Meta Differences between EU and NA?
EU teams often have a full bunker/support ele. The eles normally have a preference to s/d instead of d/d.
NA is normally more offensive with all their eles and include d/d builds with ogre runes or valk amulet. Pretty much NA meta is 1 bunker + 4 dps, but recently NA has run into a lot of engis with a lot of condi comps that include 2 engis or 1 necro + 1 engi.
Both servers usually have a mesmer/guardian somewhere in the mix.
tl;dr EU has bunker eles that run s/d while NA has d/d eles that are more offensive, NA more offensive in general, EU more defensive to play true conquest. Mesmers/guardians in the mix on both servers
I’m surprised there was like no super bunker teams, in the beginning in guild wars 1 the top GvG team had like 6 monk/mesmers that healed and slowly drained mana. a flag running ranger, and a warrior. Eventually either the other team would quit or slowly get warn downand start dying.
I was really expecting to see some sort of 3-4 bunker teams with 1-2 high surviability damage dealers.
The main difference IMO enlies in backpoint class favorites and the way the 2 scenes play the ele class. EU seems to prefer s/d bunker ele -or s/d offensive with 2 arcane skills, where you very rarely see this on NA. On NA nearly every single ele runs d/d aurashare build with 3 cantrips (i’d say at least 95%).
For home point bunker EU seems to gravitate towards mesmer as the “go to” pick, whereas NA tends to lean towards trap or bm ranger. -but neither is completely unheard of for both scenes (IDL on EU has the ranger Battosai that sometimes takes home point, and on NA many teams used to run Mesmer home -jbuo, cute, tp NA, ect…)
I wouldn’t say one scene is more or less of anything than the other, but EU is much more established right now and as a result their meta is a bit tighter mechanic-wise.
Oh and I’ve never rely heard of an EU team running warrior (accept NN kind of?) -but that may just be because their streams are so hard to catch for us NA guys.
(edited by Zodian.6597)
Very cool! thanks for the great answers guys.