Mesmer and Portal

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


So I Know there are a lot of topics about Mesmer OP, CS OP, PU op etc. but i want to discuss with you how bad was the idea to buff portal and at the same time buff the Mesmer in every aspects.

Historically Portal was always a super strong ability for Mesmer, for the entire team, i remember when it was to 60s and Anet nerfed CD to 90s (and it was a right move).

I remember what Phantaram said about portal and Mesmer and i agree with him, with portal so strong for the entire team, you can’t create a Mesmer beast or the balance goes to the hell.

And what we have now? A Mesmer with more damage/sustain/stealth buffed AND portal buffed (with a lower CD).

In these days it happens many team in queue you play against double Mesmer and when you find 2 double (good) Mesmers with 2 double portals the situation is really bad for you team if you can’t balance it with a similar composition.

What your thoughts about?

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Riot if no patch tuesday.


Tbh it started to get fine when most mesmers I encountered said it got boring and they dissapeared for a while but now 2-3 mesmers on each team is absolutely normal I’m starting to keep track of the names. I shouldn’t go there but 2 pre burial turret engis were easier to deal with than 2 mesmers as a team.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: rchu.8945


So I Know there are a lot of topics about Mesmer OP, CS OP, PU op etc. but i want to discuss with you how bad was the idea to buff portal and at the same time buff the Mesmer in every aspects.

Historically Portal was always a super strong ability for Mesmer, for the entire team, i remember when it was to 60s and Anet nerfed CD to 90s (and it was a right move).

I remember what Phantaram said about portal and Mesmer and i agree with him, with portal so strong for the entire team, you can’t create a Mesmer beast or the balance goes to the hell.

And what we have now? A Mesmer with more damage/sustain/stealth buffed AND portal buffed (with a lower CD).

In these days it happens many team in queue you play against double Mesmer and when you find 2 double (good) Mesmers with 2 double portals the situation is really bad for you team if you can’t balance it with a similar composition.

What your thoughts about?

but it was ok when Mesmers could provide portal but food for thieves pre-patch right?

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


So I Know there are a lot of topics about Mesmer OP, CS OP, PU op etc. but i want to discuss with you how bad was the idea to buff portal and at the same time buff the Mesmer in every aspects.

Historically Portal was always a super strong ability for Mesmer, for the entire team, i remember when it was to 60s and Anet nerfed CD to 90s (and it was a right move).

I remember what Phantaram said about portal and Mesmer and i agree with him, with portal so strong for the entire team, you can’t create a Mesmer beast or the balance goes to the hell.

And what we have now? A Mesmer with more damage/sustain/stealth buffed AND portal buffed (with a lower CD).

In these days it happens many team in queue you play against double Mesmer and when you find 2 double (good) Mesmers with 2 double portals the situation is really bad for you team if you can’t balance it with a similar composition.

What your thoughts about?

but it was ok when Mesmers could provide portal but food for thieves pre-patch right?

So a profession has only 1 counter and could deal with everything else and the solution is overbuffed it and create a beast with destroys everything?

A little buff was required but this is a huge buff in every aspect.

It wasn’t necessary to buff everything, Mesmer had already a huge damage.

(edited by Phil.8901)

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Sagat.3285


So I Know there are a lot of topics about Mesmer OP, CS OP, PU op etc. but i want to discuss with you how bad was the idea to buff portal and at the same time buff the Mesmer in every aspects.

Historically Portal was always a super strong ability for Mesmer, for the entire team, i remember when it was to 60s and Anet nerfed CD to 90s (and it was a right move).

I remember what Phantaram said about portal and Mesmer and i agree with him, with portal so strong for the entire team, you can’t create a Mesmer beast or the balance goes to the hell.

And what we have now? A Mesmer with more damage/sustain/stealth buffed AND portal buffed (with a lower CD).

In these days it happens many team in queue you play against double Mesmer and when you find 2 double (good) Mesmers with 2 double portals the situation is really bad for you team if you can’t balance it with a similar composition.

What your thoughts about?

but it was ok when Mesmers could provide portal but food for thieves pre-patch right?

Only 1 mesmer spec was countered by thief and the issue was it was the only build considered meta so thief vs mesmer wasn’t the issue it was diversity but it seems that you fully support current mesmer…

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Once again there isn’t a single mesmer skill that people don’t want to see nerfed. Unfortunately, I don’t believe that there is any level of nerf that will allow some people to win against a mesmer at this point. They just can’t wrap their head around the class.

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


Im glad I got my illusionist title before the PvP change when you actually had to do ranked in order to achieve that. Mesmer was different in some ways then, and Ele was nowhere to be seen in PvP they were literally the worst class at that time along with ranger while Thief dominated with perma stealth.
I just hope they don’t nerf mesmer to unplayable (which I don’t think will happen) as Ele was at some point in the beginning in all game modes.
All mesmer are shatter now – which is what I started on when I was in PvP diapers, it was a good starter build but became blah after some time; I don’t PvP on my mesmer anymore since I’d basically be forced to be a shatter variant build if I wanted to be effective. I hate that – no real build diversity.

(edited by SnowHawk.3615)

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Akikaze.1307


Im glad I got my illusionist title before the PvP change when you actually had to do ranked in order to achieve that. Mesmer was different in some ways then, and Ele was nowhere to be seen in PvP they were literally the worst class at that time along with ranger while Thief dominated with perma stealth.
I just hope they don’t nerf mesmer to unplayable (which I don’t think will happen) as Ele was at some point in the beginning in all game modes.
All mesmer are shatter now – which is what I started on when I was in PvP diapers, it was a good starter build but became blah after some time; I don’t PvP on my mesmer anymore since I’d basically be forced to be a shatter variant build if I wanted to be effective. I hate that – no real build diversity.

The pvp profession titles could be earned from both unranked and ranked games. It’s not restricted to ranked only. Only practice/custom arenas don’t count towards the achievement.

Prepatch, majority of mesmers ran shatter anyways. In addition, shatter 44006 was the core viable build for mesmers due to IP and DE being key traits. The current build diversity increased with the patch. There’s mantra interrupt, power shatter, condi shatter and PU variants.

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


I’ll admit that so far I have seen a lot more mesmers on pvp lately but I’ve also noticed something else lately. In my personal experience, the team with 3 mesmers has almost always lost. It’s very rare for me personally to see a team made mainly of mesmers win.

As for portal I can sympathize with what your saying in pvp but as a main Mesmer in WvW who specializes in hiding in enemy towers and keeps I’d really not like portal to be nerfed lol, I kinda need it to work good. X3

Mesmer and Portal

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Ok Phil, we get it mesmers are OP. But ask yourself, what is fun with mesmers? Portal is fun! It’s a great team ability, that everyone likes to use, not only mesmers. More frequent Portals allow for more team strategy, more chess-like plays, and isn’t that exactly why we like Conquest?