Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pollution.8703


The dude was full glass but I don’t ever remember mesmer illusions doing this much damage. I don’t play mesmer so anyone want to fill me in on what this guy was doing to hit this hard? I’m not running a glass cannon spec either.


Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I never had that much problems with Mesmers, playing as a Guardian. But after the patch, I get wrecked more than I used to.

I don’t keep track if Mesmers got buffed in this patch or if I’m just horrible.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pollution.8703


I’ve just never seen a mesmer hit that hard. It completely caught me off guard.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Fourth.1567


There seems to be a bug atm where AI is hitting harder than normal. Probably due to the change in crit damage. Check the NPCs in the mist, they hit a lot harder as well. Same with forest NPCs.

I would guess ferocity for AI is instead being treated as 1% crit damage per point or something.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Farzo.8410


There seems to be a bug atm where AI is hitting harder than normal. Probably due to the change in crit damage. Check the NPCs in the mist, they hit a lot harder as well. Same with forest NPCs.

I would guess ferocity for AI is instead being treated as 1% crit damage per point or something.

Wouldn’t surprised me.

I just now got wrecked hard by a minion Necromancer, I had no idea how I could die so fast.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: OneManArmy.9732


normal situation. this is downed state skill. Phantasmal Rogue performs backstab or heartseeker i dont remember which one or maybe both. and yeah, it hits very hard.

(edited by OneManArmy.9732)

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pollution.8703


normal situation. this is downed state skill. Phantasmal Rogue performs backstab or heartseeker i dont remember which one or maybe both. and yeah, it hits very hard.

Yeah but I remember that being a 3k or maybe 4k attack. Not 9.5k. And my combat log said that it was smokebomb lol.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Yeah, smoke bomb is the phantasmal rogue. It does an incredibly powerful attack. The mesmer was probably phantasm specced, so it hits even harder than normal. This is why you do your best to stomp the mesmer before they get to use that skill.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


Ahhhh, I thought I was the only one getting 1 shot, it does seem like the damage was buffed somehow.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Geff.1930


Damage got buffed across the board due to changes to runes and sigils. Runes now have way higher stats than they used to pre-patch.

On my glass cannon engi I get instant KO’ed by Phantasmal Berserker + Mesmer’s Burst. Phantasmal Berserker does 10k damage to me, I have 18k health.

Worst part is that the glass cannon Mesmer is in either stealth or in distortion for 100% of the fight.

Even if somehow I kill a mesmer the downed state Phantasm does atleast 7k damage. Basically, if you are glass cannon and see a mesmer on the opposing team, go afk or quit.


(edited by Geff.1930)

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


I give up. All you fools seem to be jumping on this bandwagon of mesmer illusions hitting harder than pre-patch.

Well, you’re all wrong. That’s all.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: holodoc.5748


I give up. All you fools seem to be jumping on this bandwagon of mesmer illusions hitting harder than pre-patch.

Well, you’re all wrong. That’s all.

Says a guy with “The Immortal Mesmer” in his signature

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


I give up. All you fools seem to be jumping on this bandwagon of mesmer illusions hitting harder than pre-patch.

Well, you’re all wrong. That’s all.

Says a guy with “The Immortal Mesmer” in his signature

Heh. I keep that link there just for nostalgia’s sake. That build was destroyed by the devs almost a year ago.

That being said, I fully tested out my illusions, because I like to know how my skills work. Everything is precisely the same as it was acting prepatch. The damage is all same as before.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Elfindale.4836


all damage got buffed, not just AI, unless Anet has a rule that mesmer should be alienated from an overall damage buff, otherwise the illusion buff are just on par with the overall damage that everybody gets, if an Mesmer has that much damage the chances are that they are as squashy as you, and you can do the same to the mesmer if the player is not actively dodging.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Like Pyro above, I have also tested my phantasms and there’s been no noticeable damage increase after patch. I’ve hit targets for more than 9K with Phantasmal Rogue, but it requires all sorts of additional factors to come into play, so it’s pretty rare.


Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Zach.3264


My Sword #5 phantasm crit for 8.3k earlier, was pleasantly surprised.

That being said, what is Smoke Bomb anyway? never heard of it o.O

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Arcturus.8109


Why don’t you test it at golems and upload screenshots here? I think it is really easy to check if npc’s critdamage is bugged.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Zord.6130


Tried iZerkers on some friends of mine, they do indeed hit 10% harder.

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Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


Smokebomb is the mesmer down skill phantasm and it hits like a backstab thief with 25 stacks of might.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: cyyrix.6105


Yeah the phantasmal rogue is just a backstab…even the tooltip says it deals double damage from behind.

Cyyrix | Marypoppins Deathsquad [mds] | Team Riot [RIOT] | Blackgate

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Omri.8196


Well I hope it’s just a bug that is going to be fixed, because I certainly don’t like getting 2 shotted from a warlock phantasm. It’s like every profession with AI that can hit a crit got 2x stronger than pre patch.

Xiloquin – [ 80 Thief ]

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Evilek.5690


Yep , this patch make many OP bugs on mesmer. After patch mesmer phantoms hit my bunker guardian for 8k+.

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
OupĂ­ lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: SPESHAL.9106


One of the streamers – Toker – got hit by a phantasm (not rogue) for 9k too tonight.

There’s something weird going on.

Just fight the NPCs in the mist and you will quickly notice a dramatic change – unless you are new to the game.

There was nothing noted in the patch notes about a change this big, so it’s probably a bug somewhere. As someone already noted, I suspect it is due to a glitch in the ferocity re-programming.

Maybe these NPCs/minions/phantasms still have the previous hard coded crit damage AND got ferocity added too.

It needs to be fixed fast before more people notice.

I feel sorry for new players…even the NPCs in the Mist are wrecking them.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


One of the streamers – Toker – got hit by a phantasm (not rogue) for 9k too tonight.

There’s something weird going on.

Just fight the NPCs in the mist and you will quickly notice a dramatic change – unless you are new to the game.

There was nothing noted in the patch notes about a change this big, so it’s probably a bug somewhere. As someone already noted, I suspect it is due to a glitch in the ferocity re-programming.

Maybe these NPCs/minions/phantasms still have the previous hard coded crit damage AND got ferocity added too.

It needs to be fixed fast before more people notice.

I feel sorry for new players…even the NPCs in the Mist are wrecking them.

New players? Players period, people of all types with even champion titles and such are getting downed by these guys, I can’t even effectively test a build on them without running through a gauntlet :P I’m ironically finding them harder to beat than a lot of humans

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: clipnotdone.9634


Phantasmal Warlock does extra damage per condition type on you.
So getting hit by one with a LOAD of condis on you is gonna hurt quite allot.

If anything, phantasm damage has gotten lower since the patch.

25/90 never forget.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Dardevilmon.6702


The reason is probably lyssa change nobody runes thoes runes anymore and if a mesmer has double energy/double battle and strenght runes he can go keep up 15ish stacks of might trought the fight which gives them a lot of damage boost compared to lyssa before where you didnt get any extra damage but you got condi clear which we now lack.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


I’d like to see more combat logs than the rouge. Rouge doing 9k on a phant build is pretty standard. Phantasm seem to do the same they always have.

Yes Phant builds are strong and trashy. More of the low risk high reward crap. But it’s the same as it’s always been in terms of damage. It’s been nerfed a few ways that are exploitable in combat but If you guys are getting set up on from a interupt build and have 25 stacks of vulnerability before eating a Zerker that’s just being out played.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: gartz.7013


i did lose about 14k hp in, and i kitten you not, a split second. one minute I’m engaging with my sb the next I’m dead….wtf mate

solo cheese engi/ex teef

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


i did lose about 14k hp in, and i kitten you not, a split second. one minute I’m engaging with my sb the next I’m dead….wtf mate

Sounds like a learn to play issue to me. If you can’t accurately describe what killed you, then you obviously aren’t experienced enough to judge whether or not it was overpowered or bugged.

Mesmer illusions hitting harder than normal?

in PvP

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Youre saying mesmers got buffed in the last patch?

Sorry, but april fools has been over for a long time.

Oh, and you’ll never win a downed fight as engi.

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