Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367


Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: coglin.1867


All I’m saying is the crap is annoying. You use the blurred Frenzy shatter stealth burst set up. Repeat. the shatters have blinds i mean your already perma evading. then your hiding. I dont think you guys have fought a good mesmer that knows what im talking about. Now I dont even care about warriors endure pain thats not even OP at all. actually tbh Its perfectly fine.

You guys are failing to read. Which is causing this to be blown away. Mesmers atm are the strongest class. They are tanky. can full heal. and can reset faster then thiefs can. they also have the evade the pu stealth or Mantra bursts which give them stat bonuses allowing them to be in berserker. I’ve also played PU shatter and i know once you get the rotation down its easy to play.

Now Burns. Its a big issue currently in the picture i posted I managed to do 7.2k burns. in spvp. Yes i was built for it. but The thing is even though your built for it You have so much more utiltiy. Im talking about engineer and Ele burns. Ele burn are slightly worst then Engineers but engineers stack faster. Condi cleanse is sort of an issue.

Cele Ammy. It still needs a nerf. Any good engineer or d/d ele will agree with me. I dont have many valid points to prove it should but its quite annoying burning down a good cele ele or engineer when they can heal up in a second from near death

Also Blood sigil is broken still no life steal.

You appear to confuse your subjective opinion with actual objective fact.

What’s worse is the engie meta is marauder amulet, not celestial. Your complaining about an engie meta that disappeared 4 months ago.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I personally think burn guards are fine. But it appears some can’t deal with it, so since they don’t want to learn to play, I was suggesting something that I don’t think won’t impact high tier players as much as low tier players. But I would personally keep things as they are.

Ele’s RoF is on a shorter cd (12s vs 28s) and it’s instant castable. That means that players would have a higher chance of crossing the field inadvertently. Considering PF has a 3/4 cast time, it gets interrupted all too easily.

That said, no single skill should have a burn burst of 12++ because some one crosses it multiple times. Yes, it’s a definite l2p but for newer players but the mechanic is still unhealthy for the inexperienced.

PF should stay the same with the exception that a single player can only receive 2 hits from PF. Whether that’s from the initial hit from PF or blocking the initial cast but crossing it twice – PF should give no more than 6 stacks of burns on a single player.

One should not forget that initially, purging flame is a condi cleanse, not a purely offensive skill. 3 stacks burning for 5s on a crossing is fairly insane.

We don’t use the skill for condi cleanses. And Absolute Resolution fills the role of AoE team cleanses so we don’t use PF for that either. It’s purely for damage purposes. If you nerf it down to 2 stacks like ele, we better be compensated with a reduced CD or some other insentive.

PF is not RoF. Don’t treat it like their the same skill.
3 burn stacks when you cross is reasonable. What isn’t reasonable is receiving over 6 burn stacks from PF.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: abc.5790


All I’m saying is the crap is annoying. You use the blurred Frenzy shatter stealth burst set up. Repeat. the shatters have blinds i mean your already perma evading. then your hiding. I dont think you guys have fought a good mesmer that knows what im talking about. Now I dont even care about warriors endure pain thats not even OP at all. actually tbh Its perfectly fine.

You guys are failing to read. Which is causing this to be blown away. Mesmers atm are the strongest class. They are tanky. can full heal. and can reset faster then thiefs can. they also have the evade the pu stealth or Mantra bursts which give them stat bonuses allowing them to be in berserker. I’ve also played PU shatter and i know once you get the rotation down its easy to play.

Now Burns. Its a big issue currently in the picture i posted I managed to do 7.2k burns. in spvp. Yes i was built for it. but The thing is even though your built for it You have so much more utiltiy. Im talking about engineer and Ele burns. Ele burn are slightly worst then Engineers but engineers stack faster. Condi cleanse is sort of an issue.

Cele Ammy. It still needs a nerf. Any good engineer or d/d ele will agree with me. I dont have many valid points to prove it should but its quite annoying burning down a good cele ele or engineer when they can heal up in a second from near death

Also Blood sigil is broken still no life steal.

You appear to confuse your subjective opinion with actual objective fact.

What’s worse is the engie meta is marauder amulet, not celestial. Your complaining about an engie meta that disappeared 4 months ago.

How my engie misses celestial but tomorrow, they shall reunite!!!

[Star] In My Prono
EU Scrub

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Tetsuji.5937


Burns on ele is easy delt with. Burns on engineer isnt easily delt with. the rotation is Incenoary ammo 2 3 4 Your burns will be placed far out so you cant remove them fast but instead you’ll remove the poison and confusion. while the burns are still ticking and nearly kill you. I will admit i was a little kittened when i posted this forum. but its a real issue ingame that needs looked at. Also yeah in 11 hours things are going to different. also to the guy who said Shatters are easily dodged. Man you must have insane inhuman reaction speed. considering shatters are insta cast. Unless your talking about watching the clones. I really want you guys to think about this. Unless your mesmer mains and dont want it nerf’d which funny enough might be true. Cele engi is still a thing. You dont really understand how strong a class is till your 1v1ing them. yes in a team fight they are easy to take down. but ask yourself this. Can you fight them in a 1v1 situtation? if no. i dont want your opinion here.

My goal is to get anet to take a look at mesmers and burns and try to decide a better action with them. Like cap burn stacking. Lower the dmg by 1/5. soft nerf not hard nerf.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The shatters themselves are insta cast, but the setup to make the phantasms are not, the opening burst has more than just shatter since you have to summon the phantasms to shatter.

You can dodge phantasms before they damage you since most skills are telegraphed and have cast times as well as dodging the weapon attacks mesmers use to maximize burst. They don’t rely solely on shattering for the damage.

No crazy fast reflexes needed, just need to pay attention since playing a mesmer well and actually achieving burst is all in the setup.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Ok I thought this was a joke troll post at first but now I see you might be serious…

First, BF is the easiest thing to deal with given you know exactly when it will end and where the mesmer will be after the blur ends (unless they chain blink or something else at the end to escape the damage, but then they’ve wasted a key skill so take advantage of that). Very easy to save up damage and apply cc or hit hard immediately on evade end. It’s a total non-issue. I have zero problems with blurred frenzy when playing any class. Not to mention retal kittens all over it. BF has been nerfed enough in the past, leave it alone.

Perma evade? lol, what else is there currently (before we get well of precognition) apart from normal dodges and BF? No other weapon offers evade, nor does any utility (again apart from well of precog). I’ll give you perma evade – try melee GS + Sw/D Ranger, now that is true perma evade…

Stealth bursts are very easy to predict and avoid if you know the mesmer is fighting you. It’s only when you don’t know a mesmer is in the vicinity and they gank you while you’re fighting another player(s) that you can’t do much. But seriously that’s the same with any class that ganks you – this is pvp with predefined teams, not wvw – if there’s a mesmer on the enemy team then look at the kitten mini map and pay attention to where they are and whether they plan to engage you in combat.

If 1v1ing a mesmer then most of the time the bursts are extremely predictable and easy to avoid. If they stealth while fighting, wait and anticipate incoming damage by dodging or using a defensive skill. If they go for burst outside of stealth then you have no excuses to not see the obvious animations and avoid at least the initial burst. If they stun use a stunbreak, if daze just dodge first…

Even then you can easily do things like engi shield 4 magnetic knockback to a stealthed mesmer to mess up their skill usage and I’m a total noob/crap engi yet still manage to dodge, block or otherwise avoid mesmer bursts and mess up their skill use – because as a mesmer main I understand how the average mesmer thinks. Not just how the class functions, but how mesmer players minds work and the subtle patterns in play that usually arise.

I can’t do the same to say necros (or engineers, eles and several other classes) for example because I have barely touched necro and have no idea of the thought process/personality that goes behind playing one so I have no idea how necro mains think, even though I know enough about how the class functions to fight against it.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Ok I thought this was a joke troll post at first but now I see you might be serious…

First, BF is the easiest thing to deal with given you know exactly when it will end and where the mesmer will be after the blur ends (unless they chain blink or something else at the end to escape the damage, but then they’ve wasted a key skill so take advantage of that). Very easy to save up damage and apply cc or hit hard immediately on evade end. It’s a total non-issue. I have zero problems with blurred frenzy when playing any class. Not to mention retal kittens all over it. BF has been nerfed enough in the past, leave it alone.

Perma evade? lol, what else is there currently (before we get well of precognition) apart from normal dodges and BF? No other weapon offers evade, nor does any utility (again apart from well of precog). I’ll give you perma evade – try melee GS + Sw/D Ranger, now that is true perma evade…

Stealth bursts are very easy to predict and avoid if you know the mesmer is fighting you. It’s only when you don’t know a mesmer is in the vicinity and they gank you while you’re fighting another player(s) that you can’t do much. But seriously that’s the same with any class that ganks you – this is pvp with predefined teams, not wvw – if there’s a mesmer on the enemy team then look at the kitten mini map and pay attention to where they are and whether they plan to engage you in combat.

If 1v1ing a mesmer then most of the time the bursts are extremely predictable and easy to avoid. If they stealth while fighting, wait and anticipate incoming damage by dodging or using a defensive skill. If they go for burst outside of stealth then you have no excuses to not see the obvious animations and avoid at least the initial burst. If they stun use a stunbreak, if daze just dodge first…

Even then you can easily do things like engi shield 4 magnetic knockback to a stealthed mesmer to mess up their skill usage and I’m a total noob/crap engi yet still manage to dodge, block or otherwise avoid mesmer bursts and mess up their skill use – because as a mesmer main I understand how the average mesmer thinks. Not just how the class functions, but how mesmer players minds work and the subtle patterns in play that usually arise.

I can’t do the same to say necros (or engineers, eles and several other classes) for example because I have barely touched necro and have no idea of the thought process/personality that goes behind playing one so I have no idea how necro mains think, even though I know enough about how the class functions to fight against it.

+1 to you sir.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Tetsuji.5937


No! this is not a troll post. I want it taken 100% serious. As I’ve said, its a serious issue ingame currently that needs to be taken a peak at. I dont mind if they buff mesmer sword 2 by giving it a dmg increase. but lowering the evade time or removing the ability to use shatter skills while using that skill. as ALL OF US pvpers do know. theres a off balance in spvp currently vs the meta users and the old school players. If it was a troll post I wouldnt be spending my time here typing up but instead trying to make jokes about this stuff.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Mak.2657


Dude, how long are you playing pvp? How many games have you played (ranked, unranked, etc)?
Again, as far as I can see, you are new to pvp and very inexperienced. Suggest you to stop calling for nerfs (not saying that you are right or not) and start read forums and guides.

(edited by Mak.2657)

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Fay.2357


Just another case of ‘unskilled player gets dunked by a mesmer in ways that they don’t understand and comes to the forums to complain instead of getting better’.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I find it cute how some people think because they have trouble beating some specs, “all of us PvPers” know those specs are OP…
I don’t play burn guard, yet I don’t think it is OP. Actually I tried it and got destroyed so I went back to my bunker guard.
I don’t play PU mesmer. I don’t like fighting PU mesmers. Yet I don’t think they are OP, just annoying.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


All I’m saying is the crap is annoying. You use the blurred Frenzy shatter stealth burst set up. Repeat. the shatters have blinds i mean your already perma evading. then your hiding. I dont think you guys have fought a good mesmer that knows what im talking about. Now I dont even care about warriors endure pain thats not even OP at all. actually tbh Its perfectly fine.

You guys are failing to read. Which is causing this to be blown away. Mesmers atm are the strongest class. They are tanky. can full heal. and can reset faster then thiefs can. they also have the evade the pu stealth or Mantra bursts which give them stat bonuses allowing them to be in berserker. I’ve also played PU shatter and i know once you get the rotation down its easy to play.

Now Burns. Its a big issue currently in the picture i posted I managed to do 7.2k burns. in spvp. Yes i was built for it. but The thing is even though your built for it You have so much more utiltiy. Im talking about engineer and Ele burns. Ele burn are slightly worst then Engineers but engineers stack faster. Condi cleanse is sort of an issue.

Cele Ammy. It still needs a nerf. Any good engineer or d/d ele will agree with me. I dont have many valid points to prove it should but its quite annoying burning down a good cele ele or engineer when they can heal up in a second from near death

Also Blood sigil is broken still no life steal.

About engie cele ammy – the pre-June 23 cele rifle 2-kit was waaaaaaaay better than the current cele FT.

The marauder rifle nades is a more formidable foe than the cele FT.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: ReaperJr.5967


All I’m saying is the crap is annoying. You use the blurred Frenzy shatter stealth burst set up. Repeat. the shatters have blinds i mean your already perma evading. then your hiding. I dont think you guys have fought a good mesmer that knows what im talking about. Now I dont even care about warriors endure pain thats not even OP at all. actually tbh Its perfectly fine.

You guys are failing to read. Which is causing this to be blown away. Mesmers atm are the strongest class. They are tanky. can full heal. and can reset faster then thiefs can. they also have the evade the pu stealth or Mantra bursts which give them stat bonuses allowing them to be in berserker. I’ve also played PU shatter and i know once you get the rotation down its easy to play.

Now Burns. Its a big issue currently in the picture i posted I managed to do 7.2k burns. in spvp. Yes i was built for it. but The thing is even though your built for it You have so much more utiltiy. Im talking about engineer and Ele burns. Ele burn are slightly worst then Engineers but engineers stack faster. Condi cleanse is sort of an issue.

Cele Ammy. It still needs a nerf. Any good engineer or d/d ele will agree with me. I dont have many valid points to prove it should but its quite annoying burning down a good cele ele or engineer when they can heal up in a second from near death

Also Blood sigil is broken still no life steal.

All you’re showing is that you have no idea how to play. Mesmer is okay, celestial amulet is okay, burn is questionable. I consider myself a pretty good ele and I’ve fought many top tier mesmer before. They can be op 1v1 if they spec for it, but so can other classes (except warrior). They are strong in tpvp but reasonably so.

I’ve managed to beat many burn guardians with warrior using only brawlers recovery as condi cleanse so I’m pretty sure it’s a l2p problem

Lord Ninth \\ Champion Magus
- Primordial Legend

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Tetsuji apparently you don’t know how to actually play the game and want every class you have problems with brought to your level of play where they don’t hinder you.

I’m glad the Devs look at stats of the game and take all the QQ posts made with a grain of salt.

Again an attack/ evade with mediocre dps and causes the mesmer to be stationary and rooted that is easily avoided if you played using the already provided counters and mechanics in the game called dodge, or even simpler moving out of the way, and the whole burst to take time to setup and is not in the least instant setup up.

But no you want classes nerfed, for no other reason than you needing to l2p, every gripe you have made is easily countered or avoided. Yes Burn is borderline but still handled relatively easily.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Tetsuji.5937


Tetsuji apparently you don’t know how to actually play the game and want every class you have problems with brought to your level of play where they don’t hinder you.

I’m glad the Devs look at stats of the game and take all the QQ posts made with a grain of salt.

Again an attack/ evade with mediocre dps and causes the mesmer to be stationary and rooted that is easily avoided if you played using the already provided counters and mechanics in the game called dodge, or even simpler moving out of the way, and the whole burst to take time to setup and is not in the least instant setup up.

But no you want classes nerfed, for no other reason than you needing to l2p, every gripe you have made is easily countered or avoided. Yes Burn is borderline but still handled relatively easily.

Alright man 1v1 me Why dont you actually just add me pal. use your main too. Lets see If i dont know how to play.

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Here, I made you a basic instructional since you seem to be struggling

Mesmers, Burns, and Celestial.

in PvP

Posted by: Anzriel.1398


Tetsuji apparently you don’t know how to actually play the game and want every class you have problems with brought to your level of play where they don’t hinder you.

I’m glad the Devs look at stats of the game and take all the QQ posts made with a grain of salt.

Again an attack/ evade with mediocre dps and causes the mesmer to be stationary and rooted that is easily avoided if you played using the already provided counters and mechanics in the game called dodge, or even simpler moving out of the way, and the whole burst to take time to setup and is not in the least instant setup up.

But no you want classes nerfed, for no other reason than you needing to l2p, every gripe you have made is easily countered or avoided. Yes Burn is borderline but still handled relatively easily.

Alright man 1v1 me Why dont you actually just add me pal. use your main too. Lets see If i dont know how to play.

Just an FYI since you keep mentioning it, the game isn’t really balanced around 1v1s, it’s balanced around spvp as a whole. If you keep saying ‘this class is OPed because it’s good 1v1’ you’re just asking to be ignored by devs and made fun of on the forums.

Also saying ‘all pvpers agree’ in a topic with many pvper disagreeing makes it look pretty bad in general. For the record I really don’t see mesmer as being ridiculously OPed as you do either, if they were, you’d see every team stacking them like d/d cele ele, but you really don’t.