get 330 glory per fight (you don’t, no really, not even you tough guy forum warrior), but assuming you did – you get 20% win bonus on top of that (because hey, our best player evar never loses right?). So:


Now let’s add 50% bonus from glory booster:

594 glory

The absolute, unrealistic best case scenario…. 594 per game for our unrealistic title quester. 11.5 unrealisitc games per day, every day, for six years with permanent glory booster AND NEVER losing one single match, ever.

lmfao. yeah it shouldn’t be that impossible to get. they just need to add different incentives.. and tone all that grind down lol. it’s just as you said. they did not finish pvp.. so they just had impossible achievements and very long rank grinds to keep us busy.

MY worry is… will they finish pvp anytime soon?

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


glory boost doesnt effect rank glory.
just the fact that you pointed out the problem to reach the max pvp title should means you care more about grinding than having fun. so why wasting time on pvp if you feel it is impossible to complete?
there are a lot of players who plays pvp because they have fun, because they are attracted by skins and gameplay. careing about titles is sad.
even if math is right .

protip: gw1 rank 15 was reach by a few players (afaik there were only 3-5 r15 in 2007) who farmed HA everyday all day long. winning it mostly of the time.
play , have fun, win. then you will gain everything you want

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


imo here ranking up is wayyy faster and easier than in gw1….and i mean…really…REALLY…faster, people 63+ already rushing for phoenix after some months…come on it took MeatBall from Math guild, if i remember right, around one year to reach phoenix emote with lots and lots of good (not hot join crap like pretty much everyone of those rank farmers do) playing…..

So…are you serious?

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


imo here ranking up is wayyy faster and easier than in gw1….and i mean…really…REALLY…faster, people 63+ already rushing for phoenix after some months…come on it took MeatBall from Math guild, if i remember right, around one year to reach phoenix emote with lots and lots of good (not hot join crap like pretty much everyone of those rank farmers do) playing…..

So…are you serious?

First, I have no idea wtf you’re talking about. Second, why the hell should a title take 6 years? How is it impressive? It’s simply a “I know what I’m doing” title. It is not “I’m a good player” title. Especially considering you make glory faster in hot joins.

If people want to express dominance, it shouldn’t be through a six year daily grind. The only thing that expresses is a complete lack of a life and a pathetic need to impress strangers. I want these titles to be more attainable to give people a better idea of where you stand experience wise, just by clicking on your character.

So…are YOU serious?

Let me give you an advice…just go try guild wars 1 and then come back again. Getting max titles in a short time makes those title worthless, titles are just a reward not something you have to farm for, titles bring nothing to you but the title itself…it’s not a gear or something that makes you stronger it’s just something than not everyone can get, i was not for sure one of those who reached r15 hero and it’s fine…starcraft, oh my, chamalee and so on put much more effort and time than me playing HA so they deserved it and i didn’t….in guild wars 1 you also get fame points (The same of actual honor points) only by winning matches, that’s why i’m saying that here ranking up is wayyy more easy than there, everyone gets honor even if loosing and everyone can rank up…and ranks also require less time to get, so no…ranking up it’s all but long here compared to the gw1 system. In gw1 you would probably be one of those buying zkeys on ebay just to show a max “pvp” (ROFL) title…

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073



All you’ve proven to me is that the current titles in PvP are very meaningful and display to other players that a lot of time and effort was put into earning said titles. That’s cool.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Not that different from GW1, either. I guess it’s intimidating to non-GW1 players, but it’s pretty mundane and ordinary to the pvp community. We don’t fret too much about titles. Balance is approximately one billion times more important.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Hyperion.6027


imo here ranking up is wayyy faster and easier than in gw1….and i mean…really…REALLY…faster, people 63+ already rushing for phoenix after some months…come on it took MeatBall from Math guild, if i remember right, around one year to reach phoenix emote with lots and lots of good (not hot join crap like pretty much everyone of those rank farmers do) playing…..

So…are you serious?

First, I have no idea wtf you’re talking about. Second, why the hell should a title take 6 years? How is it impressive? It’s simply a “I know what I’m doing” title. It is not “I’m a good player” title. Especially considering you make glory faster in hot joins.

If people want to express dominance, it shouldn’t be through a six year daily grind. The only thing that expresses is a complete lack of a life and a pathetic need to impress strangers. I want these titles to be more attainable to give people a better idea of where you stand experience wise, just by clicking on your character.

So…are YOU serious?

Let me give you an advice…just go try guild wars 1 and then come back again. Getting max titles in a short time makes those title worthless, titles are just a reward not something you have to farm for, titles bring nothing to you but the title itself…it’s not a gear or something that makes you stronger it’s just something than not everyone can get, i was not for sure one of those who reached r15 hero and it’s fine…starcraft, oh my, chamalee and so on put much more effort and time than me playing HA so they deserved it and i didn’t….in guild wars 1 you also get fame points (The same of actual honor points) only by winning matches, that’s why i’m saying that here ranking up is wayyy more easy than there, everyone gets honor even if loosing and everyone can rank up…and ranks also require less time to get, so no…ranking up it’s all but long here compared to the gw1 system. In gw1 you would probably be one of those buying zkeys on ebay just to show a max “pvp” (ROFL) title…

Ranking up in GW2 is way easier through hot-join.
The closest pvp format in GW1 to hot-join play is Random Arenas.
Point #1: In my eyes, rank in GW2 is closer to GW1’s Gladiator rank, which (also in my humble opinion) doesn’t mean you are a good player, relative to the Champion(guild vs guild) and Hero (Heroes’ Ascend) titles.

Guild Wars 1 had a very different PvP system. There was variety, and lots of ways you could get your rank points there. GW2 is currently much more limited, and very different in every conceivable way.
Point #2: Comparison between the mechanics and reward systems of the two games has no meaning.

Also, someone mentioned it took people 3 years to reach the highest rank in HA (and the phoenix emote). 3 years is still only half-way to 6 years. 3 years for the highest title sounds reasonable to me, but 6 sounds absurd. Or very arrogant, but they cannot afford that, considering the current state of PvP.

I don’t title-hunt. Heck, I feel kinda forced to do PvE (and I have moved towards that in many ways, since it’s obviously more rewarding). But I still mind clicking on someone and seeing the Ascendant title. Even if the title only means you only ‘know what you are doing’ it should be achievable in a unique way, related to pvp. If anything, it is a sign that PvP is being looked down at by the developer. Bad marketing in a game that got me to play it due to good marketing.

So, yeah. Please change the GW1 title to something else.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: reedju.5786


I am tired of people mention GW1 in forums as if it had any real significance in GW2. It is awesome that you have stuck with the franchise, but it isn’t as if that is any argument for what should be in GW2. I am sure it was a fun game but it wasn’t an MMO and treating GW2 like an instanced cooperative RPG will just cause it to do worse than it is currently (not to mention the dev team is FAR from the same).

The point of this post is since QP are unable to be viewed and rank is only visible for a few seconds after matches end there is no way to show skill besides grinding (rank armor and titles). And grinding was something Anet promised we wouldn’t have to do. I do enjoy PvP and the ONLY incentive I have to log is the 30min-1h I have fun in game a day. But to have a healthy community you cannot just assume all players play for fun. A major part of persistent world MMOs is making progress and showing improvement, currently impossible for PvP players.

Black Avarice

(edited by reedju.5786)

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


It’s the journey, not the destination.

Basically ANet has made some titles that can never be realistically achieved, just so that there is “always” something on the horizon.

This will bother completists who want to have 100% on everything, but consider the flip side of the coin – there are people who lose motivation once they get 100%, because they don’t feel like they’re progressing towards anything anymore. (I certainly became far less motivated to play D3 once I got my max level char, because I didn’t care about loot. This was before paragon levels, but I’m not going back.)

So ANet has decided to have an eternal carrot that you can always work towards, but probably never reach.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Bohab.7825


I gave up on grinding glory by rank 40. Essentially I gave up GW2 at rank 40…


Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Zen.2450


In my opinion, max rank should be obtainable by obtaining the daily PvP award every day for about 2 years, long enough for several expansions to have come out and such. Really, if they don’t have enough of your money by then, then the developers are in a very sad position in life.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Also, someone mentioned it took people 3 years to reach the highest rank in HA (and the phoenix emote). 3 years is still only half-way to 6 years. 3 years for the highest title sounds reasonable to me, but 6 sounds absurd. Or very arrogant, but they cannot afford that, considering the current state of PvP.

Phoenix emote is r12 hero…max rank is r15 with dragon emote

btw i still can’t understand why ppl need to get everything as fast as possible, again if something takes a short time to achieve is pretty worthless…you get nothing from that title so why ppl care so much about? It’s only a reward for constant YEARS of hardcore playing and only a few deserve it….making everything easy would just stop kid’s QQ but is giving no meaning to high stuff titles….

Personally i don’t think i will ever reach ascendant pvp title like i never got Legendary Hero in gw1…and again, it’s fine…i will go as high as possible and gratz to the ones who will finally manage to achieve it…why ppl still qq like “I will never get it buuuuhhh…make it easy so i can get my max title buuuuhhh, everyone need to reach max titles, otherwise buuhhh QQ cry moar”

Seriously? Wtf?

This game is PEGI 12+ but it really doesn’t seem so…

And btw i can show acendant hom title too and then? Everyone knows noone has the pvp ascendant title and everyone can always /rank check..the only thing you get from showing up hom ascendant in pvp is that you look like a bs “Yeah sure, nice try” idiot…but yes, the same title for 2 different things it’s probably a bit stupid, and ascendant pvp title sux imo…just change the pvp title into something else, maybe just a bit more cool than that…gw1 titles were ten times better than those…

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.6392


In my opinion, they should do two easy things:

1. Change the title names for the most advanced ranks. Sharing titles with the HoM rewards is silly, and a bad idea.

2. Implement a few new titles for actual valuable accomplishments. Atm most of the titles only prove how much you have played compared to others (except the tourney ones).

I’m happy with my r30 avenger title but I’m not sure I would be happy of unlocking “mist walker” or “ascendant”

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Math On SPvP Titles Inside

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

They need a title for hours spent in the mist afk, talking kitten, and playing mapchat online.

How about “Mist Talker” ??