Mentality around Warriors

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Syde.5961


So far I’ve made it to t5 of Ruby (All as a Warrior and by solo queuing) and have seen quiet a bit of whining about my warrior. I’m not talking about “oh warrior is underpowered blah blah blah please buff”. I’m talking about the “really? you’re playing a warrior” or “we lost this match because of the warrior”. Sometimes even the other team joins in, saying “thank god the kittened warrior is on the other team this time”. Do you guys, who do this, go around in real life pointing fingers and blaming other people for you’re own wrong doings or go up to people with disabilities and make fun of them? If not, why do it online?
Stop bringing that kind of mentality into your matches. You aren’t going to succeed with that kind of attitude; and it’s going to put the rest of your team into that same rut. Not only does it hurt the team, but having to deal with that kind of bullkitten every single game is tiresome. Just stop, and play the game.

Og Salmonder [oT] – Warrior
Stormbluff Isle

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


I got told off for playing a warrior in a match, guess who cleaned house in the teamfight once all mass CCs were blown at the mid point?

I enjoyed rattling his cage after that.

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Mouse.7382


Its the player not the class.

Too many games I’ve played where there have been great warriors/thieves that have done their job and we won the match (and also visa versa). Been on quite a few 2x Warrior or 2x Thief and won (ruby division). Ill take a skillful player on a (incorrect mentality) sub-par class vs a novice player with a meta class any day.

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: xx swagmaster cyprus xx.7028

xx swagmaster cyprus xx.7028

warrior in ranked is sort of a gamble
ofc also depends on build and player
but there are too many situations where war is a bad pick
like enemy team very tanky and your team also very tanky, you get stuck in a 2v2 where they focus you = rip.
or enemy team has smart revenant, revenant on you 24/7 = rip.
or for some reason you need to 1v1 someone = rip

like marauder mesmer you need good team to work.
but you have 0 party utilities unlike mesmer so you cant help team if team not good.

you only better then mesmer when
- enemy team can’t focus you (they all meele) / they dumb and chose not to focus you
- after a good inc your team starts snowballin and you can pick off respawns from 1500 range (with mesmer most of the burst is from up close)

as you can see war is not convenient if you trying to climb divisions
ofc if someone starts namecalling only bcuz you playing warrior they are kitten and you should disregard what they say as kitten, be nice to ppl that always apply

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Was playing last night on a new iteration of my usual berserker build. Got in four matches. Three of them were complete dominance, we won, I destroyed anything moving or hoping to call itself a bunker. The one match I didnt win, the moment the team spawned in, someone made a comment about “the warrior”. From there my team went on to play poorly (didnt help the other team had a 3-man) and we lost. By the end, of course, members of my team were calling out “the warrior” as the culprit, despite their lack of ability to survive or down anything let alone kill it (all downs and consequent deaths were due to my war).

The best part was that I happened to record all 4 matches, so I have the contrast of 3 groups of good players entering a game and setting out to win, and winning. Then the group of scrubs who’d mentally defeated themselves before they’d begun.


Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I hate seeing warriors in this state, and firmly believe anet needs to give them a boost. My honest assessment is they are just missing something to propel them forward.

It’s not a lot IMHO, and I do think if they kept them unchanged yet nerfed all the HoT power creep they’d be viable.

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


Depends on the player more than the class. I’ve seen some amazing warrior/thiefs but the majority are just terrible players playing a class which requires them to be really good.


Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


if you are good enough to make warrior work, I’d rather see you on an actually good class.

warrior is an inefficient use of one of your five slots. it’s a poor choice. it’s like running a condi build in the current meta (not a hybrid like vipers or cele).

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)

Mentality around Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


There are alot of people running builds that are simply carrying them to ruby + but ive seen alot of players trying to use warrior and thief in the diamond division.

If your good on a thief or warrior, unless your a ESL level player your still hurting the team by playing this class to another you would have equal skill with.

Ive won basically every 1 vs 1 against a warrior/thief who i engaged at far or home on opening split other then caed. Something like this will make your team mates rage since your playing a under powered class and losing at the one thing you could potentially win against less skilled players.

So there is obviously 2 things at work and 1 is the PiP system. Anytime someones loses multiple pips they start losing there stuff. Also many people are abusing certain broken parts of classes therefore they think they better then they really are.

Lastly i never say anything because anything can happen in a match but 95% of the time if you see a warrior/thief or both you know things will have to go right especially when players of equal skill level are playing.