Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I think some traits grants very powerful reward with very low cost.
Mesmers deals insane condition and raw damage, also enter stealth and blur all time. This have no counter!
A thief enter stealth but is only one foe, we just wait he comes to counter, evade or block. When a Mesmer enter in stealth he has 3 illusions hitting the foe (hitting insanely hard). No have counter to this!

I think Mesmer could be more balanced if he need spend more point to get that near perma invulnerability and stealth.
- Move Blade Training to master tier.
- Move Desperate Decoy to grandmaster tier.
- Move Empowered Mantra to adept tier.
- Move Deceptive Evasion to adept tier.

Could be a good step to balance Mesmers and decrease invul and stealth spam that ruin the good gameplay.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Warrior detected?

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Warrior detected?


But i can join me to stealth and AI party anytime

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


surprise surprise, yes mesmer is rly powerful now, possible to win nearly all 1vs1 with it.
so whats more fun to fight now, the zoo or the invulnerability and stealth illu clone wars profession? :P

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

sry, but thats right before the patch.
now you are just wrong :P

well for warrior you are still right, but that profession is a bad joke with this longbow dmg
in soldier amulet

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: hihey.1075


Only viable build mesmers have for sPvP is 30 20 0 0 20, GS+Staff.
Anything else and you’ll be facing bad people who like to steamroll and boost their ego with pointless and incredibly long 1v1s.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


nope 20/20/0/0/30

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


Warrior detected?


But i can join me to stealth and AI party anytime

Seriously ? …..

Let me explain why you just failed for a big part of the pvp community.

1 ) PU mesmer = High stealth build = Pretty USELESS in " hold the point" kind of game.
=>Balanced for Spvp/Tpvp cause of stealth downside

2 ) Warrior = High almost everything build = TO USEFULL in " hold the point " kind of game.
=> Unbalanced for spvp/tpvp cause it can do to much for what he has to sacrifice.

3 ) Try building a full Bunker warrior with condition damage , and see how hard folks will have it trying to kill you. Cause that is pretty much what the Mesmer had to do to get that survivability.

4 ) Playing a warrior and complaining about a Mesmer Bunker build that cant even Hold points, in the SPVP section of the forum ……..Its just LOL

But i guess that to be expected from " Overpowered character hoppers "

cheerz LOL

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

- Move Desperate Decoy to grandmaster tier.

Desperate Decoy should be moved to a tier below adept where it’s never used again. Why on earth would that be a grand master trait? If deceptive evasion moved down to adept tier, you would have 30/10/0/0/30 mesmers going around stunning the crap out of everyone and still be a shatter build. Blade training does not need to go up as it’s not OP in the slightest!

Mesmers deals insane condition and raw damage, also enter stealth and blur all time. This have no counter!

You can kill the clones? You can dodge the clones until the mesmer comes out of stealth and wreck them because they’ve wasted all of their cooldowns. To get max stealth they have to blow their torch, Mass invis and decoy. That’s a lot of stuff to be wasting. During that time, they can’t go for an attack on you or they get revealed. For the PU build, you can just ignore them! They do nothing to hold a point so you can cap it while they’re trying to be all sneaky. Just keep blowing up the phantasms, wait for the stealthing to stop and then go for the kill.

Mesmers are also extremely low armor and very glassy. Get one good shot on them and they go down fast.

It’s clear you don’t know mesmer very well >_<.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

(edited by The Gates Assassin.9827)

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


- Move Blade Training to master tier.
- Move Desperate Decoy to grandmaster tier.
- Move Empowered Mantra to adept tier.
- Move Deceptive Evasion to adept tier.

I’d honestly have a hard time finding a mesmer who would oppose these changes. They would quite literally enable at least 2 or 3 different builds I’ve been trying to make work where I couldn’t fit in everything I wanted.

The idea of “nerfing” mesmers by reducing the cost of Deceptive Evasion is particularly hilarious.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Buff thread masked as a nerf thread, me likes

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Yeah, these “nerfs” are so bizarre I had to read the post twice because I figured I must be reading it wrong. In addition to the Deceptive Evasion hilarity, the change to Empowered Mantras would have a bunch of mesmers I know dancing in the streets.

OP should learn the class before trying to change it.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

sry, but thats right before the patch.
now you are just wrong :P

well for warrior you are still right, but that profession is a bad joke with this longbow dmg
in soldier amulet

If we speak about a duel on point the mesmer is without any chance. And as this game is about capture the mesmer, at least in this mode, isn’t that strong.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Warrior detected?


But i can join me to stealth and AI party anytime

Seriously ? …..

Let me explain why you just failed for a big part of the pvp community.

1 ) PU mesmer = High stealth build = Pretty USELESS in " hold the point" kind of game.
=>Balanced for Spvp/Tpvp cause of stealth downside

2 ) Warrior = High almost everything build = TO USEFULL in " hold the point " kind of game.
=> Unbalanced for spvp/tpvp cause it can do to much for what he has to sacrifice.

3 ) Try building a full Bunker warrior with condition damage , and see how hard folks will have it trying to kill you. Cause that is pretty much what the Mesmer had to do to get that survivability.

4 ) Playing a warrior and complaining about a Mesmer Bunker build that cant even Hold points, in the SPVP section of the forum ……..Its just LOL

But i guess that to be expected from " Overpowered character hoppers "

cheerz LOL

1) Mesmers can hold the point after kill the invader :/ Also can support and dps even while in stealth.
3) Do not exist bunker warrior. I never saw one :/ My build eat alive these supposed bunker/regen/condition warrior in tPvP. But thanks for trying.
4) Is not only about class vs class :/ Stealth spam is one of things that can ruin this game. This trait in special (Desperate Decoy), gathers all that ruins the pvp in this game: passive play, stealth spam, AI spam and low risk/cost with high reward.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


- Move Blade Training to master tier.
- Move Desperate Decoy to grandmaster tier.
- Move Empowered Mantra to adept tier.
- Move Deceptive Evasion to adept tier.

I’d honestly have a hard time finding a mesmer who would oppose these changes. They would quite literally enable at least 2 or 3 different builds I’ve been trying to make work where I couldn’t fit in everything I wanted.

The idea of “nerfing” mesmers by reducing the cost of Deceptive Evasion is particularly hilarious.

The great problem are stealth + AI, this itself transfer the target to summons while the user just wait them make all work. When the stealth ends, he just replace the summons and restart the circle – Mesmers, Rangers and Engineers are doing this all time in every place.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Blade training won’t make to much difference… Most PU run scepter anyways.

I agree with the whole down with dumb no skill builds like PU but really they aren’t a problem unless your a glass cannon (which isn’t even meta) or a warrior which is FotM.

It’s not good form to complain about a hard counter when your pretty much playing top tier. I’d like to see both sides brought onto the same level, and although I like your suggestions I don’t think it will fix much.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


- Move Blade Training to master tier.
- Move Desperate Decoy to grandmaster tier.
- Move Empowered Mantra to adept tier.
- Move Deceptive Evasion to adept tier.

lol this would make shatter mesmer absurdly overpowered. This would be such a huge buff.

Really, some people should be stripped of their forum rights for posting on the forums. You have no clue of what you are talking about.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I think Mesmer is in a fairly good spot right now actually. Mesmer is a duelist profession and should have the advantage in 1v1 imo. I’m a really squishy thief, but I’ve never had any trouble finding the real Mesmer or killing phantasms. Getting phantasms down and them focus on the Mesmer isn’t that hard, it just requires skill to do so.

Melder – Thief

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Liam McColgan.7689

Liam McColgan.7689

I don’t know what the original poster is moaning/complaining about….the risk reward of stealth/distortion is that by using it you cannot capture bases. So you either survive and risk a decap/not cap or take dmg hoping for the cap.

Granted the two skills can see OP 1v1 and in a deathmatch scenario…but that rarely happens in tpvp, which is the section this post is on.

People moan at anything these days it seems….

Mesmer – 1250+ Ranked tpvp WINS.
– 7772 games played, 5274 games won.
“Nuke or be Nuked” – Said every mesmer ever

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


I think mesmers should be revealed when their phantasms attack, just as a thief is revealed when he attacks in stealth.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


I have not played recently but popping out of lurk mode.
Mez stealth builds have always been annoying with various levels of failure and success.
Stealth in gw2 isnt paired off that well as I see it, partially because GW2 still is tied significantly to tab-target gameplay of traditional MMOs for all its fluidity.
Not everything is a skill shot and several skills straight do not function without a target. The manual targeting is understandably poor.

Stealth + teleports gives zero indication of positioning and puts a heavy emphasis on defenders who have limited proactive options they can take due to the workings of the game. Mix in invuln its a headache. Not really something to give a kitten about when its not played but the gameplay really strips an individual in most cases of their momentum they would have used to finish this. I recall a couple. Mezs I know running condi specs and very the past two months and even myself farther back. Its a somewhat lame clusterkitten of defenses.

Fortunately it loses power amongst aoe/cleave the battles so be wary of node assaulting a mesmer and it shouldn’t be so bad.

The great forum duppy.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


The great problem are stealth + AI, this itself transfer the target to summons while the user just wait them make all work. When the stealth ends, he just replace the summons and restart the circle – Mesmers, Rangers and Engineers are doing this all time in every place.

Even if your complaints had merit — and I don’t think they do — your suggestions do nothing to solve what you think is a problem. I play a stealth-heavy mesmer and I’d pay real money for your proposed changes.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

They’re obviously talkin’ about pu mesmers in “rambo mode” 1v1 arenas or hj i guess, probably not even knowing it’s a totally useless spec in tournaments…don’t even try to explain the difference from worthless duels for feeding someone’s ego and tpvp balance, just a waste of time…we definately all see teams with 2+ pu mesmers everywhere, who needs wars when you have permastealth troll mesmers not even able to kill something or cap a point?

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

They’re obviously talkin’ about pu mesmers in “rambo mode” 1v1 arenas or hj i guess, probably not even knowing it’s a totally useless spec in tournaments…don’t even try to explain the difference from worthless duels for feeding someone’s ego and tpvp balance, just a waste of time…we definately all see teams with 2+ pu mesmers everywhere, who needs wars when you have permastealth troll mesmers not even able to kill something or cap a point?

Pointless indeed :/. We tried dual Mesmer in tournament and experienced how easily the enemy can overrun you with warriors, necros and rangers, because these classes can actually stay on a point without diying.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Warrior detected?


But i can join me to stealth and AI party anytime

Seriously ? …..

Let me explain why you just failed for a big part of the pvp community.

1 ) PU mesmer = High stealth build = Pretty USELESS in " hold the point" kind of game.
=>Balanced for Spvp/Tpvp cause of stealth downside

2 ) Warrior = High almost everything build = TO USEFULL in " hold the point " kind of game.
=> Unbalanced for spvp/tpvp cause it can do to much for what he has to sacrifice.

3 ) Try building a full Bunker warrior with condition damage , and see how hard folks will have it trying to kill you. Cause that is pretty much what the Mesmer had to do to get that survivability.

4 ) Playing a warrior and complaining about a Mesmer Bunker build that cant even Hold points, in the SPVP section of the forum ……..Its just LOL

But i guess that to be expected from " Overpowered character hoppers "

cheerz LOL

1) Mesmers can hold the point after kill the invader :/ Also can support and dps even while in stealth.
3) Do not exist bunker warrior. I never saw one :/ My build eat alive these supposed bunker/regen/condition warrior in tPvP. But thanks for trying.
4) Is not only about class vs class :/ Stealth spam is one of things that can ruin this game. This trait in special (Desperate Decoy), gathers all that ruins the pvp in this game: passive play, stealth spam, AI spam and low risk/cost with high reward.

Because sooo many mesmers run desperate decoy. It is almost as bad as thief last refuge because more often than not you do something that pops you out of stealth and giving you the revealed debuff… You sir are not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

sry, but thats right before the patch.
now you are just wrong :P

well for warrior you are still right, but that profession is a bad joke with this longbow dmg
in soldier amulet

If we speak about a duel on point the mesmer is without any chance. And as this game is about capture the mesmer, at least in this mode, isn’t that strong.

nope we speak about tournament

our team

vs noobs lamers

so mesmer not tourny viable?
its new op lame profession you will see in future

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


pu mesmer is not viable^^

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


pu mesmer is not viable^^

And it has never been viable. :/

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


- Move Blade Training to master tier.
- Move Desperate Decoy to grandmaster tier.
- Move Empowered Mantra to adept tier.
- Move Deceptive Evasion to adept tier.


Best thing happening to Mesmer for a long time!

Fun besides, there are actually some rly annyoing PU-stealth-spam Mesmers around there, but I dont think what you are proposing is not the right way to balance this issues ^^

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

sry, but thats right before the patch.
now you are just wrong :P

well for warrior you are still right, but that profession is a bad joke with this longbow dmg
in soldier amulet

If we speak about a duel on point the mesmer is without any chance. And as this game is about capture the mesmer, at least in this mode, isn’t that strong.

nope we speak about tournament

our team

vs noobs lamers

so mesmer not tourny viable?
its new op lame profession you will see in future

If you lost, you just got outplayed. That simple.
And calling dual-mesmer the “noob-lamer” team regarding your setup with dual-war/thief/ranger is ridicolous to say . . .

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Kill the clones? You have a trait that when someone kills a clone it gives them conditions. Just saying. By killing the clones you are thus hurting yourself still. And I main a mesmer so I’m not bias here. You actually have 2 traits that add co editions on killing a clone thus giving you 2 conditions every time you kill one.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Everybody says PU mesmer is inviable… :/ I think it’s pretty good. Perhaps not for holding points (although I’ve been fairly efficient in doing that), but it can certainly hold points neutral for ages. Honestly, I think it’s a perfectly viable build.

That being said, it’s fairly counterable (especially with warr’s condi cleanse), and the clones really don’t deal that much damage… If you play correctly, you can make a little “safe zone” for yourself which’ll be difficult for the mesmer to enter without being CC’d or hit heavily, and it’ll be a lot more difficult for the PU mes to keep the point or keep it neutral.

EDIT: still a fun build though, though probably more practically useful than theoretically.


(edited by Arganthium.5638)

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

I’m pretty sure anybody complaining about PU mesmers is not playing high competitive games… or perhaps only soloq or hotjoins. Because honestly…

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


jetwing. u really dont understand the mes class at all.yes pu mes builds have become popular as the mes is very squishy and lacks a lot of things u need, but at lest with that we got a chance vs the endless cc spam meta. but u are aware of the fact that your changes would actually buff the mes in ways u would really have to fear.
u obviously have never played a mesmer, nor have u ever checked out their builds properly. i bet that u would die a loooooooot if u tried mes out.
or o know what play a mesmer in wvw go in that zerg and use your amazing stealth with that insane dmg:
“oh wait thats right poof no clones, poof no phantasm..oh what? it didnt even deal dmg? the phantasm couldnt even attack and i got no numbers. how am i going to fight now. oh why did that war get 15 lootbags out of it and i got 3?hmmmm? oh why can i never move i always get knocked down and stunned and feared and perma immobilized. ah there it is i got a mantra of stability. yay. oh its 2 seconds oh but 2 charges oh i can even spec for 3 charges awesome…oh wait i cant do that if i want to keep this traitline oh…..oh wait what u have to recharge the mantra? but but i cant dodge while doing that!what i can get interrupted while doing that? whaaaaaat?no wayyyy. oh well lets make a shatter mes then…oh why didnt my shatter hit?oh all clones died before they reached….whaaat they go cc’ed?!?” welcome to the world of mesmers!
we are great in 1v1’s as we work off spammers and love to confuse u, but all that is nothing in wvw.
if u want all that nerfed, then i say ok anet then redesign our entire class. take away a lot of the ai, take away our duelist stuff and give us some real light armor qualities like what the gw1 mes had. but guess what? u would cry yourself to sleep every night if that was to happen as we could actually be a REAL light armor class and not a fake medium armor duelist class.
i wouldnt cry if all my ai was gone and i had aoe all of the sudden, because then i could actually be more than a veilbot in wvw

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Oidmetala.8426


Mesmer indeed is a very powerfull class. However, others like the necro, ranger or warrior just overshadow it.

sry, but thats right before the patch.
now you are just wrong :P

well for warrior you are still right, but that profession is a bad joke with this longbow dmg
in soldier amulet

If we speak about a duel on point the mesmer is without any chance. And as this game is about capture the mesmer, at least in this mode, isn’t that strong.

nope we speak about tournament

our team

vs noobs lamers

so mesmer not tourny viable?
its new op lame profession you will see in future

If you lost, you just got outplayed. That simple.
And calling dual-mesmer the “noob-lamer” team regarding your setup with dual-war/thief/ranger is ridicolous to say . . .

you need to be always right empa? :P
well you will see it ealry enough, mesmer profession is rly strong again.
its for sure verry tournament viable.
sure we got outplayed because this profession is strong, we are not a team full of bad players btw.

Team Erotic Solitude Legends [ESL]
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Legacy.7360


Clone Wars that are Mesmers is truly abit over the top. Conditions, Confusion and AI for days…. Lets take a real good look at this Anet. Some adjustments are needed here.

Guardian <3
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


Clone Wars that are Mesmers is truly abit over the top. Conditions, Confusion and AI for days…. Lets take a real good look at this Anet. Some adjustments are needed here.

sure remove my ai and give me aoe instead and im ok with giving up the clones. u can have them seriously!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


lmao the guy who started this topic actuall buffs mesmer insanely by giving them easier access for some traits gives them the possibility to adept multiple more builds instead nerfing them , thats hilarious.

just my ytb channel


Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

lmao the guy who started this topic actuall buffs mesmer insanely by giving them easier access for some traits gives them the possibility to adept multiple more builds instead nerfing them , thats hilarious.

I think to nerf mesmers we should move Illusionary Persona to adept and make illusions invulnerable. That’ll show em.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

lol mesmer brainless? play one?try to survive the cc meta and the long cooldowns. pu is strong but its defensive and yes very annoying, but i have no problems fighting other pu builds, because i know how they move i know their cooldowns, i know which is the real mes and i know the weak spots.
btw if they use blink well thats a cooldown right there so after the first 2 invis (1 torch, 2 decoy) those are on cooldown, then massinvis long long cooldown and long animation if they use portal, well 90 sec cooldown right there. u gotta be quick and smart if u wanna be a good mes otherwise u just die …a looot!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


lmao the guy who started this topic actuall buffs mesmer insanely by giving them easier access for some traits gives them the possibility to adept multiple more builds instead nerfing them , thats hilarious.

ikr im still laughing at it! obviously no clue about the class or our traits or builds

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: The Gates Assassin.9827

The Gates Assassin.9827

Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

Say that again when a thief is eating you for breakfast with 7k heartseekers and 9-11k backstabs.

Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

Take two brand new GW2 players who are in their first MMO. Put them in sPVP in a duel, one as a mesmer and one as a warrior. Anyone want to bet on the mesmer player winning?

Not me.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


Considering mesmers are currently the only ones holding the legions of facerolling warriors back from total and utter domination I’m rooting for team mesmer. At least mesmer takes some degree of skill to play.

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Discordia.7293


Build Phantasmal Mesmer for far assaulter 1v1, 1v2, 1v3;1VPVz097RV-71;9;4JJT;029-19-34B;4URk6;2KJG4KJG45BC

This build was made to kitten the players at far point.

-> phantasm with perm fury
-> condition removal with lyssa (press f4 before)
-> summon 2 phantasm without leaving of stealth
-> 3 stealths and 1 blink
-> perm dodge
-> protection, aegis and regeneration from stealth up all time
-> very easy to play, enjoy,

AND NO NERF!!! o.O Moreover, the profession has received a buff with

Thief rank 80 – I hate overpower condition duration in wvw.

(edited by Discordia.7293)

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: selan.8354


Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

Take two brand new GW2 players who are in their first MMO. Put them in sPVP in a duel, one as a mesmer and one as a warrior. Anyone want to bet on the mesmer player winning?

Not me.

omg yeah ill bet on the war! do u guys have any idea how often people on the mes forum post stuff like : new to mes, need help. whats a good build with this and that.
when i started mes i never shattered, because i didnt understand what that was. also an example after confusion nerf in wvw we tried out a whole new build that worked with reflects , retal, distortion, torment and only a little confusion and boons….omg the first few days we were terrible.
each and every mes build is not ez mode as they all have weaknesses:

-phantasm is squishy, has way less defensive skills and dies in 2 hits if not played carefully. also phantasms are affected by cc so cc meta made this build really tough. also u gotta now the range of your phantasm. if u targeted an enemy and hit your berserker but are out of reach it will go on full cooldown same with los.

-shatterer: can work great if played right, but i wouldnt recommend it to a beginner at all as u gotta time your shatters right

pu: yeah u have stealth and toughness but u need to time them right or your cooldowns will leave u defenseless. u gotta know how to mes if u wanna kill something and not just be best survivor with no points. also wanna learn how to pretend to be a clone sometimes

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

lol mesmer brainless? play one?try to survive the cc meta and the long cooldowns. pu is strong but its defensive and yes very annoying, but i have no problems fighting other pu builds, because i know how they move i know their cooldowns, i know which is the real mes and i know the weak spots.
btw if they use blink well thats a cooldown right there so after the first 2 invis (1 torch, 2 decoy) those are on cooldown, then massinvis long long cooldown and long animation if they use portal, well 90 sec cooldown right there. u gotta be quick and smart if u wanna be a good mes otherwise u just die …a looot!

Then i hit on the fly
But i don’t use my Decoy before the time, o wait some cc to use.

And yes, Mesmer have team weight. He can dps, distract the enemy, heal, buff and clean allies, all this in this build.

I am doing well with him, later i ll post some pictures

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


That’s a very odd build.

- You don’t have “stealth up all the time”, you’ve got a few seconds every 90 seconds worth, because you eliminated the torch, a primary stealth source in a PU build.

- The zerker amulet makes it glassy, and it has virtually zero condition removal. So you will melt within 15 seconds of meeting a condi bomber, which is what 50%+ of players are running now.

- You need runes of the centaur for any mesmer PvP build where mobility is a priority.

Seems mostly like a “disposable” character meant to cause havoc and then die, in which case you’re better off forgetting about the defense and going for illusionist’s celerity and other offensive boosts so you can spam phantasms before you get nuked.

(edited by Qaelyn.7612)