Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)
(edited by Silentshoes.1805)
In a team game, perhaps this is the best way
to assign a personal score:
If you are involved in fighting near a point that is flipped to your team color, the points it starts ticking up are also added to your personal score. Until it flips to the other team.
If you successfully defend a node that is ticking for your team, you start getting 1.5 points per tick.
Maybe keep it as simple as that.
What am I missing?
(edited by Silentshoes.1805)
I fear that would promote Bunker Wars more than anything. Send bunkers to each node and hold it forever.
I fear that would promote Bunker Wars more than anything. Send bunkers to each node and hold it forever.
Wouldn’t each team be trying to retake those bunkered nodes to win the game, though? How is it different than now?
I fear that would promote Bunker Wars more than anything. Send bunkers to each node and hold it forever.
Wouldn’t each team be trying to retake those bunkered nodes to win the game, though? How is it different than now?
Because longevity in a fight is rewarded more than a glass spec that can be killed and lose out on points. People will see that and go “hey I want more points, gonna go bunker to do so.”
The glass specs help the bunkers defend and then they, too, get the .5 bonus.
The glass specs help the bunkers defend and then they, too, get the .5 bonus.
Or they get focused and die since, ya know, glass spec is a better target than a bunker and they lose out on points and get mad so they reroll bunker.
Well, you lost me in your overall logic here. To win you have to take and hold points. That’s how matches are won. That’s what people do now.
I don’t see how it would change gameplay to award personal scores based on how many points they put on the board.
(edited by Silentshoes.1805)
The glass specs help the bunkers defend and then they, too, get the .5 bonus.
Or they get focused and die since, ya know, glass spec is a better target than a bunker and they lose out on points and get mad so they reroll bunker.
Silent shoes is right. Bunker specs are prevalent even now so it wouldn’t really matter.
And it would encourage ppl more to capture close with all 5 ppl.
I would completely deactivate personal score as of now, cause it encourages ppl to fight for themselves instead for the team
I understand what you’re proposing, but I’m not sure that I understand what the problem is that you are trying to solve.
Are you trying to encourage bunkering? Boost personal rewards? Surely the win bonus should already acknowledge the team effort that was being targeted?
I understand what you’re proposing, but I’m not sure that I understand what the problem is that you are trying to solve.
Are you trying to encourage bunkering? Boost personal rewards? Surely the win bonus should already acknowledge the team effort that was being targeted?
People want to see “how they did” in a match, even if their team lost.
The current individual scoring system does not really do that. We all have seen when we have had a crucial role in winning, and yet find that we have one of the lowest “scores”.
I am not saying rank should be awarded on these scores.
I just am trying to think what would most accurately display an individual’s real contribution to the win rather than “skirmish points”, etc.
IF each team sat on their home point and a few people fought over Mid all game, then all the individual scores would be identical at the end, except for a few people who flipped Mid now and then.
Which reflects exactly their contributions. Boring, in this case, but accurate.
(edited by Silentshoes.1805)
With that context your suggestion starts to make a lot more sense – thanks for taking the time to explain it!
There are two views to this I guess.
On the one hand the team victory is the reward. True, you scored the lowest in your team, but your team won, and that was down to you. You received your win bonus, and possibly your top defender bonus. You signed up for a team activity and your team won. It’s a perception thing, and you can change yours and feel better about it for that reason.
But hey – you and I and all of us know that, in a game, we all want to be that top scorer!
In that context your idea is great, to a limit. I think that earning points for standing on point with nothing going on is over the top and, as suggested earlier, I feel it would lead to some counter-productive gameplay. Nevertheless, they could introduce ticks by defence time. Maybe use the events system like they do in WvW with 30 second cooldowns on point defence. Contribute to the event and earn a few points towards the glory counter.
It even adds some interesting dynamics to the game as a failed offensive could prove more costly to the attacking team than leaving the defender on point. (e.g. thief attacks bunker guard but cannot finish him – the fight lasts 1min 30 in which the guard has been earning points). That could be good OR bad.
Another way to recognise it is to look at bonus personal glory at the end based of the match on time at defence (for a victory). But that won’t show on the scoreboard and so you will feel the same as you do now – that you received the lowest points, if not the lowest glory.
Maybe a UI change – Team Points as they are now, and a second column for sum bonus points earned by each player – could that address the human need for recognition on a role well done?
Thoughts welcome!
El Gaucho,
Thanks for your considered thoughts. Interesting to read.
I agree it is mostly about feelings. And enjoyable feelings make the game enjoyable for players.
I think it may be that removing the current “personal score” would be better than the current score that does not accurately reflect a good player’s real contribution to scoring points and instead says they scored lowest.
Even though I know better, when I score low, it bothers me. I find myself double capping just to not be so low. Silly human I am.
And I think these current personal scores do promote counter-productive behavior.
So rather than have a second column, I would rather not see phony “low scores”.
Yeah – I can see how the current model can lead to the perception of a lower score and therefore counter-productive behaviour.
Your statement holds so true… “enjoyable feelings make the game enjoyable for players”. While I love the PVP tracks we now have, I confess I enjoyed the game more before we had them. We were there for the love and the fun of it – we had hundreds of thousands of glory that we didn’t spend, but we had fun. The tracks introduced a change in culture as well as the rewards, and it’s that which we, as a community, are adapting to now.
I don’t have an easy answer to this particular conundrum apart from encouraging you to focus on changing your perceptions.
I know ArenaNet read a lot of these posts but there’s the chance they will take something they like from this and find a way that works without imbalancing the game, but I wouldn’t count my quaggans on it!
El Gaucho,
You are right. It is mostly about changing our perceptions and having our own criteria for success…and fun.
Sometimes, doing the right thing in a pvp match yields less points. (running to a new point while another teammate captures it, even if you captures 80% of it)
Sometimes, doing the right thing in a pvp match yields less points. (running to a new point while another teammate captures it, even if you captures 80% of it)
That’s what we are trying to fix here.
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