(edited by SamTheGuardian.2938)
Meta reduced to five builds
I think there might be some wiggle-room with the second chronomancer, depending on how you want to play. Instead of chrono, you’d most likely add physical DMG, like the Scrapper. Scrapper is atm used, cuz it doesn’t insta-die against revs and can actually 1v1 them. It also wins against Staff-Ele 1v1 that’s used pretty often as the support-tempest (it looses to D/D tempest though, but this one obviously has less support).
Anyways, I think there might be some other physical DPS-builds that could work instead scrapper (theorycrafted and playtested some things in this meta):
Shatter-Mesmer with stealth or Thief: Both have good mobility, boonstrip and CC: Mobility is higher than scrapper, sustain is lower. DPS is somewhat similar, but they both add boonstrip which is pretty strong against Rev. Obviously they get countered by the reveal of the Engi though, so they have to know how to dodge that kittenznit.
So metabattle only copies ESL games now? Lol.
It’s funny because it reinforces that meta. It goes from pro league to metabattle to the players.
DH and reaper are more than great.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Don’t hate the players, hate the game. People are simply doing what they determined is best that the system put into place. I’m currently doing some theory and “practice” to find a counter to that composition. There were some duels where I got creamed hard on druid against Dragonhunter and while I have successfully dueled some revenants I still need to find a viable counter (I run celestial). The teleport attack that follows you can be spammed, but reventant uses energy. Unrelenttng assault seems like a good time to pop signet of stone. Glyph of the tides would just be evaded by the attack.
The things I hate right now:
1. Theorycrafting in the higher tiers has all but dried up. New possibilities will be overlooked.
2. Everyone bandwagoning on flavor of the month bunker mes whether to win unraked matches or money in proleague.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
This is why gw1 had a much better pvp system. With dual professions (classes) and hundreds of skills your choice of builds and tech skills combos were almost unlimitless.
Did it still have its fotm sure. But even then when you know what was meta you could find ways to counter it.
So metabattle only copies ESL games now? Lol.
It’s funny because it reinforces that meta. It goes from pro league to metabattle to the players.
DH and reaper are more than great.
Reaper loses to tempest and rev 1v1, does nothing to them in teamfights either and is always the first target downed in teamfights. Cele-reaper, even when you go with dagger and a more power-oriented build, is sub-par at best, nowhere near the alternatives. Also, because the meta moved away from power-spikes, no ele needs to run stoneheart and they can go into diamond skin without any drawbacks. Trust me, I’ve tried some Necro builds I thought would work (similar to the one Nos run in the last ProLeague matches) and it’s just silly to deal no DMG AT ALL to most of the top-builds and only very very little to the rest of them, while being killed almost instantly.
DH was strong because it abused a meta that ran almost no stability: now we have bunker-mesmer and rev’s that use the double-stability trait: Much more stability. Also, the Ele’s offer some absorb/deflect and every build thats used in the meta has so many evades/invulns/distortion etc, DH just does nothing. It also gets eaten alive by Rev’s and doesn’t stand a chance in any 1v1 against the big meta-builds. Literally utterly useless. One major thing for the Guards survival are blocks (aegis, focus etc.), they work great against few strong attacks, like thief, but guess what, a sword 3 of a rev will eat your blocks and then kill you within seconds. The other blocks that block for a certain amount of time like the elite meditation, worked well against focused dmg-spikes with low sustained pressure: But Rev just puts so many stacks of condis on you and applies constant pressure, that you’ll die anyways, just a few seconds later. Concentrated spikes with thief, shattermesmer etc. had a longer “wind-up-time” for the next spike and less sustained pressure.
That being said: if they nerf Rev, things might change pretty quickly for those builds to be very powerful again, but in the current, very specific meta that revolves around rev and bunker-mesmer, they are simply bad. They both just get hard-countered.
(edited by PowerBottom.5796)
This is why gw1 had a much better pvp system. With dual professions (classes) and hundreds of skills your choice of builds and tech skills combos were almost unlimitless.
Did it still have its fotm sure. But even then when you know what was meta you could find ways to counter it.
? The last 2 years of gw1 GvG was exact mirror teams running the exact same builds, in the exact same composition. Winning came down to who who used what at the better time/target. If you log into gw1 today and watch a GvG match nothing has changed. It may have had more skills and duel professions, but you’re under a illusion if you believe this meant loads of diversity at top tier. There was no diversity at top tier. When, on the rare occasion it appeared, it quickly got nerfed. (E.G The small time frame paragon got used or twin dervish were used over warrior.) Apart from that diversity thrived for 5-6 months after the 2nd expac factions, but after that it became mirror teams right through to current day.
So metabattle only copies ESL games now? Lol.
It’s funny because it reinforces that meta. It goes from pro league to metabattle to the players.
DH and reaper are more than great.
No, the community gets to upvote recommended builds. But in general the builds they publish come from Twitch.
So metabattle only copies ESL games now? Lol.
It’s funny because it reinforces that meta. It goes from pro league to metabattle to the players.
DH and reaper are more than great.
Lol. Maybe in hotjoins.
DH and Reaper are both insanely easy to kill. Unlike the 5 builds mentioned in OP.
Reaper especially. A little bit of CC/lockdowns and they drop like flies.
Remember we’re talking competitive PvP, organized teams that know how to focus 1 target. This ain’t solo queue where you can expect some pug thief to run face first into a dragon’s maw and die instantly.
Current meta for GW2 sPvP according to MetaBattle Wiki (the site ArenaNet recommends we follow) has been reduced to five builds.
As pointed out by recent posting by ESL Pro team APEX Prime team captain, the most optimal (read OP) combination to use isHerald – Condi Mayllx x2
Chronomancer – Bunker x2
Tempest – AuramancerNot only is the most optimal config boring and not fun, it’s just horrible that this combination and this reduced set of classes dominate PvP. When people cry that PvP is broken. When the meta is broken it destroys everything else. Fun for the best players is deluded. On the bottom end, you have match making algorithm that does not consider build choice so it’s likely to get combinations where although MMR is matched well, build composition (Elite meta vs old meta) is now giving one non-premade an advantage over the other (this is in a system that already is matching pre-mades to non-premades often). Complete unbalanced kitten and ArenaNet is doing nothing at all…
ArenaNet, please acknowledge your multiple failures on sPvP balance and the overall League system. An apology to your play base would be appropriate. Please clean house internally on those who did this to sPvP and hire experienced talent from Blizzard or some other company competent with balance.
A bit over the top with the cleaning house thing.
Also why dont you just play a blizzard game?
So metabattle only copies ESL games now? Lol.
It’s funny because it reinforces that meta. It goes from pro league to metabattle to the players.
DH and reaper are more than great.
Today me and some guild mates wanted to do the PvP guild missions so we did.
We ran old school staff ele- old school dps ranger- cele glyph druid- MM shout necro- and bunker mesmer.
The first people we target is necros then dh. The mesmer is popping them up, the ele puts the condi on and the ranger uses that longbow range. They quickly die and we play for 3 cap. We won 5 straight with our 5 man team. Any team that had a dh or reaper we kind of stomped.
I know what you will say about us crushing crap players but they just dont stand up well against the constant pressure. helseth was asked why a change was made from necro and rev and he said that the rez button on his keyboard had started to break.
These 2 classes crushes lower tier solo que levels but when you get 5 vs 5 where everyone is on the same page. They are just not as good.
I wish the developer had more respect to its pvp player base. I cringe when I see people take up their time to post lengthy material about how they feel about the current state of the game. Wake up and don’t turn your back to the people that truly care abt this game.